

How are you? Hope your week is off to a great start! I decided to make this post completely random and post pictures of food, activities, etc. from the past few days…

Made roasted onion and eggplant (boiled then broiled) and topped with curry, sea salt, pepper:

And topped with my current obsession:

^Seriously get a hold of this stuff. You’ll thank me later.

on this combo quite a bit:

^Kashi Go lean, Trader Joe’s High Fiber Cereal, raisins, sea-salted peanuts, Better N’ Peanut Butter

Did a little fitness reading by the pool. What do you think of Oxygen magazine??

^I think it has great advice/workout routines/etc. but think the overwhelming amounts of diet pill ads are pretty lame.

Snapped this pic because I think it delivers a GREAT MESSAGE:


Received a Thank You card and picture
for attending the wedding in Tremblant, Quebec:

^Seriously could they have bleached out our faces anymore??? Hello, Casper.

Did a quick grocery trip and came across this MASSIVE can of beans..

^Maybe not as funny as I found it?? HAHA

Came across some old home videos circa 1990:

^I’m at the bottom with the long hair (other two are my sister and brother)

Had the same breakfast (Chocolate Covered Strawberry Protein Smoothie) for the last 4-5 days and STILL looking forward to it tomorrow:

^Chocolate whey, frozen strawberries, ice, ice H20, pinch xanthan gum, stevia, dash sea salt.

Ventured to the Georgetown Waterfront to enjoy a cocktail with friends and the beautiful riverside scenery:

Swedish Embassy:

OK KIDS, I’m off to a BodyPump class then meeting Kels (sister) for lunch at Chop’t and a little Tarjayyy shopping then volunteering with ma kiddos!!!

Have a great week!!!

QUES: Whats the most RANDOM thing you did/saw/ate/watched this weekend???



>All good in ma hood


I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend! How’s the weather? It’s HAAAAWWWWTTTT here in Washington, DC!

A little reeeeewind…

I’ve had a pretty great weekend so far. Got in a few killer workouts:

Friday: BodyPump class + 4-mile run
Saturday: p90x plyometrics DVD


^Post- p90x ploymetrics. NUTS. And, I need a tan. Badly.

And the meals weren’t slackin’ either:

^Had this about 3 times this weekend, LOL. Spiralized zucchini, steamed veggies, diced tofu, small handful sea-salted peanuts, and Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. LOVE the hot/cold combo.

And enjoyed quite a bit of the lovely weather:

^Not a cloud in the sky (Walking past National Cathedral)

And I said bye-bye to this place:

^Experimentland. I’ve been done experimenting for a few weeks now but it’s taken me several days to organize my research, clean out my bench area, etc. Today I packed my final box. Twas a little emotional..

This morning I woke early because the pup (aka Michael) was sickkkk. He made quite the mess in his little pen (perhaps TMI?), but with a face like this it’s hard to get upset:

Bright-eyed earlier than normal I made it to a BodyPump class. Wow, this Saturday class is popular. All 38 spots filled up FAST with a wait list of 10+. Good thing I signed up 2 days in advance!

I planned to do a little cardio afterwards, but my stomach was growling at me to rush home and eeeeeat. I whipped up a Green Monster in no time with my new OBSESSION:

^Pina Colada Whey Protein – Oh.my.gosh.is.this.good – Have you tried this or other Jay Robb products??

I also threw in 1/2 scoop of these Super Greens:

They are the best tasting concentrated Greens I’ve tried. Check out what’s in there:

^Not messin’ around.

Alright I’m gonna get back to my current entertainment…

GO USA!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!


>V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N (da da da daaah….)

>Hiiii y’all!!

Hope ya had a splendid HUMPPP day!!! I had to ask my sister what day of the week it was today – that just gives you a little clue what my week has been like 😉

Since my nursing course ended, I decided to give myself 2-3 days off until I dig deep into thesis-writing-land. And it’s been a glorious two days, let me tell you!

This morning I woke around 10am, and made a Green Monster smoothie:

^1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1/2 frozen nanner, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen pineapple, hand full spinach, 1/2 tsp xanthan gum, stevia, dash sea salt, ice, H20. YUMMM.

I enjoyed that guy and my coffee here:

^The way everyday should start. Ugh, if only I had 45 mins for breakfast everyday!

After digesting I headed to the gym for a killer (and I repeat KILLER) 60-min Club Strength class. I swear our teacher was a former drill Sargent. Feeling lethargic and sore (!), I stopped at GNC for a protein drink. I’m not usually one to buy these but was in the mood. Maybe my aching muscles were speaking to me….?

^CYTOMAX TROPICAL PROTEIN DRINK: Was pretty good! A little sweet for me, so I diluted it with H20 and drank half. Half of the bottle still gave me 20g protein (for 80 calories) – not so bad!

Feeling more energized I made my way to da poooool:

^Sun + refreshing pool + friends + trash mags = happiness

Ahhhh, I haven’t been this relaxed in ages! After laying out for as long as my SPF30-sprayed skin could handle, I walked home and whipped up some greens for lunch. In the summer I always find myself craving something COLD: salads, smoothies, and sushi. Do you???

With the little produce we had I made a salad of diced romaine, arugula, edamame, broccoli, red pepper hummus, sunflower seeds, and my FIRST homemade dressing!!! In the mix: 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1/4 tsp crushed garlic, 1/2 tsp spicy mustard.

The result = FANTASTIC. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but it was kinda amazing 😉

Still a little hungry and hankering for something sweet/chocolate-y, I split this guy with my sis:
^Clif Builder’s is SO. GOOD. Tastes like a Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie. I swear anything made by Clif is amazing.

I’ve also been craving frozen fruit lately. Besides throwing them in smoothies and eating them on their own, I’ve been looking for ideas. Yesterday I added some frozen raspberries and pineapple to my ice water:

^Perfect treat. By the time by H20 was gone, the fruit was thawed and delicious. New fav 🙂

So what’s on the agenda???
The weather’s cooled so I’m gonna go for a little runski then off to see Sex and the City 2! I’ve received/heard quite the mixed reviews – and that’s fine with me. I’ve watched the Gals since the beginning so why not see this one?? Plus I’m on VACATION..hehe.

OK kids, off to whip up some dinnah. Not going to lie and say I thought of something creative, because I’m about 95% positive it’s going to be the same as last night:

^Chicken grilled in Trader Joe’s Red Thai Curry sauce (AMAZING, btw) and hand fulls and hand fulls of sea salted- edemame.

QUESTION for ya: Do you make your own salad dressings??? If so, PLEASEEEE give me some ideas 🙂



>Calm after the storm

>Hellloooo! Happy Father’s Day! My daddy-O is in NH so I’m sad I couldn’t be with him. What did you do to celebrate???

This weekend was a bit more lax then last few. Now that my clinical is over I can breeeeathe. Saturday I got SIXTEEN hours of sleep! HAHAHA! I was sooo tired after waking up everyday before 6am that by Friday night I was SPENT! Sometime around 7pm I called it a night, LOL 🙂

Saturday I woke up refreshed (!) and make my current smoothie obsession:

^Chocolate-covered strawberry: 1 scoop Chocolate Whey protein, ~5 frozen strawberries, ice, cold H20, 1 tsp xanthan gum, stevia

After browsing my fav blogs, sites, and maaaaybe doing a little online shopping, I worked on my M.S. Thesis for a while then headed to the gym for a GRUELING 45 min spinning class. Seriously, I think I sprinted for at least 20 mins total. Nuts!

And because we are COMPLETELY out of groceries I headed to Trader Joe’s and complied this in no time:

^HA! Seriously, we had next to NOTHING. Orrrr, I’m just a foodie and needed everyyything. OK, maybe a little bit of both 😉

I also ground my own coffee for the first time!

^Sorry for my icky nails and cut! LOL

Not sure why I haven’t done this before! For you Trader Joe’s fanatics and coffee lovers, any recommendations on a good TJ’s coffee??? I tried the Breakfast blend and its pretty good.

Later in the evening my long-lost-friend Ally came over and had a little dinnah party. On the menu:

^Veggies and laughing cow cheese (plus several kinds of hummus, no pictured)

Polenta pizza crust topped with diced tomatoes, EVOO, fresh basil, and fresh garlic:

^LOVE this. The hot (crust) and cold (topping) combo was amazin’

Bean salad from Whole Foods:

^Ally brought this because she loves me and is well aware of my bean obsession!

My plate:


^SO easy to make! We used Soverign Blanc, small splash peach schnapps and triple sec, dash stevia, and frozen fruit (we used pineapples, raspberries, peaches, and strawberries)

After our food coma subsided, we headed to the Georgetown Waterfront to meet our roommate Steve and my Manfriend for a cocktail. And by cocktail, I mean margarita – obviously 😉

Today I woke around 9:30, made another Chocolate Covered Strawberry smoothie (because I’m clearly obsessed) and headed to another intense spinning class. I really wanted to run outside today but by 10am it was already 90 degrees!

Later in the day I met Kels (sister) for a picnic at Georgetown. Georgetown University is seriously one of the most gorgeous campuses I’ve ever seen. I’d often sit in the park and study after class (almost) all year round.

Lunch was leftover polenta pizza
and some fresh fruit (not pictured):

Well kids, I’m off to bed. Have a lovely Monday!!!!!

QUESTION: Who has seen Sex and the City 2 already???? I’m planning to go this week and can’t wait!!!





How are you?? I’m GREAT! Today was my last day of clinical! It was 40 hours at a VERY nice nursing home/assisted living facility. Seriously if you’re looking for someone to wipe your bum, clean your catheter, feed or bathe you – I’m your girl 😉 hahaha

Right after clinical ended I headed immediately here:

For one of these:

^ Reece’s cup McFlurry! GREATLY deserved, I think 🙂

Besides the great experience gained in the class, getting to know the residents was amazing. I will admit that in the past the thought of working with the elderly kinda freaked me out. But once I got there and saw how fragile and helpless these people are I had such compassion for them. It’s hard to believe that these 90-something people once led full and often FASCINATING lives. Each one had a unique story and I really learned a lot aside from the technical skills. Exhausting week, but very worth it 🙂

Sad it’s over, I’m glad to be back to my normal routine which will be:

1) Getting a JOB (as a nursing aide; to obtain patient care experience required for PA school)
2) Getting back to my workout schedule
3) Finishing my thesis and applying to PA programs (!)

1) I reeeeally want to work in an oncology unit or hematology/transplant since these areas are still my passion

2) I just want to RUN RUN RUN! Since clinical required us to be on our feet and moving (sometimes dashing frantically) for 8 hours per day, I had NO ENERGY to run when I got home.

3) Finishing my M.S. thesis (on the generation of antibody-drug conjugates for you science geeks like me 🙂

But for now, I’m chillin with Kels (sister) on the couch, catching up with Sir DVR, and savoring this guy:

^Sangria! Great (and easy!) recipe here

Alright loves, have a great weekend!!!!! XOXOX

**QUESTIONS: Have you ever taken a week off from exercise because you’re completely SPENT from a new job? How do you adjust???

Who watched the Lakers vs. Celtics game??? Great game, but as the Bostonian I am, I was quite upset 😦


>Nurse Lauren to your service


Happy Monday, y’all! Hope your day was spendid. I had my FIRST DAY OF CLINICAL TODAY!!! I seriously can’t believe how much my life has changed in the last month! In case you don’t know I left my PhD program (currently declaring my MS) for a career as a physician assistant (PA). You can read more about WHY I made this decision here. A requirement for PA school is a TON of DIRECT patient care experience. At first, this really bummed me out as I had NONE. But now I think having this experience will make me a much better and compassionate PA in the future.

To obtain these hours I’m completing a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) course at the Red Cross and this is our week of clinicals! I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t a liiiiitle nervous – OK petrified (!) but that all subsided after the first hour and I REALLY LIKE IT! I can tell this is going to be a great week and can’t wait to report more later on 🙂

^How cool is this old ad I found?? source

Now that I’m home I’m completely EXHAUSTED. 1) I slept in waaaay too late the day before so I was wide awake when I should have been sleeping and 2) I was antsy in anticipation of the day. Thankfully, my lovely Manfriend decided to cook us dinner while I caught up on these girls (since I was busy gettin ready for class last night):


Seriously, what could be better after a long day? Kourtney, Khloe, vino, and a Manfriend cookin’ up a feast sounds pretty good to me!

Action shot:


^I usually don’t order Malbec, but as Seth’s much more the wine connoisseur then me, I trusted his choice. And it was GREAT! I’d say it’s somewhere between a syrah (my favorite!) and a Zin. Smoky start and smooth/fruity finish. YUMM.


^Trader Joe’s Tomato and Basil Chicken Sausage with sauteed onions and peppers in a whole grain pita. SO GOOD!

Traditional (aka PIG) sausage normally creeps me out. The thought of ingesting pig intestines makes me squirm, BUT CHICKEN sausage does nothing of the sort! In fact, it’s GREAT!

Aiiiight peeps, gotta get ready for tomorrow. Clinical STARTS at 7am! Early bird over here!!!

Have a great Tuesday!!!!!


>Go green AND lean!

>Hiii lovelies,

HAPPY SUNDAY! Hope your weekend was delightful 🙂

This morning I woke after TWELVE hours of sleep (!) and ventured to the gym for a spinning class since it’s SO HOT AND HUMID here in DC. I can’t understand how so many people run when it’s 85+ degrees in the beaming sun. Props to you if you can do this but me, I’d rather wait til the sun sets 🙂

Pre-gym I fueled with a delish GREEN MONSTER!

^Vanilla whey, frozen berries, 2 handfuls spinach, H20, stevia, 1/2 frozen nanner

And enjoyed it on our lovely new deck 🙂

So this morning I WENT GREED AND BURNED MAJOR CALORIES at the same time. How did I do this?

My gym recently renovated it’s spinning room and converted all spinning bikes to ones that HAVE GENERATORS attached. The longer/harder you spin, the more ENERGY GENERATED FOR THE GYM.

Here’s a pic of the bike. You can see the generator on the bottom right-side of the bike:

How cool!!!!!

After class, I stopped at Sbucks for an iced coffee (+ soy) and made this yummy egg concoction:

^Scrambled egg whites + spinach. Topped with Nutritional Yeast and hot sauce.

And not just any hot sauce….

^I’m OBSESSED with this stuff! Have you tried it???

Well I’m off to shop a bit with my sister then possibly hit the pool since it’s soooo HAAAWWWWTTT out!


Q: What was the best part of your weekend?? Mine was happy hour on the Waterfront on Friday. Nothing like a delish skinny margarita in the sun 🙂

Q2: Who’s watching Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami tonight?????


>Eggs + oats + Laughing Cow+ noosh + hot sauce = MAGIC

>Ummm, wow. I needed to post this immediately because I am completely taken back by this SUPER QUICK, EASY, and DELISHHHH dish! I’ve heard about ‘savory oats’ and different combos using noosh (nutritional yeast), but asides from topping it over popcorn, I had little use for the stuff.

Um yeah, that changed. Behold the best combo everrrr:

Check out these incredible BENEFITS of NOOSH!

I stared by soaking 1/4 cups in 1/2 cup boiling water + 1/4 cup egg whites. While the oats softened, I microwaved a handful of frozen spinach and veggies I had on hand. Next I microwaved the oats/egg whites combo until done and cooked 1 scrambled egg on the side. When done, I combined all items and added 2-3 tbsp nutritional yeast + 1 Laughing Cow Light + pinch sea salt + pepper + hot sauce.

And behold:

^The MOST OOEY GOOEY CHEESY (healthy!) dish I ever did have! It tasted like mac and cheese! SO. FREAKIN. GOOD.

It paired nicely with this guy I picked up on sale at Tar-jay:

So wowed by the meal, I made it aaaagain today. This time I wasn’t quite as ravishing, so I omitted the oats. I had this guy lying around:

Good veggies but the sauce was a little overpowering. To fix this, I soaked the veggies in H20 then nuked veggies in H20, drained then added 2-3 tbsp nutritional yeast + 2 scrambled eggs + pinch sea salt + pepper + hot sauce.

OMG. I am truly in love.

Sooo…..I’ve MISSED EVERYONE SO MUCH during these last few weeks of craziness. PLEASE TELL ME what you’ve been up to!!!!! I misssss youuuuuuu!




PS..Check out the beautiful Gabriela’s awesome giveaway!

>Welcome backkkkk

>Hi everyone!!!! I’M ALIVEEEEEE!!!!!!! My life has been NUTS lately! I haven’t been this busy since undergrad when I was doing research, finishing finals, applying to grad school and tryyyying to have somewhat of a social life.

Here is a taste of what I’ve been up to…

Planning AND executing a Bachlorette party for my bestestest friend Brandy in Boston

^haha, nice face!

Attending a 9hr/day (beginning at 8am) nursing technician course (4 weeks total):

^Our SUPER CREEPY dummy from class, Lol

For the PA programs I’m applying to, most require a minimum of 1,000 hours of direct patient care – which I DON’T have. I thought of getting a clinical research position (ex: administering MRI’s to study patients with brain trauma), which I could easily get from my research background but that really wouldn’t give me GOOD patient care experience. I think having a background (I’ll be a nursing tech until next May) in nursing care will make me a much better physician assistant down the road.

Attending Brandy’s wedding in GORGEOUS York, Maine:

^Rehearsal Dinner

Moving to a new apartment. Same neighborhood, upgraded the pad. And some SERIOUS UNPACKING TO DO:

And spending Memorial Day weekend with the fam in New Hampshire:

^hahaha…found this pic the other day and thought it was appropriate. It’s from a dance recital when me and my sister were 6 and 4 years old!

And now, what I’m LOOKING FORWARD to…

Eating BETTER! Being on the run has made me consume less of these:

^Salad monsters from Whole Foods

^Fruit/veggie smoothies

And (a little) less of these:

^But side note: SO GOOD! MickyD’s has a new Reese’s pieces McFlurry! Yeeee-UM!

And DEF more of these:

^REDIC sweaty workouts

And a little more R&R!!!

Alright kids, I have some studying to do. Have a great week!!!!! GLAD TO BE BACK 🙂


QUESTION (!): I want a new mission statement for this blog (as I left my PhD program) – Can ya help me out?!