>V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N (da da da daaah….)

>Hiiii y’all!!

Hope ya had a splendid HUMPPP day!!! I had to ask my sister what day of the week it was today – that just gives you a little clue what my week has been like 😉

Since my nursing course ended, I decided to give myself 2-3 days off until I dig deep into thesis-writing-land. And it’s been a glorious two days, let me tell you!

This morning I woke around 10am, and made a Green Monster smoothie:

^1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1/2 frozen nanner, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen pineapple, hand full spinach, 1/2 tsp xanthan gum, stevia, dash sea salt, ice, H20. YUMMM.

I enjoyed that guy and my coffee here:

^The way everyday should start. Ugh, if only I had 45 mins for breakfast everyday!

After digesting I headed to the gym for a killer (and I repeat KILLER) 60-min Club Strength class. I swear our teacher was a former drill Sargent. Feeling lethargic and sore (!), I stopped at GNC for a protein drink. I’m not usually one to buy these but was in the mood. Maybe my aching muscles were speaking to me….?

^CYTOMAX TROPICAL PROTEIN DRINK: Was pretty good! A little sweet for me, so I diluted it with H20 and drank half. Half of the bottle still gave me 20g protein (for 80 calories) – not so bad!

Feeling more energized I made my way to da poooool:

^Sun + refreshing pool + friends + trash mags = happiness

Ahhhh, I haven’t been this relaxed in ages! After laying out for as long as my SPF30-sprayed skin could handle, I walked home and whipped up some greens for lunch. In the summer I always find myself craving something COLD: salads, smoothies, and sushi. Do you???

With the little produce we had I made a salad of diced romaine, arugula, edamame, broccoli, red pepper hummus, sunflower seeds, and my FIRST homemade dressing!!! In the mix: 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1/4 tsp crushed garlic, 1/2 tsp spicy mustard.

The result = FANTASTIC. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but it was kinda amazing 😉

Still a little hungry and hankering for something sweet/chocolate-y, I split this guy with my sis:
^Clif Builder’s is SO. GOOD. Tastes like a Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie. I swear anything made by Clif is amazing.

I’ve also been craving frozen fruit lately. Besides throwing them in smoothies and eating them on their own, I’ve been looking for ideas. Yesterday I added some frozen raspberries and pineapple to my ice water:

^Perfect treat. By the time by H20 was gone, the fruit was thawed and delicious. New fav 🙂

So what’s on the agenda???
The weather’s cooled so I’m gonna go for a little runski then off to see Sex and the City 2! I’ve received/heard quite the mixed reviews – and that’s fine with me. I’ve watched the Gals since the beginning so why not see this one?? Plus I’m on VACATION..hehe.

OK kids, off to whip up some dinnah. Not going to lie and say I thought of something creative, because I’m about 95% positive it’s going to be the same as last night:

^Chicken grilled in Trader Joe’s Red Thai Curry sauce (AMAZING, btw) and hand fulls and hand fulls of sea salted- edemame.

QUESTION for ya: Do you make your own salad dressings??? If so, PLEASEEEE give me some ideas 🙂



15 thoughts on “>V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N (da da da daaah….)

  1. >Clif Builder bars are seriously the best protein bar on the market! They taste amazing and don't have a funky ingredients list. I've never tried the mint flavor, but the PB is delicious as well!My mom has an amazing vinaigrette recipe that she won't share with anyone. It's dijon, olive oil and vinegar, but I can never get the proportions right! Other than that, I'm weird and stick to condiments on my salad. Mustard and hummus are my favorites. Don't knock it till you've tried it!Enjoy the rest of your week girl!! xoxo

  2. >Homemade dressings are SUPER easy to make and once you start making them, it's hard to go back to the store-bought stuff. I change my vinegars/acids depending on my mood or what I have available, but the general ratio for olive oil to vinegar/acid is 3:1, which I find a little too oily so I usually flip the ratio around ;-).Try using apple cider vinegar, touch of grainy mustard, some chopped garlic, honey, salt, pepper, and olive oil. You can also add a touch of balsamic if you want. I serve this salad dressing with fruitier salads.

  3. >Three ideas (all delish!)Roasted red peppers, garlic, olive oil, basil, balsamic. Blend. Yellow mustard, stoneground mustard, dijon mustard, honey, olive oil, tarragon or thyme. S&P. Yummmmmm. Tahini, red wine vinegar, sugar or stevia, lemon juice, red pepper, nooch, S&P. Maybe pickle pieces. Tastes like thousand island.

  4. >i can't say i've gotten into making my own dressings – unless you count my usual mixture of mixing light italian with balsamic vinegar!! i absolutely adore clif as well – luna's are my favourite but it's all good!

  5. >i haven't gotten into making my own dressings yet- unless you count my usual mix of balsamic vinegar and light italian! i adore clif products as well – luna's are my favourites but it's all good!

  6. >I agree about breakfast….wish I had 45 minutes to sit outside and soak up the morning sun with a bowl of oats and some tea…aghhhh…that's how they do it in France. Unrealistic for most people here in the US.I totally crave cold stuff in the summer. It's our bodies way of telling us we NEED cooling food when it's hot. Just like we typically crave comfort foods in the winter! I heart summer salads <3xo

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