>And I’m D-O-N-E

>Well I completed all of my Christmas shopping. And it only took me TWO trips. SUCCESS!

The first trip was incredibly successful. On the list:

– Mom
– Dad
– Brother
– Sister-in-law (to be)
– Michael (puppy)
– Secret Santa

Kelsey (sister) was my shopping buddy. We even hit up Dog Fish Ale House for dinner. If you’re a beer drinker and from the DC/VA/MD are, chances are you drink this stuff. I, on the other hand, am not a beer drinker. I never did like the taste. Wine is my thang.

We started with a bottle of Cabernet recommended by the server:

It. was. disgusting. 

I’ve never sent back wine before (unless it was corked) but this one tasted like sugar-y, syrup-y, grossness. I do not recommend.

This one, on the contrary, was pretty fantastic:

Dinner was good. Kels and I split the grilled salmon:

Veggies sauteed in olive oil rather than butter

And seared ahi tuna: 

And a side of steamed spinach (drizzled in EVOO, lemon, S&P)

* * *

Today I had the day off. I woke around 10am, caught up on the news, and made a breakfast classic..

The Protein Cupcake
Combine then microwave 1 min 30 seconds:
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 T egg white
pinch baking powder
pinch sea salt
water to moisten

1/4 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
2 T peanut flour
teeny bit of sea salt

(recipe inspired by Toneitup‘s protein pancake)

* * *

After digesting, the Manfriend and I jogged to the gym (1 mile each way), then I BodyPumped while he lifted and jump roped (fun fact: my brother and bf are crazy-good jump ropers)

We lunched on Soup courteous of Amy then I hit the streets for day #2 of holiday shopping. Fortunately Georgetown has amazing stores so I didn’t have to walk far. And after 2 shopping trips, I finished the Manfriend’s gifts and I’m D-O-N-E!

* * *

For holidays, birthdays, etc., are you an early-bird shopper or procrastinator like me?

15 thoughts on “>And I’m D-O-N-E

  1. >Congrats on the progress girl! Seared ahi tuna is one of my favourite things to order when I eat out. As far as shopping goes, for Christmas, my habits vary from year to year. This time, I was done 2 weeks ago – record timing for me!

  2. >I'm jealous…this girl is STILL not done her Christmas shopping…eeek!! I have no clue what to get my mom though, she's impossible to shop for. Enjoy being done and basking in holiday joy!

  3. >I am a little of both I think, all depends on who I am shopping for πŸ˜‰ I have never sent back a wine before I would if it tasted gross,LOL If you are going to spend the money you have to make sure it is worth it, right, haha πŸ˜‰ ~Lori

  4. >I almost always wait until the last minute to finish my shopping. I'll start thinking about potential gifts months in advance, but don't actually buy anything until, say, one or two days before Christmas. Every year, I vow to get my shopping done early, but it NEVER happens! I'm heading to the mall tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll be able to get lots accomplished. I've never been to Dog Fish Ale House…do recommend it?Can't wait to see you in a week! We should start talking about that dinner party… πŸ™‚

  5. >just need to say that i tried the protein cupcake this morning and it was AMAZING. I will probably make it again tomorrow and blog about its fabulousness! πŸ™‚ although i think it need sun warrior to make it as pretty as yours πŸ˜›

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