>A Christmas surprise

>To those that celebrate, Merry Christmas! If you don’t celebrate, I hope you were still put in the holiday spirit 🙂

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This year I was not able to attend my family’s annual Christmas Eve bash because I had to work. At first I was very upset by this, but the day turned out to be quite a surprise. In the days leading up to Christmas my patients would ask me whether I was traveling home to be with my family. When I replied “no” and that I was spending it with my sister and boyfriend here in DC, they felt sorry for me. Yes, the patients, many of whom have spent months in the hospital away from their families, felt bad for me. This made me really consider what they’re going through.

To spread a little extra cheer I purchased new apparel…

Christmas scrubs!

As it turned out, working on Christmas Eve was my pleasure. Spreading a little extra cheer and hope for the [very] sick patients on my floor was the best Christmas present I could have asked for.

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When I returned home from my 12 hour shift, the Manfriend greeted me with champagne

…and an elaborate dinner 

5 courses, 5 wine pairings
How am I so lucky?

I didn’t take pictures of each dish, but I did capture one and I promise the recipe for this amazing salad in the very near future…

Boston bib lettuce
caramelized pecans (homemade)
Mandarin oranges
blackberry vinaigrette (homemade)

What a guy 🙂
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After waking this morning afternoon, I made brunch (protein pancake recipe here)

We opened presents and watched holiday movies all day ❤

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How did you celebrate Christmas?

If you don’t celebrate, did you get into the holiday spirit?