>When did I become such a wuss?

>Happy Fridayyyy!! Whoop Whoop

I am so pumped for the weekend. It’s been an exhausting week in scienceland and I am greatly looking forward to spending some quality time with Sir DVR and some highly anticipated holiday shopping in Georgetown:




I love Gtown Prior to moving here, I had a very different opinion of the city in my head. I imagined it as a dirty, crime-ridden city, mostly concrete in appearance. But it’s quite the opposite. I hope I live here for a very, very long time…wink wink MF

It rarely snows in DC but this weekend we are expecting 8-12 inches! I’m not sure how the city is going to handle this (seriously). It’s quite hysterical to me as I grew up in NH (but you’d never know it, as turn into a toddler in the cold) and 12 inches, was just an average snowstorm. But really, how many companies exist in the south (OK, not technically the ‘South’, I have learned the difference from living here…ha) to deal with snow storms? Last year it snowed maybe two times (1-2 inches) and everyone in the city literally forgot how to drive and all schools were cancelled…Sorry I’ll stop bashing my city now, I really do love it here 🙂

Thinking of this impending storm, I thought about all the things I’m going to miss. Most notably, running around the Potomac:


and around the National mall/Reflecting Pool:


(Looks like I will reacquainted with the spinning apparatus of death (Not sure which blog I read this term on, but think it’s hilarious..and might agree).

and of course drinks at the Gtown waterfront:




Despite my clear hate of the cold, I am greatly looking forward to spending the holidays in NH! You see, it kinda works out well for me: Brave this “miserable” (ha) 40 degree winter in DC, spend the holidays surrounded in NH’s beauty (with snow for Christmas of course), then come back here and let y’all in NE brave the rest of it out for me…Sound like a plan? Okay, thanks so much 🙂

Whelp, back to staring at this beautiful image for the next hour or so…

(Gotta love Days-0-Excel)….Scienceland is quiet today, filled mostly with data (schmata? J/k labmates) analysis.

Have a great weekend! I leave you with some holiday cheer I saw last night (yep, antlers and lights):


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