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>Deck to deck to deck

>A day that begins and ends on the deck is a good one, in my book. Today and tomorrow are my weekend (yes, the perks of working at a hospital – not all weekends are free) so I intend to take full advantage of them.

Smoothie players
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior)
1/2 frozen banana
1/3 c blueberries
fresh spinach, hand full
1 t spirulina (probiotic)
1 t xanthan gum (to thicken)
1/2 c almond milk, 1 c water


Except for a doctor’s appointment, I spent the day doing the things that I like to do on a day off. Stuff like…

Making JUICE for the next few days!

Juice players
romaine lettuce
fuji apple

Tip: If you’re making a few day’s worth of juice, store it in an air-tight Mason jar to prevent oxidation.

[Insert dreaded lady doctor appointment and kick butt spinning class]
I was back on the deck for lunch and some fresh veg and hummus…
[Insert long walk with the cutest pup in the world]

Dinner tonight was very random, simple, but pretty freakin’ good. I was craving Italian but had no pasta sauce or noodles. Hmmm….

 Sauteed spinach and tomatoes (cooked on the stove top in garlic powder, oregano, and basil, sea salt, and pepper) topped with Trader Joe’s Meatless Balls and nutritional yeast.

It was one of those meals that doesn’t look so glamorous but tastes incredible. Next time I’ll top it over a fresh toasted baguette.

[Insert walk with Manfriend because he haaaaaad to end his burger craving]

I heard great things about Shake Shack so I suggested Seth try it out. If you’re a burger lover check out some deets on this place!

100% natural, antibiotic-free meat, grass fed beef, organic dairy, local farming, and green products. Seriously???

Seth’s monstah

I tried to capture a pic of him chowing down and realized that would be impossible because the man eats the whole thing in like three bites! I laughed so hard as I had to tell him, “slooooowww downnnn!”. I felt like I was with a little kid and had to make them spit it out into my hand so they didn’t choke! hahaha

On our way back we picked up a great bottle of Cabernet

 (and not just because it’s science-y!)

Aaaaand we’re back on the deck (with our friend Corey) sipping a little vino. Just 1 glass, I have to be up eeeearly tomorrow!

What’s your typical day off like?

What’s your dream day off like?

>This changes, everything.

>That was my sister’s response to the (organic) chicken tenders I made tonight, “This changes everything!”

I‘ve been dreaming of health-ified chicken tenders for quite some time now, and tonight was the night!

The thing is these babies taste like chicken tenders….and they’re made from only a few clean ingredients:

Organic chicken breasts 
(use pressed tofu slices for a vegan option)
light vegan mayo (any light mayo or Greek yogurt will do)
garlic powder
sea salt, pepper
evoo spray


Preheat oven to 400F
Dice chicken breasts into strips
Thinly coat chicken in mayo (I used ~2T for two large chicken breasts)
Toss 5T nutritional yeast and 1/4 t garlic powder and spread on small plate
Roll/coat chicken in yeast/garlic (add a dash of sea salt, black pepper).
Bake on tinfoil coated/evoo sprayed baking sheet for 15 mins, flip tenders
Cook for an additional 10-15 mins until slightly browned and cooked thoroughly

Dipped in organic ketchup and served with a side of curried cauliflower and roasted green beans

Try these, immediately. They will change everything, haha.
* * *

What recipe has changed ‘everything’ for you?


>Last weekend I travelled home to New Hampshire to celebrate my future sister-in-law’s graduation from UNH Nursing School! I am beyond proud of her for a couple of reasons..

1) She graduated with honors
2) UNH nursing program is very hard to get accepted into
3) She has a great job lined up

and most importantly….

4) She did it all while raising my beautiful niece. For those of you that don’t know, I have a 5-year-old sunshine in my life, Morgan Therese. My bother and his fiance got pregnant very young (17 and 18) and stayed together, went to college, and now that Morgan is 5, they are engaged! They are fantastic parents and I couldn’t be more proud of my future sister-in-law! At her celebration lunch, it was so cute to hear Morgan walk around to random people saying “My mommy is so smart she is now a nurse and going to take care of sick people”. Adorable!!!

The weekend was amazing and this little man also flew home for the celebration…

I didn’t take too many pictures, sorry. Somehow only pics of salads and tequila seemed worthy.
Summer mix salad with grilled chicken from the Silver Diner (Baltimore airport). 
If you ever end up at that airport, eat there!!!! Most foods are all-natural and all of their meat is antibiotic-free.
And a Whole Foods salad beast…

Oh, our flight was delayed 1.5 hours. Therefore,  [a couple of] Skinny Margaritas were in order!
Patron silver, tiiiiny splash of triple sec, juice from 3-4 lime wedges, and a teeny tiny splash of OJ

How did you spend your weekend?

Do you have a certain family member that you are exceptionally proud of?

>Health & happiness

>“Don’t let you get in your own way”. I heard this quote the other day (sorry I can’t remember where!) and it stuck with me. So much of what we strive for in life – whether it pertains to career, relationship, or health – is in fact hindered by us!

Why do you stay in that job you hate?

Why haven’t you applied to that dream grad program?

Why aren’t you maintaining a healthy weight?

Why haven’t you been exercising regularly?

Why are you letting him/her walk all over you?

Outside factors surely influence but the only person to change these things is you. Life is busy and hectic and will probably always be. So if you’re putting off what you really want in life, what are you waiting for? I am continuously reminded of this working at a hospital. Life is precious and it can it’s not a given. Life is a privilege. Run with it .
* * *
In thinking about life, love and what makes me at peace, I couldn’t help but think about what about this little blog and leading a healthy lifestyle in general, truly makes me happy. I’m not talking the number on a scale or how I feel in a bathing suit, but what about being healthy makes me truly smile.
The first thing that came to mind was running. In all honesty, if I had one week to live I would spend my last days running. And I would run and run and run the most in pleasurable way I know how – with no watch and lots of scenery!

When you’re not crunched for time try going for a leisurely jog without your Garmin (GPS) watch and no set course or plan. Jam out to soul-sooothing music (think Jack Johnson-ish) and let your mind go free. It’s liberating.
I next thought about how eating healthy makes me happy. Besides fitting into my jeans and rarely getting sick, I thought about how I feel after eating a clean meal and how it fuels me with nutrients. When I eat clean and nutrient dense I leave the meal feeling clean, and nutrient dense but unlike many chemical-filled meals, I could get up and head out for a run if I wanted to! No post-meal nap required, just pure fuel!

And of course, a few items came to mind…
Green juice. From what I’ve read, drinking green juice on an empty stomach (especially first thing in the morning) is like a surge of vitamins throughout your body. An empty tummy and little fiber (lost in the pulp) allows for speedy digestion and quick absorption of nutrients.
Kombucha juice. Supports a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Organic and raw. I swear I can feel an energy buzz after guzzling one of these babies.
Green Monster smoothies. Add fresh spinach to your favorite smoothie. I swear you can’t taste it!
Hot/cold salad bowls. Mix of roasted veggies (here, sweet potatoes) and chilled veggies. Top with a serving of hummus and it becomes a savory meal.
Summer salads. Add diced mangoes, strawberries, or apples to your favorite traditional salads for a refreshing twist.
Sweet potato fries. 4 ingredients (potatoes, sea salt, pepper, and olive oil spray), quick and an uber comfort food. Puts MickyD’s to shame. Recipe here
Garbanzo bean pancakes. Yes, pancakes that taste like traditional restaurant quality (in my opinion, even better!) but don’t leave you feeling like you ate a brick. Recipe here.
Pancakes topped with coconut milk yogurt. I’ve gone to heaven.
Fresh produce. Something about a fridge full of fresh fruit and veggies makes me giddy.

And, coffee. What? I’m being honest. You can read about my quest to quit consume less here, here and here.

If you can define what about a healthy lifestyle makes you genuinely happy (or what will) beyond the vanity reasons, you’re much more likely to stick with one.

What are your reasons for maintaining or beginning a healthy lifestyle?

What recipes are mainstream in your diet for good reason?

>Happy birfday old man

>Today I spent the day celebrating the Manfriend’s birthday!!! Did you know that we started dating 15 years ago??!

Happy Birthday to the love of my life ❤
I surprised Seth by planning a dinner with our friends at Mai Thai, an ammmaaazing (and affordable!) Thai restaurant in Dupont Circle.
I sipped a skinny margarita (go figure!) and had the red curry with seafood.
It was a great night. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pumped when Seth picked Mai Thai as his bday dinner locale. Growing up in my family, on our birthdays we were allowed to pick where the family would eat dinner. 99% of the time I went with the Olive Garden. These days, things have changes since dairy and I are no longer friends, but I sure do miss those never ending
bread sticks and salad!
Did you have a birthday tradition growing up?

>Flip flip flip flipadelphia

>Guess where we were this weekend?

We drove to PHILLY to see ADELE! I seriously love here more than ever. That girl can SING! Did you know she’s only 23 years old??? In case you don’t know of her [yet], here’s the song that got me hooked.

Here’s a weekend in pictures…

So close! 

Margarita bar? Sign us up!

Trendy hotel
Farm fresh food at Farmicia

Have you visited Philly?

It was my first time and we were only there for 2 days but I definitely want to go back!

>All about…

>I have the best roommates in the world. I owe my sister (who is conveniently a nurse) and the Manfriend a lot. They took fantastic care of me – and cooked for me. Today, I’m feeling a lot more like ME ❤

I must say, I’ve relied more on whole foods, real vitamins, and proper hydration than over-the-counter medicine during this cold.

I’ve been all about…..

Green juice (cucumber, celery, kiwi, apple, garlic, parsley, ginger) + Kombucha!

Baked sweet potatoes!!! I can’t get enough of these!
 (Topped with a little peanut or almond butter. The salty/sweet combo is faaaaantastic.)
Organic oats for smoothie dough boy bowls and parfaits (I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of these)
Berry Bowls
(I usually don’t buy fresh berries, because I consume so many frozen ones in smoothies and other breakfasts but I’ve been all about these lately!) 
 And crackers for magic soup dippin’
What have you been ‘all about’ lately?

Are you a fresh or frozen fruit person?

Ever try green juice? 

>Spring sickness

>Well I’m officially under the weather. Who doesn’t get a cold all winter then manages to get one in May? This girl!

In an effort to kick it in the butt asap, I’ve been drinking tons of water and eating very nutrient dense foods. Here’s a recent bfast that’s both healthy and delicious.

Chocolate-covered Strawberry Oatmeal & FroYo Parfait (protein-packed!)

I loved this combo! Recipe here, just substitute chocolate protein instead of vanilla and omit the vanilla extract.

On the hydration front, I’ve consumed about 10L (in the last 2 days, not kidding) of this stuff. It seems to work for Jennifer Aniston….
I kid, I kid. But I do like the stuff.

I haven’t had my beastly appetite lately, so in order to get enough protein, I’ve made a few of these babies..

Chocolate protein cupcakes
Combine, mix and microwave for 1 min, 30 seconds
1.5 scoops chocolate (SunWarrior) protein
1 T egg whites
pinch baking powder
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, teeeny pinch
water, to moisten. <–If your cake is too dry, add more h20!
1 T *almond butter (topping)

*Since I broke up with Mr. Cow, I’ve replaced my cupcake toppings with nut butters or coconut milk yogurt. Deeeeelish.

* * *

I think Seth felt a little bad for me and took charge of dinner tonight and he came up with quite the amazing stir-fry combo!

Chicken, quinoa & veggie stir-fry

Serves 5: Cook 1 c Quinoa  in low-sodium chicken broth and set aside when done. Chop 3 peppers, 1 medium yellow onion, mushrooms, garlic and cook over medium heat until onions start to brown. Next, add diced chicken breast and 3 eggs and cook thoroughly. Finally, mix all ingredients and added Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce), sea salt, and black pepper, to taste. <–So good! Thanks Setho ❤

And sweet potato fries, because they go with anything. Recipe here.

* * *

Do you suffer from food allergies? If so, what’s the hardest thing you’ve had to give up? (Greek yogurt for me!)

Are you a stir-fry person? I’m usually not but I LOVED the version Seth made!

>Start to finish

>Lately I’ve been beginning and ending my day in a positive day, both physically and mentally. ‘Physically’, meaning starting with a mega nutrient packed breakfast (and lots of hydration!), and ending with a balanced (yet satisfying) dinner and small dessert (that often does just as much for the soul as taste buds) – think hot tea, warmed almond milk with a little cinnamon and stevia, few squares of dark chocolate or glass of red wine.

On the ‘mental‘ side, I’ve been spending a few mins each morning thinking about what I want to get out of the day (beyond day-to-day tasks) and how I can do something to better someone else’s day, whether that ‘someone’ is the Earth or someone around me. At night, I been trying to rid the “what are the 10 kajillion things I need to accomplish tomorrow?” thoughts and focusing on what I’m thankful for.

Try it out. Spend a few mins reflecting on the day to come or day that’s passed and I promise you’ll feel a new sense of rejuvenation and appreciation for life.

* * *

Well kids, Spring Summer is in the air! I can almost taste skinny margaritas on the Georgetown waterfront. On yesterday’s 7-mile run, I couldn’t help being brought back to childhood among the smell of freshly cut grass (not that margaritas have anything to do with my childhood, haha). Every time I smell this I’m instantly brought back. Do any smells do this for you?

Endorphin Trips 7-mile runs are so much better when they’re finished with a Power Smoothie!

 The players
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1/2 c frozen raspberries
hand full fresh spinach
1 T almond butter (healthy fat to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
1/2 c almond milk
1 t spirulina (probiotic)
1 t maca powder (for energy buzzzzz)
stevia, 1 serving (to sweeten)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)
water, to desired consistency

I’m starting to feel a sore throat coming on so the rest of the day’s meals were also nutrient dense (only lunch pictured).

One of my favorite salad combos!
The players
diced tofu
yellow pepper
raw almonds
sunflower seeds
1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar
And fresh Juice!!!
  broccoli stems 
+ parsley

* * *

Last night I met up with Sara and Katie for FroYo and dinner. FroYo was a bust since Pinkberry’s line was around the block (literally) but I had a great time chatting away with the girls at dinner! I’ve hung out with Sara a number of times and it was great to finally meet Katie! Pics to come 🙂
Have a wonderful Friday!
* * *
What smells bring you back to summer?

Would you embrace taking a few moments at the start and end of each day for positive reflection?

What’s your kick-a-cold-in-the-butt remedy?