>Kiss me, I’m Swedish (and Portuguese!)

>Seems everyone is a little Irish on St. Patty’s day πŸ˜‰

This morning I woke early (for once!) and headed out for a 5-mile run as the sun was coming up….

Perdyy but muddy…

Ravishing after the run, I made a Green Monster in the spirit of St. Patty’s Day:

^1 small frozen nanner, ~1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1 scoop Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein, 2 tsp Sun Warrior Greens (see below), 1 tsp flax seed oil, 1 cup spinach…Crazy how good this tastes!

New greens:

^LOVE em!

And here’s some workout motivation for the day:

^Saw these two ladies trail running the morning! Did you know there’s a 70+ age category in the Boston Marathon???

Have a great day!

QUESTION: Any St. Patty’s plans??? And do you use Twitter??? I do πŸ™‚ Add me and let’s chat

xx, Laur

22 thoughts on “>Kiss me, I’m Swedish (and Portuguese!)

  1. >I've always wanted to run a marathon, but I just don't think I can. I know that's defeatist thinking… but seriously… it seems so hard! I like doing my 45 min of the elliptical each day… and sometimes… THAT seems like too much!! =) Maybe one of these days…

  2. >awesome scenery! you are from boston?! YAY! i am too, still live here and love it, but DC is great too πŸ™‚ I love seeing older pepople workout, I hope that's me someday!

  3. >I live in Annandale. We just had a Northern Virginia blogger meetup and it was mad fun and I think we should do another one downtown and have DC bloggers too!

  4. >Your run along the river looks pretty! And I love when I see old people running; saw a man yesterday who chatted with me. Twas adorable! I legit am half Irish but never remember to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, oddly enough!

  5. >Hey Lauren! I just stumbled across your blog…and I'm glad I did!! πŸ™‚ Wow those older women are amazing. They are a perfect example that health and fitness should be a lifelong journey.

  6. >Have fun on your run! I love looking at your pics because I doubt I will ever visit DC..and you make it look so pretty! If I'm MIA I'm at my parents again, my Dad's not doing so well, and I knew I needed to fly home again. Will try to check in like normal, though!Good Luck! ((Hugs))!

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