>My brain hurts


You know those mornings when you wake after a full 8-9 hours of sleep feeling utterly exhausted? That was yesterday. But alas, I dragged myself out of bed. Correction: My growling stomach dragged me out of bed.

Breakfast was Raspberry Vanilla Overnight Oats. And they were scrumptious:

1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Vanilla protein (I use SunWarrior)
1/2 mashed frozen banana
splash almond milk
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
dash stevia

Picture does no justice. I swear it was delicious.

Oh, and a couple of these..

Caribou Coffee a la Keurig + unsweetened organic soy

[Insert 2.5 hours of Thesis-ing]

Feeling like my brain was going to explode, I threw on my gym clothes, grabbed my ipod, and jogged to the gym (1 mile away) for a BodyPump class. I freakin’ love that class. Love to feel STRONG!

Starvin’ and craving PROTEIN, I whipped up some grilled chicken patties. Orrrrr, I toasted some Morningstar ChiK’n Grillers. The latter is more likely πŸ˜‰

2 Morningstar patties, toasted bagel thin, Laughing Cow Light Swiss. lettuce, tomato, side of veggies and Trader Joe’s Jalapeno and Cilantro hummus.

And sipped some Kombucha:

(check out the cutie in the corner)

Patties were kind of blah. They went for a ketchup bath.

[Insert 3 hours of Thesis work]

Again feeling like my brain was going to explode, I decided to TurboFire it up!

Did the trick! Love the Fiyaaaah.

For dinner I made turkey meatloaf and sweet potato chips


ground lean turkey
3/4 cup oats
1 chopped medium yellow onion
1/2 cup ketchup
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
bake for 45 mins at 425F

(Original recipe here)

Sweet Potato fries:

 3 medium sized sweet potatoes, peeled and finely sliced 
Sprayed with EVOO and seasoned with sea salt and pepper
Baked at 425F for (roughly) 30 mins, flipping fries once during cooking
Last night Kels (sister), the Manfriend, and I watched The Disappearance of Alice Creed. I enjoyed.
This morning I woke ravishing and made a Mango-Coconut Green Monster Smoothie:

1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior, 1/2 cup frozen mangoes, 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 tbsp red. fat organic dried coconut, ice H20, stevia, 1/2 tsp xanthan gum (for thickkkness)
OK, I’m off to a doctor’s appt (just regular check-up) then:
– Thesis, thesis, thesis!
– workout
– Target (?)
– Thesissss
Sounds exhilarating, eh? πŸ˜‰
Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “>My brain hurts

  1. >Damn, Gina, Boy Pump AND TurboFire?!?!Your list described my day today. Eat, dissertation, workout, dissertaiton, eat, dissertation, Target, dissertation, Eat. Chill.I'm at the chilling part right now. πŸ˜‰

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