

It’s fiiiiinally a little but cooler here in the District. It’s nice but not sure how long it’ll last…What’s up in your neck of the woods???
The last few days have been consumed by thesis work. To keep myself from going mentally insane, I’ve stepped up the workouts and made some pretty tasty meals. Exercise and cooking really help me in stressful situations. What’s your vice??

From the Kitchen a la Lauren: PROTEIN PANCAKES:
Recipe here
Healthified MINI OREO CHEESECAKES (modified recipe from Julie):
Directions: In a food processor, combine:
– 1 stick fat-free cheese
– 3 heaping scoops of fat-free cottage cheese (~1/2 cup)
– 4 all-natural “Oreos” (I found them at Whole Foods)
– 4 servings/packets stevia (add more for desired sweetness)

Next: Mix in 2-3 crumbled oreos
Serve: Spray muffin pan with non-stick spray, and place an oreo in each. Next, scoop 1 heaping tbsp of mixture on top of each cookie. Garnish with more crumbled cookie. Chill in fridge overnight.

These. are. amazing. Thank you, Julie!
FRUIT the size of my face:

– Preheat oven to 450F
– Mix 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp Wasabi drizzling sauce
I use this one from Trader Joe’s:

– Cook for 15-20 mins or until roasted. Mix 1/2 throughout cooking
Veggies were served with Trader Joe’s (fresh) SOUTHWESTERN SALMON:
(A personal salmon favorite)
– Cooked stove top over medium heat. Perfection.


Tuna, chickpeas, yellow onion, cherry tomatoes, kosher pickles, dill, sea salt, pepper, Greek Yogurt. Tip: Moisten tuna with pickle juice to reduce calories and add flavor


Recipe here

1/4 cup oats, 3/4 cup FF Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup coconut Kefir, 1/4 cup Light Coconut milk, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, stevia, dash sea salt

WORKOUTS have also been pretty stellar:
Thursday: Sports Conditioning class + 3 sets (of 10) clean & press + 15 min core work
Friday: 6 mile run + stretching
Saturday: BodyPump class + 30 min run
Ok, I’m starved. Gonna make lunch, volunteer, then head to friend’s Traditional Indian Baby Shower!! So excited 🙂
Question: Remember this book??

I am going back to buy it. For me, it’s a book that instantly brings me back to childhood.

7 thoughts on “>Sanity

  1. >Oh girl, you go with those clean and presses! I dread that track in Pump, LOL! What release are you on? We just released 74 at my gym and I've been consistently burning about 400 calories every time I take it. Normally I don't burn over 300!! AMAZING! 🙂

  2. >I love the oreo yums you made! look so delish!Love that you have been cooking more! I LOVE salmon, my fave fish besides chilean seabass!Hope your Sunday is great love!!

  3. >sounds lke you are handling all the stress so well!! eating well & exercising definitely helps me stay sane when i am stressed- & aww ilove that book sooooo much- brings me back to my childhood :)those oreo deserts look sooo delicious! iw ant to amke them

  4. >Exercise and cooking help my sanity too! Everything you made looks really good! I love salmon, love wasabi, and cheesecake 🙂 Nice job with the workouts!xoxo

  5. >1. I've had some unloved wasabi powder in my kitchen for some time. Am now ON IT to make your veggies!2. Shel Silverstein, like, made my child hood. My fourth grade teacher was obsessed with him and we'd just stop in the middle of class and she'd be like "Let's take a Shel break." It was great.

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