>What’s cookin good lookin?

>For today’s post I thought I’d take you on a tour of [what’s in] my kitchen. As I was putting together pictures, I thought about what my kitchen looked like 5 years ago. In my former college kitchen you would find:

– (Preservative loaded) Lean Cuisines and other diet-y frozen dinners
– Huge bag of frozen raw antibiotic-loaded chicken
Frozen pancakes (no idea why I loved these so much)
Fat-free yogurt sweetened with splenda
Diet energy drinks (Tab Energy Drink was my vice. Any else?)
Diet soda (Diet Coke for days and Diet Sprite/Ginger Ale for mixers on weekends)
– Sugar-loaded granola bars 
Fat-free Kraft Singles (how disgusting! Why did I enjoy eating plastic??)
Fat-free/sugar-free  Jell-O and pudding
Deli meats (never opted preservative/filler free versions)
– Lots of ready-made dressings, marinades, toppings
Do you get the picture? If it was”diet” I was all over it (well, except maybe the frozen pancakes, ha). I was never full, suffered from constant headaches, and constantly obsessed about my diet. Since switching to a lifestyle of eating real, whole, and clean foods, my life has dramatically improved in the following ways:
1) Bye-bye migraines (went from 1-2 per week to maaaybe 1 every other month)
2) Feel full, for much longer
3) No longer obsessing over diet foods
4) Huge energy boost
5) Ironically, when I stopped “dieting” I got into the best shape of my life
So here’s a look in my current kitchen. Keep in mind, this is not all my food (I have roomies). Y’all know I have a cheese allergy. I might dream I could divulge in the smoked Gouda deliciousness you will see, but sadly that is not the case.

A lot of my lunches and dinners are eaten at work. I love doctoring up healthy soups and sauces

Protein bars, natural condiments (dressings, ketchup) quinoa, oyster crackers (love these!), brownie mix 

 [Some of] my spices. Definitely needs some organization.

Oatmeal and smoothie mix-ins. I keep this eye-level cabinet stocked with items I regularly use (raw honey, almond oil, apple cider vinegar, mesquite, maca powder, spirulina, oats, nutritional yeast).

Baking essentials. Newest favorites: Coconut flour and flaxseed meal.


Top shelf
Low-fat cottage cheese
white wine
PB (can you guess which are mine?)
Fruit (strawberries and golden(!) raspberries)
Off-limits cheese (dang belly)

Deli stuff
Deli turkey (think we know who that’s for)
light shredded cheese
Light Laughing Cow cheese

Whole grain bread
vegetables (tomatoes, kale, peppers, zucchini)
lean ground turkey breast
OJ varieties (Mafriend is obsessed)
Soy (or almond milk), for me
1% milk, for them 
Greek yogurt
egg whites

Fruit/Veg draws

butternut squash
brussel sprouts
more peppers


Frozen veggies
lean turkey burgers
Tip: We organize opened bags of frozen veggies in large freezer bags. Convenient for throwing into soups, egg scrambles, stirfryes when crunched for time
Bread and bananas
I don’t eat bread every day so keep mine in the freezer. I also always have a large bin of peeled bananas for easy usage in smoothies, oatmeal, etc.

Frozen shrimp
organic free-range chicken
Meatless meatballs (Quorn, soy)
Fruit shelf

Super convenient for smoothies, oats, protein pancake mix-ins, or late-night snacking
Top of fridge
We keep a big clear bowl of unrefrigerated veggies handy for easy viewing. Tip: If you can see your produce you’re more likely to use it!

And quite possibly my favorite part…

Krups + Keurig

 Coffee varieties
caramel syrup (for ma sistah, I hate the stuff)
Truvia packets 

Not pictured
Protein Powders (SunWarrior!)
Cooking oils and vinegars

* * *

How has your kitchen changed over the years?

What’s most random item you have in yours?

>I’m a hot mess

>Hey guys, how the heck are ya? The lack of posting this weekend was because I worked the entire thing. Yep, 7am – 7:30pm, Saturday and Sunday. How fun, right? It actually wasn’t all that bad. I had a dinner party on Friday to celebrate my bff’s bday and now I’m parked on my couch happily enjoying my day off. Feet are thanking me 🙂

* * *

This morning I woke looking like a complete disaster. I’m just not one of those girls that rolls out of bed looking pretty…

(More my style)

This morning I literally stepped out of bed and into the car to drive my sister to work. I didn’t care too about my appearance because the car was parked right out front. All was clear until a coffee craving hit. I haaaad to have Starbucks. 
Now, do I go home and change, then go back to Starbucks? Orrr do I strut my disheveled hot-mess-of-a-self and lion hair? 0.22 seconds of debating later, I chose the lion. I kept thinking, if I was a celebrity and photographed I would end up in the back of the magazine under “What Were They Thinking?” or “Stars without makeup: Eeeeeek”!
What kind of gal/guy are you? Do you not leave the house without some prep work? Or do you embrace the train wreck look?
* * *
On another note, I was feeling generous when a nice homeless man asked me for money outside of Starbucks. Having only plastic on me, I purchased him a hot chocolate and spiced cake. I figured not all people like coffee (although I find them freaks, haha) and I wanted a food that he could save for later if he wanted. I walked out of the store and happily gave him the food explaining I didn’t have money on me and what did he do??? He was pissed
Ahhh well, I tried. What’s your approach on giving money? I’ve lived in cities for the last 8 years so being asked for money is almost a daily occurrence. I really don’t like giving money because of the fear it will be spent on alcohol/drugs and generally choose to give food. What do you think? 

* * *

After being put in my place by the homeless man, I made a massive breakfast…

Berry Pecan Protein Pancake
1 scoop vanilla protein (I used SunWarrior brand)
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 cup frozen berries (raspb, blue, blackberries)
1 t flax seeds
1 T crushed pecans
pinch baking powder
pinch cinnamon, nutmeg
1 T organic maple syrup

* * *

15 mins of digesting later, I hit the road for BodyPump class. The class was great per usual, but the lovely instructor decided to sing along to most of the already lame music. Thaaaaanks! <—sarcasm

On the way home I stopped at health food Heaven to for a ginormous protein-packed salad from Whole Foods. Mmmmm.

Spinach, arugula, steamed brussels/zucchini/summer squash, roasted turkey breast, raw veggies, 1 egg, sunflower seeds, garbanzo beans, topped with a little cayenne and sea salt. So so good!
* * *

Before I go, I wanted to show y’all some nutritional info from a popular brand of deli turkey. Browse the ingredient list if you will…

Barf. Seriously spend the extra $0.40 and buy the all-natural version.
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Are you a hot mess in the morning? Do you own it?

What’s your approach to giving money to the homeless?

>Mrs. Crankypants

>Ahhh, a day off. Finally. I need it. Mentally. Physically. My poor feet. Ok enough whining..

Yesterday I hit the gym with the Manfriend for a spinning sesh. Since I was feeling devoid of all energy, I decided a class where someone forces tells me what to do, would be better for my current mental state. I don’t know about you but it’s much easier to follow along to someone else’s commands than to motivate myself to the same degree. And me + machines don’t mix all that well <—-snooze.

I was actually getting excited for the class until we realized the instructor was a no-show. Thanks for nothin’. Considering I prepared for a class, I purposely left my ipod at home. Treadmill ADD + no music = not a productive combo. I’ll admit, I’ve been skimping on weights this week so I did my best at a full-body (BodyPump inspired) weights workout. Twas ok, but I probably should have stayed on the couch. Just one of dem days…

For lunch, I wanted complex carbs (and COFFEE) to pump up my energy for a long night at work. Similar to last week’s PB and sweet potato combo, I made a protein-ified (nice word, eh?) version using Greek yogurt.

Salty & Sweet perfection: Baked sweet potato with peanut butter Greek yogurt (FF gr yogurt, peanut flour, sea salt, stevia) and a drizzle of organic maple syrup.

* * *

Work was fine. I really do love the time I spend on the unit. I am so fortunate to have an incredibly rewarding job. I was however, hurting last night. My feet that is. I need to remember to wear these bad boys every shift..

By the time I got home and showered (hospitals are dirty, y’all), I was hungry, tired, cranky, and it was 12:00am. Eeeek, there goes the whining again. I had been slacking on my veggies. Aaaand they’re on their way out (nothing irks me more than throwing out fresh fruits/veggies).

Spinach, cherry tomatoes, cukes, fat-free cottage cheese 

With a 1:1 mixture of Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar <—-Best dressing

And some more unpictured veggies dipped in my favorite hummus…

Trader Joe’s Jalapeno & Cilantro
Note: My sister hates cilantro in almost anything, but love this stuff…

Aaaand some unpictured hot tea and dark chocolate in bed 😉

* * *

This morning I woke around 9am and made breakfast for me and our friend Cory that’s staying with us..

Blueberry Protein Pancakes (recipe here)
* * *
I have a confession: It’s now 4:45pm, and I’m still in my fleece pj’s. I’ve spent my day off cooking (dinner is in the crock pot!), playing with the pup, catching up on the news, recipe reading, and straight up reeeelaxing.
Tonight’s agenda? Yoga then dinner/wine partay to celebrate Kelsey’s (sister) last day of work. Now that’s a perfect day off in my eyes!
~ What’s your idea of a perfect day off? ~