

How are you?????! It’s been soooo long! SO SO SO sorry for the M.I.A-ness. I’ve been soooo busy!

As you know, I had my last day in Scienceland. Not gonna lie, it was bittersweet. I feel happy because I have this ginormous weight lifted off my chest, but at the same time a huge piece of me feels missing. Maybe missing isn’t the best word, but my ‘professional life’ has been entirely research. I’ve never had another ‘real’ job.

But in the end, I know I made the right decision and I’m looking forward to my new path in life.

I need to to take a little break from Bloggerville (maybe a week) to deal with all of the craziness going on.

Here’s a taste of my life right now:

Class 8am-4pm (straight!) for the next FOUR WEEKS!
Finishing up experiments in lab (5-8pm)
– Last min bachelorette party planning! (Jet-setting to BOSTON this weekend!)
Moving to a new apartment on Monday (with the Manfriend and ma sistah!)
– Working on my M.S. thesis
Applying to PA programs
– Volunteering

And here is a recent pic (with ma new toy!) after an 8hr lecture and clinical practium (be kind – no make-up and some tiiiiiired eyes! haha):

So puh puh pleeeeeaase bear with me as I take a little bit of time off! I’m still reading your lovely comments and blogs just need to focus on the more pressing issues lately…


See you in a week!!!!


