>Food staples and sleepy days


Happy hump day! How has your week been?? I’ve been soooo tired this week I don’t know what my problemo is. I’ve spend more $$ on these lately:

^Coffee w/ steamed soy + cinnamon

And less time in the gym in the past few days. Eh, oh well guess I need it??? I plan to run home from lab today (~7 miles) so we’ll see how that goes! ha

Speaking of Starbucks, I took this pic the other day because I think it’s awesome how many restaurants, coffee shops, etc. are becoming healthier and *more natural*…

I am in desperate need of a grocery run so my eats have been pretty standard lately, at least in the breakfast department.

Oats of champions:

^1/3 cup oats, 1/2 scoop Sun Warrior Protein, 3 tbsp egg whites, cinnamon swirl PB, raisins, cinnamon, stevia, dash sea salt.

BEST. TOPPING. EVER. <– I may or may not have finished that bottle in less than a week 😛

And “Green” Monsters:

^1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1 scoop Sun Warrior Protein, 2 tsp Sun Warrior Supergreens 1 tsp flax seed oil, H20, and stevia….Clearly need to consult color wheel before aiming for a green one! ha

PS…I LOVE the SunWarrior Greens:

More snacks:

^Diced honeycrisp apple w/ cinnamon, mesquite, and cinnamon swirl PB (yes I know I’m obsessed, ha)

^Does Sangria count as a snack when consumed on a Saturday before 12pm?? 😉

Okeeey before I head back to the land-of-science, here are some more pics of the new pup, Michael:


Have a great day!!

QUESTION: When in desperate need of a grocery run, what are your food staples?? And, do you take a few days off from working out when you’re just too tired??


14 thoughts on “>Food staples and sleepy days

  1. >every time i see that peanut butter in the store i think i should get it but wish i could sample it first! it sounds amazing though :)i always have brown rice or pasta, frozen veggies, and chicken in the house…you can make just about any meal from that!

  2. >I feel like I'm constantly going to the grocery store to stock up on fruit + veg!! Cereal is another one of my staples. Love the morning Sangria…nothing like a cocktail to make it feel like the weekend!!

  3. >Girl I just had some cinnamon raisin swirl on my yogurt this morning! Yum! Love it too!!And yes sangria counts as a snack, love that you had it early in the day!! I LOVE sangria!!! I took some days off from working out this week too, listen to your body, because if your tired you should not workout, and dont feel guilty love!!!xoxoxo

  4. >Mmm staples: Obsessed with greek yogurt + frozen blueberries + Cascadian Kids' Cinnamon cereal. Tastes JUST LIKE cheesecake. Also, the standard peanut or almond butter, oats and banana. COFFEE…and roasted broccoli and cauliflower with cayenne pepper =)Your body is probably tired from dominating that half-marathon! I'm running my third in May, and I would be elated to make that time!!LOVE your pupper- such a cutie pie!

  5. >If I'm tired I'll usually just walk on the treadmill at an incline just for something low impact but still burns calories and maybe some sort of light weight training just to keep my endorphins going…..and staples? I usually make sure I always have sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, some form of nut butter (usually Barney Butter) and oats 🙂

  6. >Hello Mr. Puppy! He is too cute 🙂 And I can totally go through pb and co peanut butter in a week too! My food staple are apples, spinach, yogurt, and pb. Random, but it works. Happy weekend 🙂

  7. >My staples? Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, frozen veggies, frozen ezekiel bread, nut butters, honey, and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese… blue, parm, gorgonzola, feta, sharp cheddar, white cheddar, gouda, brie… doesn't matter… I can make a meal out of any of it. Hope you're having a great day!

  8. >Umm, so I'm addicted to Cinnamon Raisin Swirl – thanks a lot Lauren:) Lol, jks – it's just too good!!I'm loving Starbucks new healthy, "whole foods" offerings too:) Such a positive development.I don't like taking days off from working out, since I find that even when you're tired it can improve your energy, but I think there are definitely days (like 12+ hour study sessions) that make a day or two off, totally legit.Hope you had a great weekend chica, xoxo.

  9. >hey girl! BEAUTIFUL pics and delish eats!!! my staples are DEF oats, PB, yogurt, cottage cheese..the usual 🙂 and i would love to do a guest post for you!! the next few weeks are CRAZY tho, so if you could let me know in advance i could work on it a little at a time! thanks soo much for asking me 🙂

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