>A taxing night

>Thanks for your crock pot suggestions on yesterday’s post. If you still recipes to share, please do! I’m a slow-cooker virgin…hehe

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Last night I Tweeted that I had a very [emotionally] draining night at work. Without sharing too much information, a situation brought me back to last spring when I lost a good friend to suicide. Since his passing, there is rarely a day that goes by when he doesn’t cross my mind. Brian was an avid runner and I often find myself thinking of him when I see a beautiful sky, have a crazy endorphin high, or just find peace while hitting the pavement. Suicide is never the answer and with time things will always get better. I just wish he knew that.

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In more uplifting news, I’ve managed to make some good (and clean) eats over the last few days, despite the chaos and long hours at work.

I’m not going to lie. Lately I’ve been eating oatmeal every.single. day for breakfast. I can’t get enough!

Peanut Butter & Banana spiced Oats
In da bowl:
1/3 cup oats, 1 t chia seeds (soaked overnight in 1 cup almond milk)
1/4 cup egg whites
1/4 cup peanut flour
1/2 mashed banana
1 T Greek yogurt (makes it super creamy)
Truvia (all natural, zero-calorie sweetener)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)

 Chili topped sweet potato
Baked (aka microwaved) sweet potato
Chili (Amy’s organic chili, black bean salsa, chili powder, cumin)
Dollop Greek yogurt <—-tastes just like sour cream!

Organic Chicken Pot “Pie” w/ polenta topping 
(makes two pies)

Ingredients (all organic):
2 chicken breasts, boiled and diced
Cream of chicken soup (2 cans)
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cubed
1 head broccoli
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
5 celery ribs, chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 hand fulls fresh green beans
1.5 cups H20
1 roll polenta
1 t basil
1 t oregano
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t pepper

1. Preheat oven to 425F
2. Mash polenta until crumbled
3. Bring to boil l in 1.5 cups H20
4. Add spices and cook reduce to medium heat for 5 mins

1. Combine remaining ingredients
2. Drain excess liquid (picture below is before draining liquid)

1. Top pies with polenta mixture and bake for ~45 mins until veggies are soft and polenta starts to brown. 
2. Broil for 3-5 mins to further brown topping
3. Dig in!

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Alright, I’m off to break in my new Garmin watch (wooo!) then take a BodyPump class before heading to work.

What are your workout plans this week? Trying anything new?

>Let’s play catch-up

>Whew – this week has been crazy. I’ve spend a considerable bit most of my time at the hospital (hospital = work), and let me tell you, 5:45am wake-ups are not my thang. Last night however, I did manage to get 10 hours of sleep. Maybe it was due to the fact I was a walking corpse for the last few days, or I had a great time with these two ladies at a local DC food blogger happy hour.

Either way, I slept like a babe.

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I suppose a catch-up is in order, since working 13 hour days = no blogging. Sorry kids. Here are some recent [healthy] meals worth posting:

Butternut squash & Flax soup
(vegan, gluten-free, and SO EASY!)

 (Adapted from Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet)

1 medium butternut squash, cubed
2 large carrots, peeled and diced
2 ribs celery, chopped
1 medium yellow onion, diced
4 cups organic vegetable broth (gluten-free variety if required)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
2 T flax seeds
2 T apple cider vinegar
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 t basil
1 t oregano
1/2 t cumin
pinch cayenne
sea salt, pepper, to taste


1. Satay carrots, celery, garlic, onions in a little water until onions are soft
2. Boil squash until soft. 
3. Combine drained squash, veggies, and remaining ingredients and use mixer, food processor, or in my case blender to puree

4. Enjoy

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 Chocolate protein pancakes topped with raspberry puree
Pancake mix:
1.5 scoops Chocolate protein powder (Chocolate SunWarrior is the best, in my opinion)
1/3 cup egg whites
1 T diced pecans 
1 T apple sauce, unsweetened
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
pinch baking powder
pinch sea salt

Raspberry glaze:
1/4 cup frozen raspberries, microwaved & mashed
stevia, to taste
 * * *
Sweet Potato & Peanut Butter <—Amazing savory/sweet combo

(Thanks Naomi for the suggestion!)

Quick Sweet potato cooking directions:
Stab sweet potato several times with knife
Microwave in bowl (with a little H20) for ~10 mins, 5 mins on each side

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What are you dying to cook that you haven’t tried? 
I reeeeally want to break out my slow cooker but am somewhat intimidated, despite the face I know you just “throw stuff in and let it cook”. Any recipe suggestions?

>I have some exciting news for you…


First off, some things to share. 
Peanut Flour makes the best dip. 
Esp. if you’re someone that can’t stop after eating 1-2T of the real stuff.
In the mix:
3 T Peanut Flour
sea salt
Carrots dipped in are even better (perfect nighttime snack)
I can drink Green Protein smoothies regardless if it’s 20F.
In the mix:
1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 nanner
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
hand full fresh spinach
1T almond butter
almond milk
pinch xanthan gum (to thicken)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)
stevia, to taste
Greek yogurt + crushed pecans + stevia + teeeny drizzle maple syrup is divine.
My packed salads don’t always look appetizing, but they are mouth-watering delicious.
In the mix:
Boston lettuce
1/2 cup kidney beans
1 wedge Light Laughing Cow cheese
2 T nutritional yeast (gives a cheesy flavor, and adds extra protein)
1 T sunflower seeds (healthy source of fat)
And the BEST dressing: A 1:1 mixture of balsamic vinegar and Goddess Dressing

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Some random tid-bits…
If I’m home, there’s a 95% chance I’m rocking a fleece robe
(Just woke up, be kind)
Michael wears scarves. I swear he did this himself. 
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OK, now for the news….
Biochemista is moving! Since leaving my program in Biochemistry (left with a MS degree) and pursuing a degree in clinical medicine, I think it’s only appropriate the blog gets a new name. The new blog should be launching within the week!
What can you expect? The new blog will be my definition of a healthy living blog: How I try to juggle it all (career, fitness, health, social life, relationships) while still maintaining balance. You can also expect more raw, uncensored, sarcastic (you might not know this but I’m incredibly sarcastic), and [frighteningly] honest posts. With a science-y twist, of course.
Stay tuned!

>A wonderful weekend

>As you know, I wasn’t able to go home to NH for Christmas this year. So this year, the fam came to us. Yesterday was Christmas in our household!

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I started the year off right with a seven five-miler (aimed for 7 but legs were still sore from previous day’s BodyPump). It was still a picturesque run. AND 50 degrees out!

Squeezed in a stair workout (front of Lincoln Monument)

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After I returned I quickly prepped a Raspberry-Vanilla-Almond Green Monstah (I’m from New Hampsha, remember) Smoothie, showered, then it was present time!

My beautiful niece, Morgan.
“Uncle” Seth bought her a “big-girl” keyboard

My beautiful mama and goofball brother & sister-in-law

Oh, and one more thing. We (roomies and I) are obsessed with our fleece robes. We wear them all.the.time. So what better gift than a robe for the whole family?

Next year’s holiday card? 
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After gifts we headed to dinner at Old Ebbit Grill, a restaurant founded in 1856, located just steps from the White House, that serves local fresh American cuisine. If you’re in the area, you have to try this gem out.
I started with a house salad, no cheese, with basil vinaigrette dressing on the side.
I take that back. I started with a glass of Prosecco.
Then dabbled in some appetizers to share.
Rawww. Slurp.
For dinner, I went with the turkey burger
No cheese. Side of fruit instead of fries.
And happily shared a few bites of this chocolate-raspberry-mountain.


Claw? hahaha.

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After dinner it was time for some sight-seeing!

Capitol (from 15th and Pennsylvania)
White House (North side)
(South side)
It was a great night to end a perfect weekend with the fam. I’m going to miss them so much!
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How did you spend your New Years Eve/Weekend?