>Countryfest = SUCCESS!

>Hi loves!

I’m backkkk! Countryfest was a BLAST! I really hope we keep up this tradition every year. I had an amazing time..

The weekend started with a nine hour road trip back home to New Hampshire. The pup LOVES the car. Check out the wind in his (fur) face

I enjoyed spending time with the fam, laying out by the pool, and family dinners which included fresh veggies from our GARDEN:

Saturday morning I headed out for an amazing 5-mile trail run. I LOVE running in NH. So peaceful. I made myself a Green Monstah for the road, put on ma Cowgirl boots and we hit the road..

TAILGATING was SO MUCH FUN. The night before I made homemade veggie dip and garlic hummus which I sadly left at home 😦 I did however, make up for it with some other snacks. Namely, Skinny Margaritas:

1 bottle Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila, large splash triple sec (approx 1/8 tequila volume), 30 oz Orange flavored seltzer water, splash OJ, teeny splash fresh lime juice, 4 packets of stevia, Ice.
We had the grill going

Sister-in-law-to-be on da grillll
And plenty of other goodies:

My plate (turkey burg not pictured): Grilled veggies + fresh fruit
We tailgated for 4 hours and loved every second of it. Friends, family, and a Manfriend. I was a happy girl.

Awesome pic. Kels (sister) captured in the middle.

Seth with friends Chris and Nik. He grew a mustache for the event…hahaha.

L to R: Sister, cousin, cousin, ME

L to R: Cousin, ME, sister-in-law-to-be, sister, cousin’s gf

Seth (Manfriend) + Ben (cousin)
We started out in nose-bleed seats then moved waaaay up and somehow found a ground-level row completely open and made that our new home. Twas amazing!

Jason Aldean was my favorite! LOVE him!

And we DANCED. All. night. long.

This year we rented a hotel after the concert which was worth EVERY PENNY! We headed home Sunday and had a nice relaxing day in NH. I spent the day:
– Napping
– Playing with my 4-year-old niece, Morgan
– Making dinner for the family (they requested Sweet Potato & Black Bean Turkey Chili)
Turbofire-ing it up (I did Fire 45. Def my favorite one!)
– Girls’ Wine night! It was True Blood, Entourage, Keeping up with the Kardashian’s night 🙂
After a LONG nine hour drive, I’m back in DC. I woke craving Banana Protein Pancakes:

The rest of the day includes:

Studying for my Nursing Aide exam on Saturday (more specifics to come)
7 mile run in this chiiiilly weather 🙂 Update: I ran a fast (8:02 pace) 9.4 miles! Whooot!
Visiting my bestest at her NEW APARTMENT for some vino and girl time

How was your weekend????

Have a great night!



3 thoughts on “>Countryfest = SUCCESS!

  1. >This looks like such a fun weekend!! Things I love: 1. the margs 2. seth's mustache. i kind of wish girls had facial hair to change their look up whenever they wanted to. then again, maybe not 🙂

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