>Sneaks, snacks, and a funk mood

>Howdy hoooo,

How was your Wednesday/hump(ing?) day??? I woke early for a 5-miler around the Potomac River and more importantly to break in ma new running kicks:

^Old vs. new. These are my 7th pair! Hey if the shoe fits, right? Actually, I tore a muscle on the top of my foot a few years ago (because I have redic high arches and had crappy flat sneakers) and since the injury these are the only ones that don’t cause me pain.

After cooling down and stretching a bit, I made my favorite oats combo:

^1/3 cup oats, 1 tsp flax seeds, 1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1/2 frozen nanner, blob PB, blob strawberry preserves, H20, dash sea salt. Yeeeeee-UM.

Lab was pretty uneventful (most of my exciting experiments take place today and tomorrow). My program is interviewing doctoral candidates so I attended a meet/greet lunch (sandwiches, cookies, etc) to meet the new peeps. Some were really nice and others were well, awkward. Guess that’s science for ya! Lol

I ate a late 2nd lunch (massive salad monster) so last night I was in a snack-y mood when I got home. With the limited items I had, here’s what I went for:

^Toasted millet bread (minus a bite) w/ dairy-free Eath balance, cinnamon, and mesquite (combo courtesy of Fitnessista).

^Nanner bites (PB and strawberry preserves on top)

^Cereal mix (~1/2 cup Trader Joe’s High Fiber Cereal, unsweetened coconut, raisins, carob chips and blobs of almond butter, strawberry preserves, and peach preserves

Note: Is ‘preserves’ the correct word?? Sounds a bit strage to me, I think I’ll say ‘jelly’ from now on.

Yep, it hit the spot.

This morning I totally woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Nothing to be cranky over, I think the snoozing through my alarm (and missing my run) put me into a funk. Does this happen to you??? Do you wake sometimes in a crabby mood for no reason???

Because today is gonna be a supa long day in scienceland, I knew I needed to lift my spirits. Sooo, what did I do??? Well 1) made a delish Green Monster and 2) picked up some goodies for my morning commute:

^Trash mag and coffee (steamed soy + cinnamon). And seriously Brad, shave that goat-like appendage already.

If you have the chance to visit Le Pain Quotidien for coffee or brunch/lunch, please do so! They whip up (imo) the best coffee. Also, all of their breads are baked fresh daily and they have a wonderful menu.

And justtttt before my stop, these little cuties boarded, further improving my mood.

^Wagon times 3. How cute?!

Well I’m gonna get back to my experiment. Tonight is gonna be a late one….but it’s REAL HOUSEWIVES night (Orange County season finale + New York season premiere!)

Have a bueno day!

QUESTION: What are your “tricks” to get you outta a funk???



And thanks to Jessica for this award:

I’m supposed to fill this out and pass it along to 5 others. So here ya go:

BEST MEAL EVER: I’m gonna have to go with Maryland crab cakes. Not the healthiest of course, but if I needed to chose a last meal, this might be it.

BEST SLEEP EVER: The night after my program’s qualifying exam. After your first year you are given an exam (you have 5 hours to complete) on anything and everything you should have learned your 1st year of classes. You have 3 chances to pass it (with a 75%) or you get a boot from the program!

BEST ROMANTIC MOMENT: Seth and I stayed at an amazing Spa Bed & Breakfast in Charlottesville, VA. Words can not describe how much I love this place. We had the most amazing weekend. If you ever travel to Charlottesville pleeeease let me give you the name of this B&B.

BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Under our older cousin’s “supervision/babysitting” my siblings, cousins and I squirted dish soap and water all over the kitchen floor and skated around like Pippi Longstocking. It was a great idea until the floor turned black from our dirty feet.

BEST MOMENT IN LIFE: It’s a tie: Finishing the Boston Marathon for the first time and getting accepted into my ‘dream’ PhD program.

BEST MOMENT OF REVENGE: I’m not really into “active” revenge per se, but I won’t admit I don’t get some comfort knowing certain people from high school are doing absolutely nothing with their lives 🙂

BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR SOMEONE: I can’t think of an isolated event, but I’d like to say my research is the best thing I’m doing (designing anti-cancer drugs).

BEST LIFE CHANGING MOMENT: Moving to Boston for college. I grew up in a small town with no diversity. It was a great experience getting out into the real world and meeting people from all walks of life.

I’ve nominated 5 others that are very ‘Honest’ with their blogging (I interpret that to mean people that I admire for ‘putting it all out there’ and being truly honest to their readers).

1. Shelley from Finding Happiness and Health

2. Kailey from SnackFace

3. Averie from Loves Veggies and Yoga

4. Katie from Faith, Food, & Fitness

5. Caronae from Run. Write. Therapy. Life.

20 thoughts on “>Sneaks, snacks, and a funk mood

  1. >Ooooo, how exciting! I can't wait to do it, I love talking about myself, clearly :)My getting out of a funk technique usually involves treating myself and making myself feel special: this always raises my mood, whether it's a good new book, a nap, or my favorite froyo.

  2. >AWW girl thank you SO much for that award! you are so sweet!!OKAY blah i hate waking up on the wrong side of the bed!! this happened to me the other day, but i was PMS-ing.. is it hormones?! usually thats the case for me!!LOVEEE your romantic moment 🙂 🙂

  3. >thanks for the award, lauren! that's so sweet of you! yes, I am honest and blog from the heart, thanks for noticing and the props :)the trashy mag & coffee, the cereal with carobs and raisins, and the bakery and your whole foodie ensemble here, nice eats girl!

  4. >Yay for new running shoes…if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? And yes, if we're ever in each other's cities, a running date would be absolutely mandatory 🙂 What a delicious looking cereal bowl! Preserves is a weird term, I agree, but it sounds so much nicer than jelly! I love LPQ, too but it's so overpriced. The best things usually are! Have a great Friday 🙂

  5. >So much to comment on in this post! First, you ran the Boston Marathon? No way girl, you rock!!!! And as for the running shoes, when something works… I love my Asics.I wake up like that sometimes. Don't know why, you just have to go with the flow. Sometimes i'll give in and wallow in my bad mood (yes, very healthy I know) but I can get myself out of it by telling myself that I WILL be happy and today WILL be a good day, and it usually works. Some shopping therapy and treat from Starbucks doesn't hurt either ;)Your best childhood memory – that sounds so fun!!!And I loooove PB & J oats with strawberry preserves.. and I guess that's the right word, ha?Have a great weekend!!

  6. >Ooooh! I'm loving the "preserves", LOL. I've been calling mine jam! 😀 I get out of a funk by getting good cardio in (ie one of my fantastic classes). I am ALWAYS happier after one of my classes, plus my friends are all at the gym with me…hard to stay in a funk then!!! 😀 Have a great weekend, can't wait to hear about the experiments! xoxo

  7. >Love your cereal mix – those are the best snacks. I just call it jam or jelly, I've never heard anyone say preserves up here. Those toddlers are adorable, nothing like kids to cheer me up!!

  8. >I love nut butter and jam on my oatmeal! So so good. I do the same thing as your cereal bowl, I call it a craving bowl because it always satisfies the need for every flavor and consistency!

  9. >Helllllo! Yes! I am from NE as well! North of Boston- Andover 🙂 I am so with you on the shoes- I get almost the same pair every time. That cereal blend looks just incredibly delicious! Hope you're having a good weekend

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