>Whataya mean, no computer???????


Soooo sorry I’ve been MIA lately. My computer is sickkkk 😦 In the meantime, here’s a quick post from the roomie’s comp (Thanks Jess (!); I should be back in business Friday or Sat):
>>>Inspired by one of my favorite quick restaurants Chop’t (and my new knife/cutting board), we’ve been making a lot of salad variations around the apt. Honestly, salads are one of my favorite meals, health and taste-wise.

Tonight’s giganto salad:

^^Pre-cooked diced chicken breasts, romaine lettuce, spring mix lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avacados, black beans, cranberries, and (the best part) Goddess dressing.

Tip #1
: To reduce calories in salad dressing, dilute with a splash of balsamic vinegar. You keep the great taste but make it ‘thin out’ allowing you to use less to achieve the same taste.

Here’s what I used tonight:

Tip #2: Double-toast whole grain bread, drizzle them with balsamic vinegar (or a little bit of your favorite dressing), then let cool until they harden. Chop, and there ya go!

^^My favorite bread is Ezekiel!

Soooo….What are your weekend plans??? I have a busy busy weekend…aaaagain. Friday I have a supa long experiment, then hoping to do some yoga before meeting some friends in my program out for a few bev’s. Sat morning, I’m running a 10-mile road race (!) then finishing up Friday’s experiment (an exciting one!)…..Sat night plans are TBD…Hmmm Sunday will prob be a trip to my favvvvorite mall to fix the specs so I can READ again (!), spinning, then a girls’ night dinner.
Oh, and I plan to sleeeeeeep in on Sunday. I’m shooting for 12pm. What-da- ya think???
>>>What are youuu doing this weekend? And do you feels as disconnected from the world as I do without your computer????

4 thoughts on “>Whataya mean, no computer???????

  1. >I hope your computer is fixed soon! And yes, I HATE it when i can't get online. It's actually pretty sad that we are so hooked. But whatever :)Sounds like a nice weekend actually! Good luck with the race!My weekend.. I'm supposed to have a blind date sat night :/ Not sure how I feel about that haha other than that, locking myself in my house to do massive amounts of homework and study for tests this coming week. Yay for that!…

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