>100th post, MamaDukes visits, half marathon, and rough times

>Holy heck, this is my 100th post!!! Where has time gone?? Thank you to everyone that reads and comments on my little blog. It really means the world to me. Please feel free to say hi if you haven’t commented before. I’d love to meet ya 😉

I hope everyone had a dandy weekend! Mine was amazing and scary at the same time. I will share the amazing part first..

As I told ya, Mamadukes was visiting the District! We spent the weekend shopping, eating some delish food, and running a HALF MARATHON! I’ve always wanted to run one with her (at her speed so we could do it together) so I surprised her by waiting at mile marker 2. Since she was recovering from pneumonia only 2 weeks ago her lung capacity is not all there. We decided to do a walk/run and let me tell you….WALKING IS HARD!!! My back is STILL SORE! I can totally understand how people that spend hours on their feet have sore backs! OUCH!!

^Expo madness.
Scored some goodies

^Pic taken at 4:45am…The time I needed to wake for the 6:30am race! Note to self: When signing up for before-dawn race, be sure it’s not 45 mins away!!

^Not in the district anymore. Course was gorg. Rolling hills among beautiful farmland

Some eats from the weekend:

^Spiralized raw zucchini with tomatoes, diced tofu, cherry tomatoes, steamed broccoli and asparagus, peanuts, and Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. This is definitely one of my favorite meals!!! So quick, easy, and delish!!

^The only thing better than Coconut water after a redic sweat sesh is FREE coconut water! After a KICK-ARSE kickboxing class my gym was giving out these babies! Did you know that for 60 calories, coconut has more electrolytes than sports water and more potassium than 2 bananas?!

^Supa thick smoothie: 1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein, 1/2 frozen banana, handful berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), 1/2 cup spinach, h20, stevia, 1 tsp flax seed oil, 1 tsp xanthan gum

^Trader Joe’s Chicken Vindaloo (sold in freezer aisle)…SO GOOD!!!

^One of my favorite warm weather meals! Diced apple, Kashi puffs, Trader Joe’s High Fiber cereal, lotsa cinnamon, almond milk. Yeeeee-UM.

^And SNACKS GALORE to accompany movies and good wine

^And of course I took MamaDukes to 2 Amy’s!!! Gotta carb load for the 1/2 marathon, right??? 😉 For you DCers, this is a must visit. Ranked in the TOP 10 BEST PIZZA in the US!

After the half marathon, I showed her around Capitol Hill and Eastern Market. I LOOOOVE Eastern Market. Why don’t I go more often??? They have the best furniture, pictures, jewelry, antiques, etc. etc. etc. and not to mention THE BEST FARMERS MARKET!

Feeling ravished from the half and shopping in the sun, we devoured a fantastic lunch:

^AMAZING fresh bread, turkey, swiss, lettuce, tomato, avocado

^Sauvignon blanc (Ice in mine, classssaaaay I know)

^Bowl of gazpacho that went too fast for a pic!

To escape the sun we ventured to my favorite store:

^Ahhhh. There is something about the smell of new books. I could live in that store.

To end the weekend, I took MamaSkeff to my favorite summatime spot…

The Georgetown Waterfront!!! LOVE THIS PLACE!

^I sipped an au natural margarita (clear tequila, splash triple sec, fresh lime juice, agave)

^And feasted on this glorious ahi tuna salad. Sorry for the picture quality! Sun was so darn bright!! Pictured: Romaine, tomatoes, red onions, avocado, peppers, raw ahi tuna, sesame dressing, and WHITE CHOCOLATE pieces. So good!!!

And now, the scary part…

^Need these. Flowers always brighten my day. Do you buy them when you’re feeling blue??

I have been keeping something secret from you (and most of my family/friends) for quite some time now. This is not because I don’t love y’all, but the blog/Internet world is not as small as we’d like to think. I promise to tell you more later in the week, but for now please know that if I’m not blogging, commenting on your blog, etc. it’s because I am going through a rough patch right now. I’m sorry to be so vague but I will fill you in very soon.

Thanks for your understanding. I love you all!
