>Calm after the storm

>Hellloooo! Happy Father’s Day! My daddy-O is in NH so I’m sad I couldn’t be with him. What did you do to celebrate???

This weekend was a bit more lax then last few. Now that my clinical is over I can breeeeathe. Saturday I got SIXTEEN hours of sleep! HAHAHA! I was sooo tired after waking up everyday before 6am that by Friday night I was SPENT! Sometime around 7pm I called it a night, LOL 🙂

Saturday I woke up refreshed (!) and make my current smoothie obsession:

^Chocolate-covered strawberry: 1 scoop Chocolate Whey protein, ~5 frozen strawberries, ice, cold H20, 1 tsp xanthan gum, stevia

After browsing my fav blogs, sites, and maaaaybe doing a little online shopping, I worked on my M.S. Thesis for a while then headed to the gym for a GRUELING 45 min spinning class. Seriously, I think I sprinted for at least 20 mins total. Nuts!

And because we are COMPLETELY out of groceries I headed to Trader Joe’s and complied this in no time:

^HA! Seriously, we had next to NOTHING. Orrrr, I’m just a foodie and needed everyyything. OK, maybe a little bit of both 😉

I also ground my own coffee for the first time!

^Sorry for my icky nails and cut! LOL

Not sure why I haven’t done this before! For you Trader Joe’s fanatics and coffee lovers, any recommendations on a good TJ’s coffee??? I tried the Breakfast blend and its pretty good.

Later in the evening my long-lost-friend Ally came over and had a little dinnah party. On the menu:

^Veggies and laughing cow cheese (plus several kinds of hummus, no pictured)

Polenta pizza crust topped with diced tomatoes, EVOO, fresh basil, and fresh garlic:

^LOVE this. The hot (crust) and cold (topping) combo was amazin’

Bean salad from Whole Foods:

^Ally brought this because she loves me and is well aware of my bean obsession!

My plate:


^SO easy to make! We used Soverign Blanc, small splash peach schnapps and triple sec, dash stevia, and frozen fruit (we used pineapples, raspberries, peaches, and strawberries)

After our food coma subsided, we headed to the Georgetown Waterfront to meet our roommate Steve and my Manfriend for a cocktail. And by cocktail, I mean margarita – obviously 😉

Today I woke around 9:30, made another Chocolate Covered Strawberry smoothie (because I’m clearly obsessed) and headed to another intense spinning class. I really wanted to run outside today but by 10am it was already 90 degrees!

Later in the day I met Kels (sister) for a picnic at Georgetown. Georgetown University is seriously one of the most gorgeous campuses I’ve ever seen. I’d often sit in the park and study after class (almost) all year round.

Lunch was leftover polenta pizza
and some fresh fruit (not pictured):

Well kids, I’m off to bed. Have a lovely Monday!!!!!

QUESTION: Who has seen Sex and the City 2 already???? I’m planning to go this week and can’t wait!!!



9 thoughts on “>Calm after the storm

  1. >I had the day with my dad, just hanging around by the pool and grilling, perfect.What else is perfect are your spectacular Georgetown photos. The pics don't do it justice, those buildings are gorgeous. How exciting!!!And I too dominated Trader Joe's this weekend, mmhmm!I'm going to wait for SATC2 on DVD, is that bad? I just have no desire to pay $20 a ticket to see it in the theater, lol.

  2. >HAHAHA LOVE THE TJ'S HAUL!!! I always have to restrain myself in that place!! Georgetown is so beautiful, whenever I see pics of the campus I wish I'd gone there! I love NYU, but there is no campus whatsoever. Lucky girl!! Hope your week is off to a great start 🙂

  3. >If you saw the first SATC movie, you have to see the second and I am glad that you are!! I thought that it was a little slow at first, but in the end I was really glad that I saw it and it was a VERY cute movie!! 🙂 It was a great movie to see with good friends!!

  4. >That smoothie looks SO refreshing…especially since it's like 105 degrees here today, yikes!! The Georgetown campus does look beautiful!!! My first time here, and I'm your newest follower!! Adorable blog =)

  5. >i haven't seen a grocery cart that full in so long! I live in NYC and live right next to whole foods — I pretty much go there every few days and get what I need! Looks like a lot of great food though!ps Sex in the City was pretty bad if you ask me…little disappointing!

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