

How are you?? I’m GREAT! Today was my last day of clinical! It was 40 hours at a VERY nice nursing home/assisted living facility. Seriously if you’re looking for someone to wipe your bum, clean your catheter, feed or bathe you – I’m your girl πŸ˜‰ hahaha

Right after clinical ended I headed immediately here:

For one of these:

^ Reece’s cup McFlurry! GREATLY deserved, I think πŸ™‚

Besides the great experience gained in the class, getting to know the residents was amazing. I will admit that in the past the thought of working with the elderly kinda freaked me out. But once I got there and saw how fragile and helpless these people are I had such compassion for them. It’s hard to believe that these 90-something people once led full and often FASCINATING lives. Each one had a unique story and I really learned a lot aside from the technical skills. Exhausting week, but very worth it πŸ™‚

Sad it’s over, I’m glad to be back to my normal routine which will be:

1) Getting a JOB (as a nursing aide; to obtain patient care experience required for PA school)
2) Getting back to my workout schedule
3) Finishing my thesis and applying to PA programs (!)

1) I reeeeally want to work in an oncology unit or hematology/transplant since these areas are still my passion

2) I just want to RUN RUN RUN! Since clinical required us to be on our feet and moving (sometimes dashing frantically) for 8 hours per day, I had NO ENERGY to run when I got home.

3) Finishing my M.S. thesis (on the generation of antibody-drug conjugates for you science geeks like me πŸ™‚

But for now, I’m chillin with Kels (sister) on the couch, catching up with Sir DVR, and savoring this guy:

^Sangria! Great (and easy!) recipe here

Alright loves, have a great weekend!!!!! XOXOX

**QUESTIONS: Have you ever taken a week off from exercise because you’re completely SPENT from a new job? How do you adjust???

Who watched the Lakers vs. Celtics game??? Great game, but as the Bostonian I am, I was quite upset 😦


14 thoughts on “>Doneee

  1. >Congrats on being one step closer to your PA school! You rock! All that science stuff sounds hard to me, lol. Glad you rewarded yourself with a yummy McFlurry and the sangria. Happy weeeekkkkeeennnndddd!

  2. >Reese's McFlurry + sangria = two of my favorite things, and an amazing way to end a tough week. Hope you have a relaxing weekend with lots of good runs love!! xoxo

  3. >Congrats on completing your week Lauren!! I couldn't agree more with your perspective on the elderly – it amazes me how much they know and have experienced. One activity I've really come to appreciate is spending an afternoon with my grandmother and talking about her growing up in the 1930's! Can you imagine? Enjoy your weekend hun, you've more than earned it! xo Jean

  4. >i just started working as a waitress and pulled a 12 hour shift yesterday, and i NEVER sat down. i feel you on being spent girl! i want to run so badly, but i just crash when i get home…i don't know what to do about it either :(β™₯ lindsey

  5. >I am so stinkin proud of you! I am exhausted just from reading. Sounds like everything is going great, which is lovely to hear.I think anytime you miss exercising you beat yourself up. Just think the next time you do go out how much harder you'll work out!I wanted the Celtics to win, give someone else a chance LA. Plus, Celetics are so timeless!have a good, restful weekend!

  6. >U go girl!!!!!! Im glad you are done and you also enjoyed it too!U are going to be a busy girl!! U will get all that done though, I know it!!Oh Mcflurrys are sooooooooooooo good! I love the oreo ones! I always ask for exta oreos!!Have a great day! Thanks for the comment on my family, yeah we are pretty cute! lol!!Muah!!!!!!!!!!

  7. >Hey there! I just found your blog and love it! Congrats on finishing your clinicals. I can imagine the stress of applying to PA school as I am in the process of applying to dental school (and working on my Master's thesis). You totally did deserve that McFlurry though. I hope you enjoyed it! I will add you to my blogroll and I look forward to following you πŸ™‚ — Maria @ http://blissfulhope.wordpress.com/

  8. >Congratulations on being done love! And I'd say that McFlurry is MORE than deserved!!My mom has worked in a nursing home for as long as I can remember and my grandmother was a nurse in a nursing home so I have grown up in them. It's SO sad. I couldn't do it because it would break my heart. Love you girl!

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