>All in a days work

>Whelp, this is gonna be a quick one, because I am EXHAUSTED! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Mine started with a gigantic protein pancake:

1/3 cup egg whites, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1 tbsp spelt flour, pinch baking soda, 1 banana (half smashed, half diced), 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp apple pie spice, stevia, dash sea salt. Topped with 1/4 cup microwaved blueberries and 1 tbsp organic maple syrup.
Please try this ❤
After digesting, caffeinating, and catching up on the news I did the 45 min TurboFire workout (Fire 45) and ended up looking like this:

No lie, these workouts are FANTASTIC.
I had several Strawberry Lemonades to refuel:

Ice H20 + lemon juice + stevia + frozen strawberries

And reheated the leftover chicken parmesean and got back to work on the thesis train.
For a snack I was craving something tropical. I could have happily made a pina colada but that might have not been the best choice for a writing mind. Instead I made a Tropical Yogurt Mess and called it a day:

FF Greek Yogurt, frozen pineapple, unsweetened coconut, stevia

After more and more work and a long walk with the pup, I decided to make some Magic Soup since I haven’t had it in sooooo long. And a BONUS of magic SOUP in the SUMMER???? It tastes FANTASTIC eaten chilled.

Roasted Red Pepper soup, shrimp, spinach, kidney beans, sugar snap peas, edamame, carrots + red chili powder, cumin, pepper, dash sea salt

Dear Magic Soup,
I have missed you.
The Manfriend was home early tonight so after an early dinner we relaxed on the deck and enjoyed a new bottle of Shriaz:

Have a great night and fantastic Thursday!
What’s your favorite wine?
Do you ever make soup in the summer?

11 thoughts on “>All in a days work

  1. >I think I am starting to crave Turbofire more than sushi and that says a lot. Those two things are probably the biggest things I look forward to for after pregnancy. Well, the baby too. Yea. The baby.

  2. >Another Turbo Fire-er! I love those workouts and I too am drenched with sweat afterward. During the stretching part I can barely grip my legs because they are so slippery. Gross I know but it feels so good!I don't drink much wine, but I drink more white than red. I love soup/sandwiches for meals, so I definitely make soup in the summer!

  3. >So glad you stopped by my blog and said "hi!" :DMy favorite wine is Shiraz (any brand is usually fine with me!), but I'm such a light-weight I can only drink it on special occasions! TurboFire looks like an AWESOME workout! I love workouts that make me sweat like that! As far as soup goes, I haven't made any this summer… but mostly because my apartment is too hot to use our stove or oven! I'd happily eat soup if someone else made it for me!

  4. >I love when I end up looking like that after a workout. It just feels so gooooood to sweat everything out. Love your magic soup; I need to make some, but I haven't really wanted much hot stuff lately! Hehe.

  5. >these days, I've been craving kabocha soup….So I may make some soon!Whoa girl! Don't you love workouts that actually work you out good? Great sweat! 😀

  6. >Dang girl, that workout looks tough!! I love leaving a workout all sweaty and feeling like I accomplished something though. Favorite wine is rose, though I rarely order it! Hope you have a great day love!!

  7. >I still love soup in the summer! Hmm…maybe because that's the only thing I could eat when I got my wisdom teeth out a couple of month ago hahahttp://jammer10am.blogspot.com/

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