>Quickie but a goodie..

>Hi folks! This is gonna be a quick one because I’ve gotta get back to Studyland! I hope you’re having a fantastic day 🙂

I woke this morning eyes wide SHUT, and walked straight to Sir Keurig. When I was home in NH we hit up a local coffee shop where they sell Keurig cups very cheap…Think we have enough????
It paired nicely with my Chocolate-Covered Strawberry and Flax Green Monstah (that’s a mouthful…no pun intended. Corny, yes?)

1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder (I use SunWarrior), ~5 frozen strawberries, hand full frozen spinach, 1 tsp flax seeds, pinch xanthan gum (to thicken), stevia, dash sea salt, ice, H20

[Insert 2.5 hours deep into Studytown]
Needing quite the break I thew on my running shoes and hit the pavement. I did a nice 5-miler around the Potomac River. Actually, I was sweltering HOT and it was mostly uphill but I did feel pretty fantastic afterwards 🙂
For lunch I threw together what I could find. We need groceries BADLY!
2 Morningstar Pizza Burgers topped with warmed marinara sauce + nutritional yeast (gives it a cheeeeesy flavor), carrots n’ PB, sliced cukes w/ TJs FF Balsamic Vinegar
Still a little hungry I had a small cup of last night’s Indian feast…
Tofu, spinach, veggies, lentils, TJ’s Curry Simmer Sauce, pinch turmeric, pinch coriander (last night I ate it with garlic naan but failed to take a pic cause it hit my stomach too fast)
Alright I’m about ready to hit the books….
I leave you with some pics from 4th of July (Manfriend is sloooow uploading) and Countryfest.
Have a great night!!!!

Ferry ride to Provincetown (P-Town), MA (look relaxed, do I???)

Playing with Seth’s niece Portia on the beach in Plymouth, MA

Countryfest. Not sure what the ‘tude is for..


Group pic. Check out the Manfriend’s sick stache. hahaha...

6 thoughts on “>Quickie but a goodie..

  1. >LOVE Ptown!! I went there last summer and it's so fun!! I have to say, I love the strapless look on you. Not a fan of it on myself, but you pull it off amazingly!!

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