>Dear Stefanie

>Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Today’s post is from Stefanie of The New Healthy as part of the Letters to Me Campaign.

Have a great day ❤


Dear Stefanie of the past,
I wish I could show you how happy you would be if you would just grab life by the horns and start living! I want you to know that sleeping away your days does not solve your problems, nor does it make you any less accountable for the decisions you make. Alcohol will not take away the unhappiness either, in fact it will only make things worse. 
I wish I could tell you that the solution to your depression could be summed up in two simple words: GET MOVING. You will soon know that it is exercise, not laziness, and it is nourishing whole foods, not drive-through joints, that will bring you to the exact point at which you wish to be. Stop looking for that magic pill or that “easy way out” and make your life what you want it to be. It will take trial and error, success and failure, but you will get there.
I wish I could tell you that this often-said phrase: “I can’t run and I never will,” will be so false that you’ll look back and laugh! I wish I could tell you that the one form of exercise you’ve avoided your entire life would become one of your favorite hobbies. And not only a hobby, but a true love.
I will tell you this: when your dreams become your reality, they will be worth more than their weight in gold. Happiness is not the end-all, happiness is the journey. The journey is never-ending, dynamic, and fluid. But you’ll be okay with that, because it’s YOUR journey and you will own it!
Live each day as if it were your last. Take nothing for granted. Live, laugh, and love beyond words.
❤ Your Future Self


To learn more about the campaign and see how you can make a difference, click here

2 thoughts on “>Dear Stefanie

  1. >It took me way too long to also figure out that eating right and exercising would be one of the best things I could do for my depression. I honestly believe that the reason so many people are now depressed is because we eat crap and hardly move. I loved this letter! 🙂

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