>Tasty greens

>Good morning errr afternoon! I woke this morning and found this gem on my camera taken by The Manfriend. I worked until 11:30pm last night and passed out hardcore.

Notice the robe? Told ya I’m always in one 😉 
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This morning I made a new version of protein-packed oats
GREEN oats! <—And they were GOOD
In the mix:
1/3 cup oats, 1 t chia seeds, 1 t flax seeds (soaked in 1 cup H20 overnight)
1/4 cup egg whites
1 t peanut butter
1 t SunWarrior Super Greens 
cinnamon, nutmeg (pinch each)
stevia (1 serving)
sea salt (tiny pinch)
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (added after microwaving other ingredients)
raw cacao nibs (to garnish, *optional)
Only 1 teaspoon and you get all of this…
And the best part? You can’t taste it! Enjoy all of the health benefits by one easy teaspoon. Mix into protein smoothies,  flavored oats, protein pancakes, etc. 
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Before work I decided to use up the remainder of our veggies before they grew mold coats. An easy peasy way to make mouth-watering roasted veggies?

Marinate them! 
“Sauce” in a bag
1 T balsamic vinegar
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1 T honey
1 t soy sauce
pinch black pepper, cayenne

I didn’t have much time so I just shook the veggies in a freezer bag to coat evenly, then lined a baking sheet with tinfoil, sprayed with non-stick spray…
And roasted for 40 mins at 425F (mixing a few times throughout cooking). Served with roasted tofu and leftover quinoa for a perfect (and filling) lunch.
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At werkkk I snacked on a new ThinkThin Crunch bar (mixed nuts & white chocolate variety). 10g protein, only 3g sugar and tasted more like a candy than protein bar. Winner!
Also in line for a review? ZING bars! Thanks to the nice people at Zing that send me they’re all-natural gluten, soy, and dairy-free protein bars. Can’t wait to try them out!
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One more quick snack…
Late last night The Manfriend was asking for something sweet so I made us each one of these..
Brown rice cake topped with peanut butter, 1/4 mashed banana, drizzle honey, and cinnamon
Sooo good!

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Have a great Tuesday everyone!
~ How do you use up produce when it’s on its way out? Any creative ideas? ~

DC Restaurant Review: For Restaurant week, the Manfriend and I went on a fancy schmancy date to the infamous Palm restaurant in Dupont Circle. The verdict? Not so good. I ordered the blackened salmon with mango salsa which was extremely overcooked and dry and the flourless chocolate cake which I found to be just “eh”. How can flourless chocolate cake be just eh??? You’re asking me! Not only was our food not that great, but our waiter seemed so rushed, impatient (and rude!) even though the restaurant was barely half full (it was a 9pm on Sunday). 
Would I go back? Probably not. Do I recommend you not go? Not necessarily. Perhaps the overcooked and dry meat was due to the mass preparation for restaurant week? I’ve heard good things over wise, we just had a crappy experience.

16 thoughts on “>Tasty greens

  1. >Alfalfa? I'd give that to a horse, but I'm not sure I'd throw it in my oatmeal 🙂 Although a real treat for a horse it hot bran mash, and I feel like I've seen a few healthy living bloggers eat that too….hmmm, maybe there's a trend here? 🙂

  2. >I've never tried marinated veggies like this before. Such a quick and easy way! Thanks! Your brown rice cake snack looks so delicious! YUM! I like to chop up produce when it's almost done and add it to a salad or put it in a wrap.

  3. >awww puppers! You look way better than I do when I sleep. My mouth would be open and Im sure I would be drooling. Classy, I know. Love the vegie marinating idea! I have never even considered doing that 🙂

  4. >A good way to use extra veggies is soup! You can throw just about any veggies in your crockpot, along with some liquid (like broth) and it will turn out fantastic.

  5. >I just try to use up extra veggies in a stew of sorts. Usually made in the crock pot and then add in whatever meat I have, usually chicken.Now you owe that manfriend a payback for taking that picture of you. But you do look cozy!

  6. >Sleepy!I have been wanting to try ormus greens…I may have to splurge. It does look like something I shouldn't live without :)When I have on-the-edge veggies, I usually throw them into soup or saute them. Cooking helps them not taste wilted 🙂

  7. >I think if McKinley was a smaller dog, he would totally sleep like that with me too :)What a good idea to marinate veggies before roasting! Definitely going to need to try that! I love rice cakes & pb 🙂

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