>The perfect date

>Hope your day was great! I had a fantastically productive and romantic day…

I woke to some Peanut Butter & Banana Chia oats I prepared the night before. Overnight oats are fantastic. You throw 90% of the ingredients in a bowl, throw it in the fridge, heat the next morning for 3 mins and stir in some protein powder. Easy peasy, hearty and delicious.

Night before, Combine, mix, and throw in fridge:
1/3 cup oats
1 T chia seeds
1 T PB (or 2 T PB Flour)
3 T egg whites
pinch sea salt
1 cup H20 (or almond/soy milk)

Next morning – Microwave 3 mins (or until oats rise/boil) then:
Stir in 1/2 cup protein powder (chocolate or vanilla)
1/2 banana
Stevia to taste

*Click here to read about benefits of Chia

After digesting breakfast, what I should have done was go running while I wouldn’t die it was still cool. Instead, I lounged around the apartment until it was time to volunteer (which was amazing).

A quick note on where I volunteer and the amazing program the kids I work with: As I mentioned earlier, I volunteer every Wednesday as a health/wellness coach with inner city middle school kids in DC. Not only do I lead the physical activity component, but I also participate in “breakout sessions” where we teach the kids anything under the sun that they might be missing at home. Topics include: Respect in the household, preparing for a successful HS and college career, nutrition, how to become financially responsible, etc.

The school participates in a new government funded program where they go to school an hour longer each day and allowing them to take a half day on Wednesday where they can participate in Wellness Wednesdays. How cool, right? From what I hear, the kids are making remarkable improvements in all aspects of their lives.


When I returned home from volunteering, I made a quick snack to refuel:

Diced [gigantic] fuji apple w/ *mesquite, cinnamon and PB

(*Mesquite is a sweet, nutty/caramel tasting spice, high in zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and lysine. I also add it to smoothies and oatmeal.)

Then hit the pavement for my 6-mile (marathon!) training run. I contemplated running at the gym because it was 87F but when this is in your backyard, it’s hard to pass up:

Needless to say, I made the wrong choice and ran 6 painful miles in the scorching heat. I stopped for a few mins around mile 4 to grab a cold water at Caribou Coffee (thank you nice coffee people for not judging me sweating all over your store) and again after the 6 miles at CVS for coconut water.

*Did you know for <80 calories, coconut water has more electrolytes than leading sports drinks and more potassium than 2 bananas?

Next time I will either: A) Run earlier when I know it will be 85F+ or B) Suck it up and hit the treadmill 🙂

Once home, stretched & showered, I made a Raspberry-Chocolate Protein Smoothie to refuel and tie me over until dinner:

1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use SunWarrior), 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1/2 frozen banana, pinch xanthan gum (to thicken), dash sea salt, stevia (to taste), ice, H20

Then it was time to get ready for DATE NIGHT! PS. The Manfriend is soooo sweet. When I was getting ready he told me he was running to the bank. I heard the doorbell ring and he was standing there looking dashing and holding flowers. Dreamy, I tell you.

We headed to Beacon Bar & Grill to have pre-dinner drinks on their amazing roof top deck:

The wine and cocktails were great..

His (rum and pineapple) + Hers (sauvignon blanc)

And the view was even better:

The appetizers however, not so much.. But I’ll definitely be back to enjoy the view & vino.

For dinner, we walked around and landed up at Teatro Goldoni. We each started with a drink:

Hers (Barcardi, soda water, splash oj) + His (a manly cosmo, hehehe)

Dipped AMAZING marinara baked bread in EVOO

And shared a mini plate of snapper. They nicely prepared the dish in EVOO for my lactose-challenged belly:

Seth went with the lamb:

While I went for the [grilled to perfection] salmon and veggies:

It was a lovely evening. After dating more than 10 years, you still know how to knock me off my feet ❤


This morning I woke early to walk the pup, made a Raspberry-Chocolate Smoothie (aaaagain, they’re so good!):

Same recipe as above + heaping hand full spinach and a pup

Today’s agenda:

– Spinning class
– Errands/lunch
– Head to work for the night

Have a great Thursday!


10 thoughts on “>The perfect date

  1. >I was thinking of a way to use my raspberries that are on their last leg. Raspberry Chocolate smoothie it is! I think the BF will be home late tonight which means dinner will be late. I know what I'm having for a snack

  2. >Date night looks fantastic! I've never heard of Beacon Bar and Grill, but I'll have to add it to the already never ending list of restaurants I'd like to try!This is totally last minute, but any chance you'd want to meet tonight? My plans with a friend fell through, so I'm free as a bee! We could even do dinner! But drinks works as well. 🙂

  3. >Date nights are the best and a must!!!Love th ehis and her drinks! Its like Mike and I , he always get a strong martini or drink, I get wine or some low calorie drink : )Hope you have a great day! xoxo

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