>Some devastating news

>Hey guys,

I have some unfortunate news to share. As you all know I’ve been working hard to train for my November 13th marathon in Richmond, VA. I’ve been doing so well and averaging a 7:54 pace during my long runs, a time that would re-qualify me for the Boston Marathon.

Recently however, I tripped while running and rolled my ankle pretty badly and now my hip flexor is KILLING me.

It’s been about a week now and it’s still too painful to run. I didn’t mention anything earlier because I hoped it would magically heal itself, but sadly it doesn’t look that’s happening. So for right now, the marathon is up in the air and I guess I’ll see how I feel within the next two weeks, but it’s not looking good 😦

So in the meantime I’ll be saying bye-bye to my favorite running routes:

And trying to stay in marathon shape by other workouts that don’t hurt my hip such as:


Spinning classes

Solo Spinning classes (via podcast):
And some other DVD favorites:
Any advice on how to quickly heal a hurt hip flexor?

What are your favorite cardio workouts that don’t involve running?

>Thank goodness it’s [finally] friday

>TGIFFFFF is all I have to say 🙂 Tonight I’m working 3-11 then have Saturday and Sunday off – and I can’t tell you how excited I am. I genuinely love working at the hospital (transplant unit) but my poor feet are so tired and swollen.

I’ve also been consuming a little too much of this lately…

Coffee + steamed almond milk. Could be addicted to something worse I suppose, hah
To balance out the caffeination situation I’ve been drinking lots of water and these two guys:

Lemonade a la Lauren: Soda water, lemon juice, stevia

This morning I was able to sleep in a little late which allowed some time for a real breakfast 🙂

Raspberry-Vanilla-Almond protein smoothie. I feel bad blending at 5am and waking the neighbors above us so I save this treat for days off work when I work the evening shift.

Alright I’m off to the gym to power through a Spinning podcast, eat a quick lunch, then to work!

When you have a day off what do you enjoy doing, eating, etc??

>Hello Fall, Goodbye running

>Hi everyone,

How have you been? Did you check out Stefanie’s letter for the Letters to Me campaign? It’s pretty amazing.

The last few days have been exhausting for me. I’ve worked 7am-7pm for the last 4 days. My legs and feet are sore. I swear I’d feel less tired if I ran 10 miles each day. Running around a hospital is hard stuff! But nonetheless, I am loving it. I am so glad I made the decision to follow my dream.


The upcoming seasons and holidays always remind me what I’m thankful for. Lately I’ve been thinking how amazing my sister is.

Kelsey (2 years), Me (4 years)

Besides being a gifted and beyond compassionate nurse, she is the best sister [and friend] I could ask for. She recently had a big job interview so I’m crossing my fingers for her! Kels, anyone would be lucky to have you work for them.

BFFs and roomies


OK, it’s confession time – long hours at work has forced me to put my marathon training on hold – well at least until I can catch up on some sleep. I can’t fathom running after a 12 hour shift on my feet. By Thursday, I plan to be back in action.

My meals have also changed a bit

I’ve had less glamorous breakfasts

Blueberry Protein Pancakes

And more…..

Instant oats + SunWarrior protein mixed in = Easy peasy breakfast on the run
More packed lunches…

Spiralized zucchini, tofu, veggies, peanuts, Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette

And snacks on the go..

How do you handle periods of work/school exhaustion?
Despite the work craziness, the weather has been pretty fantastic. I will admit I’ll be missing certain parts of summer like…
The Georgetown Waterfront

Eastern Market

Iced coffee

Reading on the lawn in front of beautiful Georgetown

And running by beautiful flower patches by the National Mall

I am however looking forward to…

Foliage back home to New Hampshire source

Warming up by the fireplace + a cup of tea + a good book
More cooking a la Manfriend. He cooks more in the winter/fall for some reason.

Buuuuut I’m not so sure I’m looking forward to this…

View from our apartment last winter (Washington, DC)
What are you looking forward to most this fall/winter?
How do you adjust to a hectic work/school schedule?

>Dear Stefanie

>Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Today’s post is from Stefanie of The New Healthy as part of the Letters to Me Campaign.

Have a great day ❤


Dear Stefanie of the past,
I wish I could show you how happy you would be if you would just grab life by the horns and start living! I want you to know that sleeping away your days does not solve your problems, nor does it make you any less accountable for the decisions you make. Alcohol will not take away the unhappiness either, in fact it will only make things worse. 
I wish I could tell you that the solution to your depression could be summed up in two simple words: GET MOVING. You will soon know that it is exercise, not laziness, and it is nourishing whole foods, not drive-through joints, that will bring you to the exact point at which you wish to be. Stop looking for that magic pill or that “easy way out” and make your life what you want it to be. It will take trial and error, success and failure, but you will get there.
I wish I could tell you that this often-said phrase: “I can’t run and I never will,” will be so false that you’ll look back and laugh! I wish I could tell you that the one form of exercise you’ve avoided your entire life would become one of your favorite hobbies. And not only a hobby, but a true love.
I will tell you this: when your dreams become your reality, they will be worth more than their weight in gold. Happiness is not the end-all, happiness is the journey. The journey is never-ending, dynamic, and fluid. But you’ll be okay with that, because it’s YOUR journey and you will own it!
Live each day as if it were your last. Take nothing for granted. Live, laugh, and love beyond words.
❤ Your Future Self


To learn more about the campaign and see how you can make a difference, click here

>I’m still here!

>Sorry for  the hiatus! I’ve been super busy the last few days with work and some other fun stuff. I can’t wait to tell you what I’ve been up to! 

Soooo, a little rewind

As you know, I was home visiting the fam in New Hampshire over the weekend:

Leaves *starting* to peak

 Ah, I love New Hamp-sha.

Sunday morning I took a glorious Bikram yoga class to stretch out my legs after Saturday’s 17-miler.

Then I headed apple picking with my [soon-to-be] sister-in-law and niece 🙂

Looking over rows of apples

Remind you of a certain book
The goods
Apple Cider doughnut. Hands down best donughnut I’ve ever had.
You bet I made a Gluten-free (for the sister-in-law) Easy-Peasy dessert…

 Apple Crisp!
1/2 cup oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
stevia (2 servings)
apple sauce, unsweetened (to moisten/mix)
Apple mix:
4 chopped apples
stevia (2 servings)
1/4 cup oats
almond milk (to moisten)
Preheat over to 425F
Spray glass baking pan with cooking spray
Layer oat mixture on top of apples
Bake covered for 45 mins to 1 hr
Remove cover and broil for ~3 mins until topping is browned
Top with low-fat vanilla bean ice cream
Monday I ran the Tufts 10K for Women in Boston with my mom and cousin:
Before setting off I fueled with a breakfast cookie!
1/3 cup oats, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 banana, 1 T almond budder, cinnamon, apple pie spice, maca powder, almond milk.

Can ya spot me???
 I ran a 7:56 pace. Not too shabby. source

Post-race I re-fuled with a Powerade Zero + this monster:
1 egg, 1/2 cup egg white omelet w/ laughing cow cheese on top of Ezekiel bread
Ahhhh, I miss Boston.

Boston common

I wish I could have spent more time in Bah-ston but had to jet-set back to DC. Look at the cutest frequent flyer!

When I arrived home it was late and I was tired….
And then I remembered again why I have the most amazing Manfriend, ever.

Dinner, wine, and dessert for the three roomies (me, sis, and Manfriend)!

Crab legs
 Mashed red potatoes and spinach salad

Oh, and he painted the living room for us as a surprise!

 Green walls
And an unbelievable dark purple accent wall 
So want to hear some good news??? 
News #1: I’m going to the Foodbuzz festival in San, Francisco this November!
News (and scary) #2: My marathon is exactly ONE MONTH away!!
News #3 (And the BEST NEWS of all): I was recently contacted by a running coach about training a blind woman after my incredible experience in the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon. Yesterday was my first session and we already made great progress! I’m so excited to be a part of her journey!
Well I’m off to bed. Gotta be up at 5:30am for a 5-mile run before work!
Have a week!

>New Hampsha

>Well I made it safe to New Hampshire. The beauty of New England never ceases to amaze me. The foliage is gorgeous and the weather has been fantastic. I’m in heaven.

I made yesterday my rest day of the week because my body asked was begging for it. I slept a glorious 12 hours, made a fort in the living room and watched Shrek with my niece, then cooked my family a pretty tasty gluten-free meal. My [soon-to-be] sister-in-law is newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease so I was challenged when I wanted to make Italian considering 1) She has Celiac and 2) I’m allergic to parmesan and ricotta cheese.

I made a tomato sauce with ground turkey and veggies topped over gluten-free pasta and spaghetti squash. The appetizer was definitely the winner though! I made polenta for the first time!

This was an incredibly easy dish and everyone raved about it.

In a small bowl, combine:
1:1 mixture of gluten-free flour (I used brown rice) and gluten-free bread crumbs
1T dried basil
1T dried oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
Pinch sea salt & black pepper

In a second bowl, lightly beat two eggs (or use egg whites)
One by one, dip each polenta slice in eggs then coat in bredding mixture
Next pan sear until browned in a little EVOO
Bake 5 mins at 425F
Top with marinara sauce

This afternoon I thought it was a good time to try out some gluten-free Pho the nice people at Happy Pho sent me.

Noodle Ingredients: 100% brown rice flour, water, organic green tea, sea salt. 

I didn’t use the seasoning and instead cooked the noodles in organic chicken broth with cilantro, carrots, mushrooms, tofu, dash lime juice and red chili peppers. It was heavenly! Note: The noodles cook fast so cook them separately after the veggies/tofu/broth are done then combine. It was a simple and very satisfying dish!

Feeling fueled and hydrated..

I ran 17-miles for my training long run. I set out to do 18 but just could not make it. I hadn’t fueled well the day before and I could definitely tell. For the next few long runs I need to remind myself to fuel as if I was running a race. But all in all, I feel GOOD 🙂


Well I’m off to bed. I’m taking an early morning (8am is very early for me hehe) Bikram yoga class then going apple and pumpkin picking with my sister-in-law and niece!

Have a great weekend,


What are you doing this weekend? Any fall-inspired activities?
For those of you training for a race, how is your training going?

>Get your muscle on

>I’m extra excited for today because I’m jet-setting to New Hampshire for the weekend. I’ll be spending quality time with the fam, getting in a 18 mile training run, eating my mama’s cooking then running the Tufts 10K for Women with my mom and sister!

If you’re in the Boston area on Monday, The Tufts 10K is an amazing race. 7,500 women of all ages come together for an extremely empowering event.


Little rewind…today was a busy day. I woke to a delicious bowl of oatmeal I prepared the night before (my favorite warm oats combo):

Night before, combine: 1/3 cup oats, 1 tsp chia seeds (optional), 3 T egg whites, cinnamon, apple pie spice, stevia, dash sea salt, 1 cup H20. Next morning: Microwave ~3 mins (or until oats rise) then add 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 T PB, and a teeny drizzle of maple syrup. 

And a big ole cup of Joe:
Coffee a la Keurig + warmed almond milk ❤

After running some boring (but necessary) errands, I hit the [Rock Creek] park for a 4-mile run..


There’s a section of Rock Creek Parkway where you can enter this area…

How cool, right? You can run along the path then do one (or many) of the exercises along the way!

I ended my run conveniently at the gym so I could squeeze in a good weights sesh. This training season, I’ve been doing a lot more heavy lifting, especially lots of weighted squats and lunges. To read an article by my brother (he’s a former college athlete and is studying with some of the best strength and endurance coaches out there) on the importance of heavy lifting for girls, click here.

Some good points:

“There is a common misconception that women will “bulk up” if they lift heavy weights. I’ll say this only once…building muscle is an EXTREMELY hard thing to do. If your body had to choose between breaking down muscle and building it, you bet you would look like a bag of bones. Genetically you will not/cannot bulk up, unless you want to compete in competition and take some illegal injections if ya know what I mean.”

“Females want to get “toned”, right. I hate to burst your bubble but there is no such thing is toning or shaping a muscle. Muscles can only get bigger (hypertrophy) or smaller (Atrophy). Now to make those muscle look better you need to shed the fat around the muscle and make the muscle bigger. This can all be done by taking a leap of faith with me and changing what you have always done.”

“What if I told you by doing only endurance activity your only tapping into a portion of your muscle potential. Your body is made up of both type I (aerobic/endurance) muscle fibers and type II (anaerobic) muscle fibers. Type I fibers are used for endurance activities and do not have great potential for growth. Type II fibers are those used during sprint and heavy resistance training activities. (In my opinion, those activities are harder and better). Now type II fibers have a much better potential for growth and strength improvements when trained. That means train heavy and intense and see strength and muscle size shoot through the roof. (See ya lata flabby arms!)”

“With aerobic training or light weight, high-repetition lifting, our metabolism does not stay elevated very long after our training. There is a something called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption), which is a process done by your body to repay metabolic debt after anaerobic training. This includes repaying oxygen debt, cellular repair, refilling energy stores etc etc. This is a great thing because this elevates our metabolism for 12-24 hours and beyond. So, when you are done your heavy training, you continue to burn calories for hours on end.”

Interesting, eh?

Oh, and I sported a new running tank I picked up from Tar-jay. They have the best [affordable] workout gear!

After the weight sesh I was craving an omelet. I don’t know why I rarely make them. They’re so good!

1 egg + 1/2 cup egg whites, organic ham, spinach, light Laughing Cow cheese

And snacked on a recent yogurt obsession..

PB flour, PB, stevia.

Feeling refueled I ran out the door to volunteer. I love Wellness Wednesdays! Unfortunately I was called into work and had to cancel on the DC food blogger event I was eagerly anticipating. Ah well, next time.

Whelp, it’s 10pm and I just sat down for dinner. My throat is hurting a bit so a refreshing smoothie was in order:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup:

Choc protein powder, frozen banana, 1T Peanut Flour, 1T PB, almond milk, xanthan gum (to thicken), stevia, dash sea salt, ice, raw cacao nibs.

Alright I’m off to pack, watch the last episode of East Bound and Down, and cuddle this guy who has already made himself pretty comfy…

Are you into heavy lifting? 
Doing anything for Columbus day?

>Back on my feet

>I’m glad you enjoyed Tina’s letter as much as I did. To learn more about the campaign click here. If you want to submit a letter email me at Biochemista@gmail.com.


Yesterday I was feeling a bit under the weather. The Manfriend is battling a pretty bad cold and I definitely caught it.

So I did what I could to nip it in the butt:

1. Consume lots of natural vitamins, in combination with a source of healthy fat (to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)

Smoothie on right: Vanilla SunWarrior protein, frozen banana, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, 1 T almond butter, ice, H20

Smoothie on left: H20 + SuperFoods

2. Stay very hydrated. I drank lots of electrolyte-infused water and tea 
3. Get plenty of sleep. I slept  >10 hours per night
4. Rest. I skipped my 5-mile training run and did some gentle yoga/stretching instead
5. Take Vitamin C + Zinc at onset of symptoms: Warning, take with a meal! Zinc on an empty stomach will make you feel nauseous.

And today, I feel brand spankin’ new.


Lunch today was a quick and easy Spicy Black Bean burger (Morningstar). Well two quick and easy burgers 🙂

To greatly improve your veggie burger wrap, try this out:

1. Spray whole grain wrap with cooking spray and grill 2-3 mins on each side. It tastes so much better.

2. Microwave to thaw then then toast the burgers (toasting is key).

3. Add unique toppings such as salsa or hummus.

I added both: Roasted red pepper hummus + chipotle salsa

Still hungry I munched on a honeycrisp apple (best apples ever, right?) and tomato-hummus sandwiches:

Sliced tomatoes, spinach, roasted red pepper hummus


In exciting running news, I broke in a new pair of sneaks:

And wore pants running for the first time this season!

I felt like I was flying on my 7-mile training run. Great runs make the hard ones so worth it 🙂


For dinner I guess I was still in a burger mood, so I grilled a turkey burger, sauteed some veggies and sandwiched it between a wheat bagel thin

And served along with a simple salad

Spinach, tomatoes, cukes, grapes, topped with Goddess dressing/balsamic vinegar mix


I’m off to watch Glee! Thankfully I DVR’d it because I thought it was on tomorrow.
See ya tomorrow after I: Run, work, volunteer, then meet up with some other bloggers. Busy busy!
– Laur


Something to ponder: Let the stomach dominate the mind, and not vice versa.

Question: I’m considering changing my Blog’s name. I want to keep Biochemista in the name just want to add another word or two to also encompass fitness, health, etc. Any ideas???

>Letters to Me: Dear Tina


Hi everyone,
I hope your day is off to a great start. Today’s post is from Tina of Faithfitnessfun.com as part of the Letters to Me” campaign.
Tina, you are amazing.

Dear Tina,
How are you feeling today? My guess is pretty hung over and maybe even wondering what you did last night. Oh, Tina. I love you and I want your life to be filled with more than the self indulgent things that only hurt you. Alcohol will not help you escape the pain you feel from your father. Restricting your food will not help you get healthy or have more control over life. If anything, it does the opposite since each time results in another binge, each bigger and more frequent than before. Having sex with someone will not bring you love. Can’t you see?

Can’t you see how much more worth you have? Let me give a glimpse into your future. You will be the guide and teacher to this little soul.
You don’t want her to hurt how you do. You don’t want her to feel the same insecurity and shame. And you know what? She won’t because you will learn to  love yourself. Why not go ahead and start now? Why not see yourself through God’s eyes and recognize the blessings that surround you? Why not have faith that things will improve? I’m here to tell you they will.

You are stronger than you think. God has faith in you and I do too. Each day you have a new opportunity to live life fully. Each moment you can decide to grasp joy. Each decision you make can be a chance to love yourself. You deserve that love and it starts with you. Stop restricting and binging. Start fearing food less and loving health more. Start doing things you love and searching out your passions. I’ll even give you a hint – start a blog about wellness, fitness, and life. 😉 Go back to church and create more meaningful relationships. Forgive so you can let go of the pain and embrace love from others and in yourself. Please, Tina. Please. Don’t wait to live.  



*This is written to my college self. Thank God things have changed in the past 6+ years. And it is my goal to help others not have to feel that pain a moment longer than necessary. I hope anyone else out there experiencing these feelings knows they have the power to change it.


To read more about the campaign, click here.