>Simple n’ sweet


Are you listening? (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sing it back. (Ah,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
So tell me what do I need (tell me what do I need, uh oh, uh oh)
When words lose their meaning (When words lose their meaning)
I was spinning free (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
with a little sweet and simple numbing me
Yeah, stumble til you crawl (Whoa,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh)
Sinking into sweet uncertainty
(Jimmy Eat World, Sweetness)
The song reminded me of the title. That is all.
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Look what’s in bloom over our back deck!!

Sun may not be out much, but they’re still perdy!

Oh, haaaay! I need a haircut. Mmmm, k?
(FYI Washingtonians, peak bloom is Tues – Sat. Get out there!)

This morning I enjoyed a simple and sweet breakfast
(Oats, chia seeds, banana, blueberries, tsp almond butter, tsp honey)

But c’mon, wouldn’t you rather hear about a simple-r and sweet-er skinny margarita I recently made?  It’s almost summer, y’alllll! Tons of calories and sugar and no excuse to give up the occasional Rita….Just make a skinny version. Duh!

Skinny (all-natural) Strawberry Margarita (on the rocks)
1-2 oz clear tequila (1-2 shots)
~0.5 oz triple sec (1/4 shot). I prefer this all-natural brand
3-4 frozen strawberries, thawed in microwave til soft
juice from 1/4 lime
stevia to taste (I like 1/2 – 1 serving)

Combine ingredients & shake, shake, shake!

Or you can use strawberries and mangoes and add a little extra fruit..
(Raspberry + pineapple is also pretty fantastic)

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In less fun news, the Manfriend is sickkk. He had a little ER trip after the race (infected wound) and ended up with a fever, and a lot of wound draining. Delicious, right? Glad I told you this between food pictures? Makes you want to eat my recipes even more I bet, ha!

I’ve been a good little nurse girlfriend and making him vitamin-packed smoothies on call

vanilla protein powder (Sunwarrior brand)
1/2 banana
fresh spinach
coconut water (electrolytes!)
splash orange juice
tsp spirulina
almond butta (promotes absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
And the usual [cutsie] vitamins..
(Clearly I bought these babies. And I’m 5 years old)
Oh, and one more thing…
I made [Protein] BALLS!
1) I was inspired by Gina’s amazeballs
2) I’m sick of spending $3 per store-bough protein bar 
3) I need a quick high protein/healthy carb snack between lunch and dinner when I’m at werkk
Blueberry Vanilla Protein Ballz:
1/2 cup oats
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (or 4 SunWarrior baby scoops)
2 T nut butter of choice (I used PB)
1/4 cup thawed and mashed blueberries
1 T chia seeds
stevia, 2 servings
sea salt, 2 pinches
water to moisten (approx. 1/3 cup)

Combine and roll into approx. 5 balls, adjusting water amount as necessary. Chill in fridge overnight (or at least 1 hr)

*Note: The pictures above were taken before chilling in fridge overnight. They should be intact and slightly wet/slimy looking. The oats/seeds will soak up remaining liquid and balls will harden (twss) to protein-bar thickness. 
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Are you a margarita lover like me?
If not, what the heck is wrong with you? jk 😉
What’s your favorite summa-time drink?