>Mr. Super-Deep-Heavy-Breathing-Snot-Blowing-Yogi

>Thank youuuuu, Sunday! Thank you for finally arriving. I’ve been waiting on you for several days now. Why so excited, you ask? Because I’m off today!

You’d think I’d be completely exhausted and sleep til 12 (y’allll know me well), but I actually went to bed shortly after getting home from work last night (around 12:30am) and woke refreshed and ready for the day. I haaaaate sleeping in when I work the evening shift (3-11:30pm). I need some “me” time before work, ya know? The alarm buzzed (who am I kidding? It blasted country) and I happily made my way (in robe, duh) to the kitchen for breakfast and caffeination.

Speaking of caffeine, I have some horrible news..

Rest in Peace, dear friend ❤

Good think I have a back-up (reg coffee pot). I seriously sound like an addict, b.t dubs). But more importantly, anyone know what I should do?? I don’t have the box and bought it from BJ’s less than a year ago…Waaah.

In happier news, I enjoyed a Vanilla Almond Protein Cupcake on the deck.

Mix and microwave ~1.5 mins in evoo-sprayed mug
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1 T egg whites
pinch baking powder
1/2 t chopped almonds
~1/8 t almond extract
pinch baking powder
h20, to moisten
stevia, 1 serving

stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek yogurt
Thanks to this new lil friend. 
Aaaand since my frother is still living, I topped steamed soy + cinnamon over brewed Peet’s coffee (my favorite drip at-home drip coffee).

With a side of sun and pup..

Post-digestion, I made my way (aka jogged) to a 90 min Power Yoga class at The Studio DC. This was my first power yoga class and I really enjoyed. It reminded me of vinyasa flow with an athlete’s touch. Right up my alley, don’t cha think??

My only complaint: Mr. Super-deep-heavy-breather-snot-blower two mats down from me. If I was Anna, I would have freeeeeaked (she was closer than me). Now I know I’m no master yogi – I try to focus on my breathing, even if I feel a little funny/embarrassed. And I get the whole breathing philosophy. Trust me, no judgement here. Sometimes one or two fellow yogi’s breathe louder than the rest of the group (combined) and ya know what, do your thang – I can usually drown you out.

But today was on another level. Mr. Super-deep-heavy-breather-snot-blower only breathed out through his nose (kudos to you), but blew snot all over his face and mat the. entire. time. I tried not to focus on him but I couldn’t help it! He had snot dripping from his nose to the floor. BARF.

Snot blower, I really hope we don’t meet again in another class (or he clears up that cold, STAT) because I really did enjoy the class – the parts that I could actually focus on. Moral of the story? If you’re going to snot everywhere in a heated yoga class with 30+ people crammed into a small room, please do one of the following:

 1) Breathe through your mouth
2) Keep tissues nearby
3) Wear a mask
4) Don’t come to class

I prefer numbers 3 and 4. Just sayin‘.

Moving on…

Post yoga and jog home, I was ravishing! I threw together this particularly colorful protein-packed salad. Salad monsters, you never do me wrong.

cherry tomatoes
black beans
steamed sweet potato 
1:1 mixture of Goddess Dressing and balsamic vinegar

* * *

Alright my friends, I’m off to enjoy my lovely day off…and sip a hearty Green Monster Smoothie. This one is particularly delicious (according to the Manfriend)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen banana
5-6 frozen strawberries
hand full fresh spinach
almond milk
teeeny but of fresh lime juice (it needed something tart)
stevia, 1 serving
pinch xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
pinch sea salt

Sooooo…..what shall I do today??? Some ideas I’m throwing around:

– Long run (9ish miles)
– Farmers market
– Pick up laundry (boo)
– “Window” shop around Georgetown
– Cook dinnah (quinoa stuffed peppers?)
– Shameless <–New favorite show!!

Enjoy your Sunday!