>Look for the smoothie butt

>Good morning afternoon. It’s the morning for me because I kinda sorta…just woke up. To my defense I worked until 11:45pm last night. And by the time I drove home, showered, had a snack, and unwound, it was past 2am. Eeeek. Gotta work on that. Although it’s late I have such a hard time showering and going right to bed. One would think I’d be exhausted after running around for an 8-12 hour hospital shift. Hmm…

Ideas on how to get this girl in bed earlier?
* * * 
Since we just returned from Myrtle Beach and I’ve been working a lot, I stillllll have yet to make to the grocery store. Therefore many of my meals have been boooorning. Still tasty, but lacking a little in the creativity department.
Enter breakfast #1 (yesterday)
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
handfull frozen strawberries
1/2 frozen banana
hand full fresh spinach
1 t SuperGreens
1 t flax seed oil (healthy fat, yo)
1 t xanthan gum (to thicken, optional)
stevia (1 serving, to sweeten)
How do you know when your smoothie is of the right consistency? 
Well when it get’s a Smoothie Butt, of course..

 Look for da butt. Works like a charm every time.

Breakfast #2 (today)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup frozen mangoes
1/2 frozen banana
1 t chia seeds
~1 cup unsweetened almond milk
hand full fresh spinach
1 t SuperGreens
stevia (1 serving)
goblet wine glass (optional)

Lunch #1 (yesterday)

1 can Amy’s Organic Split Pea Soup
2 T nutritional yeast (cheesy flavor plus added protein and B vitamins)
1/4 cup egg whites (added protein, you won’t taste the difference)
chili powder
pinch cayenne pepper (for spiiiiice)
Think thin bars (almost tried every flavor so look for review soon!)
carrots n’ peanut butter
So there ya have it. My snoozefest assembly of recent meals. But in all honesty, it’s comforting to know I  always have a hand full of meals and snacks on hand when the fridge is nekkked. I always have a stash of the following items for times of desperation/laziness:
– Frozen veggies
– Frozen fruit
– veggie burgers
– oats
– organic canned soup
– Organic Spaghetti O’s (Call me a 5-year-old if you want)
Some easy peasy meals:
Indian food (a la Trader Joe’s)
* * *
Completely random, but I’ve received a few emails/comments recently about how some of you want to try spaghetti or acorn squash but are too scared to cut into the darn thing. And rather than telling you to just try it, I think I’ll save a finger or two.
Simple cutting/cooking instructions (for any large squash)
1. Boil whole squash for ~25 mins. This will soften it up (at same time, preheat oven to 425F)
2. Cut open squash length wise
3.  Line baking sheet with tin foil and spray with olive oil
4. Place cut side down and bake for ~20 mins until soft throughout and browned

5. Spoon/fork out seeds


* * *

Have a great rest of your day! So jealous most of you only have a few hours of work left. I, on the other hand, am heading to work at 3pm!

Oh and guess what…I am officially registered for the Marine Corps Marathon (Oct 30th)!!!!

Don’t forget to enter my Giveaway! Giving away a great foodie gift package! 

What foods do you always have on hand? 

13 thoughts on “>Look for the smoothie butt

  1. >I'm so excited that you're running MCM too! I'm running it too, it should be so fun. :)I have a hard time going to bed as soon as I get home too, but my only suggestion would be to set a timer for yourself so you don't stay up longer than you want.

  2. >haha–the smoothie but always signifies a perfect smoothie consistency! :)If you have get any 'get to bed early' tips–send them my way! haha I'm the worst at getting to bed early!!

  3. >I always have oats and peanut butter on hand. Oats are my go to staple simply because you can dress em up however you want! And peanut butter, well do I really need a reason to have that?? 😉

  4. >Hi! 🙂 I've been following your blog/your twitter for awhile and I just wanted to finally say that I really enjoy reading it! And YES, the smoothie butt is the best indicator of when the consistency is perfect! 😀

  5. >I always have veggies on hand. Just as long as I have some spinach, tomatoes and some other veggie, I'm good! I love having granola bars too! I'm the same way about staying up late. There's just no way that I can unwind quickly. If you get any good tips, let me know!

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