>It’s a go!

>Happy Thursday. How is your week going? Mine has been busy, busy, busy!

Yesterday was my first day volunteering with inner city DC middle school kids as a Health and Wellness Coach. The school has partnered with the YMCA to provide students with a half day per week of additional physical activity, health education, and activities teaching topics such as money management, preparing for a successful high school career, respect in the household, etc.
It was fantastically rewarding. I can’t wait until next week.
Recent healthy and easy meals have included:

Raspberry-Chocolate Protein Pancakes. 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1/3 cup egg whites, 1/2 mashed banana, 1/4 cup raspberries, stevia, pinch sea salt, pinch baking powder, almond milk (to moisten). These are amazing.

Chocolate-Peanut Butter-Banana Chia Oats: 1/4 cup oats, 1 T chia seeds, 3 T egg whites. Soak overnight in 1 cup H20. Heat in microwave ~3 mins until oats rise, then add: 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 T PB Flour (or reg PB), 1/2 diced banana, stevia, pinch sea salt, and raisins (optional).

Tuna, dill, and chickpea salad: Tuna, FF Greek yogurt, 1 T dill, 1/3 cup garbanzo beans, diced pickles, diced yellow onion, splash pickle juice (for flavor). Served over mixed greens and diced tomato.

Sweet potato disks. Recipe here.

Trader Joe’s Southwestern Salmon, cooked over low heat on stove top.

Spriralized zucchini salad: Raw zucchini, diced cherry tomatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas, topped with balsamic vinegar, EVOO, and red pepper flakes.

The weather in DC has been perfect. I’ve enjoyed breakfast almost every morning on the deck.



I’ve been debating running a half marathon this weekend for some time now, but after last weekend’s successful 10-miler, I decided it’s a go!
To prepare I’ve been:
– Concentrating on speed-work rather than distance this week
– Plenty of yoga
– Short trail runs on the soft ground
– Lots of stretching
I’ll be running over this:

And by this:

Can. not. wait.


Have a great day! Check back tomorrow for an awesome giveaway. Looking to update your home/apartment? This is your chance!


>Busy busy

>Hi guys, hope you’re having a wonderful day! This is going to be a quick post because I’m heading to work soon, but wanted to share with you a clip of my experiment on yesterday’s season premiere of The Doctors (around the 1:10 mark; although its a great 5 min clip to watch in its entirety).

I woke this morning eager to get the day started. I began my day with a quick 6-miler in the cool weather. Speaking of running, I signed up for an impromptu half marathon this Sunday! It’s supposed to be a gorgeous race, so I’m pretty excited.
To recover from the run, I whipped up a Banana-Berry Green Smoothie:
1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 frozen banana, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, hand full fresh spinach, 1 tsp almond butter, 1 cup almond milk, ice, stevia, dash sea salt. Perfection.
After errands galore, including laundry mountain and food shopping for what seemed like an army, I came home starving and craving OATS. I love breakfast, but I’m not one for having them mid-day. Perhaps it was the cool weather? Regardless, I made my favorite oats/chia combo:

Combine 1/4 oats, 1 T chia seeds, cinnamon, apple pie spice, dash sea salt, 1 cup H20 and soak for 20 mins. Next, microwave for 2 mins then add raisins, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 diced banana, and stevia (to taste). Drizzle with your favorite nut butter.

Tip: To prepare oats the night before, click here
Alright, I’m off to the hospital. Have a great evening! Tomorrow I’m volunteering with kids in DC as part of Wellness Wednesdays. So excited!!!

Fitness tip of the day: Ever wanted to run a race but not a “runner”? Train for a beginners 5K here


>Hey heyy,

How was your THIRSTY THURSDAY!!! haha, at least we used to call it that in undergrad. Ahhhh I feel soooo old! I guess as long as I’m working on my PhD, I can still call myself a STUDENT, right? Makes me feel better…a liiiittle.. πŸ™‚

I don’t have a ton of pictures to post today because I’ve been spending much of my time here:

^Scienceland aka Experimentland, lab, labski, Sciencetown….

Last night I cooked a perdy good dinner for me my sistah.

[Insert un-pictured salad monster]


^TJ’s Southwestern salmon, cooked on the stove top. I looove my salmon a little undercooked. Tastes less fishy to me.

Wednesday was my REST DAY for the week. These BodyPump classes have been kicking my arse! (In addition to the impromptu kickboxing class I took on Tues). I woke this morning refreshed and ready for a new day, new set of experiments, and new workout. For a workout I did:

BodyPump + 2 mile run = sooooore legs

Some importante WEEKEND NEWS in my wold:

1) Mamadukes is visiting!

2) The Manfriend and I are running a 5K (can’t wait to give details! Hint: costumes and MUD)

3) Mamadukes and I are running a HALF MARATHON on Sunday! How cool is it that she started running at FIFTY and now does half marathons with me??

^Look a little alike?? πŸ™‚

Following in the lovely Jess‘ footsteps I decided to post this questionnaire to share a little bit about myself:

– Where would you be able to spend hours and be happy? Running/sightseeing in DC, the Caribbean, anywhere with Seth or my fam

– What’s your favorite kind of doughnut? Plain (boring, I know)

– Do you have any tattoos or piercings? 1 tattoo, ears pierced (Have had others in the past…)

– What is your favorite movie? Honestly: Legally Blonde, Hocus Pocus, A Mom for Christmas, Babysitters Club, Free Willy

– Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Seth

– Are you still friends with the people you knew in middle school or high school? Met Seth in middle school (!) and two of my best friends I met in HS

– What did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut, marine biologist, or work at the Clinique counter…Hmmm

– Name three things that are close to you: Coffee, computer, Crackberry

– What was your best subject in school? Science!

– What is your favorite restaurant? Neyla (a Lebanese restaurant in DC)

– Any hidden talents? No not really…I always say I’d have nothing to offer in a talent show!

– What is your middle name? Rose

– What is your favorite website? CNN, NPR, Perez Hilton (balance is key, ha)

– How old were you when you had your first kiss? 11 or 12 (early bloomer! haha)

– Chocolate or vanilla? Totally depends. Pure chocolate = dark. Ice cream = vanilla

– What is your favorite girl’s name? Rosa or Lucia

– Favorite store? Banana Republic, Forever21, Target (love their gym clothes!)

– Would you rather be a rock star or a famous athlete? Athlete!

– Favorite food? Sushi

– What are you wearing right now? True Religion jeans, American Apparel T-shirt, cardigan (I think Target?), and Steve Madden flats

– What is your favorite animal? Humpback whale! I think whales are magical and I was one in another lifetime πŸ™‚

– Did you graduate from college? No I just went straight to my PhD. I kiddd

– What does your last text message say? “Yep” (from Manfriend)

– Do you have any nicknames? Laur, L-Rose, Skeff, Lauraina (thanks sis!)


– What are your nicknames?
– Any hidden talents?
Favorite girl’s name

Aiiiight peeps, gotta tend to my experiment. Have a great weekend!!!!



>Michael arrives and the Manfriend cooks!


How are ya?? I was gonna save this til the end of the post, but I can’t wait. We got a new pup!

^The little guy on the left! His name is Michael (I love people names for pets, lol). I looooove him!!! (roomie’s dog Beau is on the right) I’m sure there will be pleeently more Michael pics coming soon, don’t you worry πŸ˜‰

So yep, a little rewind: I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was pretty splendid. After my half-marathon, I took a much needed nap (race started at 7am and I went to bed at 1, whoops) then enjoyed the beautiful weather. Sadly the sunshine is gone today, but twas nice while it lasted.

After a day-o-sun, the Manfriend cooked me a deeeelish dinner:

</STRONG ^Halibut (grilled in EVOO, roasted garlic, pepper), grilled asparagus (added EVOO and a teeny bit of Earth Balance) and Red wine (!) quinoa. The quinoa/fish combo was my favorite part because although you couldn’t taste the wine too much on its own, it totally brought out the spices of the fish when eaten together.

Seth also pan fried asparagus in a little EVOO and whole grain spelt flower (plus cumin, red chili powder, sea salt, and pepper). This was SO good! Would be a great topper for salads!

And the best part….I got to sit on the couch and sip this:

^Greg Norman Petite Syrah (Golfers make good wine!)

And look at this:


Later that night I put on ma new kicks (love these!)

And met up with some friends for cocktails. Nude pumps and skinny jeans: Great idea. Nude pumps same day of running 1/2 marathon: Not so much–Lesson learned!

Finally I wanted to share a new recipe I tried after hearing a ka-trillion good things about it–Chocolate mousse made from….Avocados!

^1.5 avocados, cocoa powder, almond milk,agave, dash sea salt. I also had some organic choc syrup that I drizzled over the top. So. freakin. good. Alright it’s back to scienceland ova here! Have a great rest of your day! xoxox

QUESTION: Tell me something random about yourself! Any fun facts? I wanna learn more about you guys πŸ™‚

Here are some for me:

1. I get nauseous and/or become faint if I watch an injection

2. Seth (Manfriend) and I started dating in 8th grade

3. I’m obsessed with whales. I think they’re magical. When I’m stressed I sometimes Google pictures of them.

4. When I was younger, I wanted to be an astronaut, marinebiologist, or work at the Clinique counter.

5. The first race I ever ran was the Boston Marathon

xx Lauren

>Sunny days and an impromptu half marathon

>Hey y’allllll,

How’s your weekend going? Sorry I’ve been MIA; the reason I’ve been gone has solely been due to this:

Too warm to stay inside on the comp πŸ˜‰ You understand, right?? πŸ™‚

This post is going to be quick because I have a daaaate tonight with the Manfriend to get ready for…ow ow! Then meeting some friends for drinks on this gorgeous night. How’s the weather where you are???

Here’s some eats from the last few days (sorry I kept forgetting the camera!)

^New Chia bar. So good!

Amy’s Organic Veg Chili with sauteed onions:

Topped over a baked and broiled sweet potato:

More bars (haven’t eaten all of these yet, lol):

^Can I just say LaraBar Banana Bread is TO DIE FOR!!!

New Electrolyte packets (from WF’s):

Inspired by Jean, steamed broccoli with balsamic and nutritional yeast:

Popcorn w/ sea salt and more nutritional yeast (gotta try this stuff):

Several cups of this for snacking:

^Kashi Go Lean, raisins, peanuts, Cinnamon Raisin Swirl PB

Whole Foods’ salad monster:

^Spinach, kale, organic roasted turkey, garbanzo beans, edamame, quinoa, peppers, tomatoes, peas, cranberries, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast, and balsamic.

This tasty number:

Today I ran the SunTrust Half Marathon here in Washington, DC. The weather was AMAZING! I’m at 13-15 miles in my marathon training so yesterday I decided “Hey, why not run the half marathon tomorrow?” So I got on the metro, made my way to the expo, and signed up…Little impromptu, but twas a great race!

Fantastic expo…Bill Rodgers and Joan Benoit Samuelson were there!!! Sadly I didn’t get to stay too long as I snuck out on my lunch break to sign up!

Some race-day pics:

Last min stretching before heading to the start line:

And awkwardly trying to change out of my sweaty clothes after the race:

^haha. Do you do this??? I am freeeeezing if I stay in them too long. So ya, I have no prob changing in a stadium full of runners, ha!

I finished in 1:48…Not too shabby for signing up 1 day before the race πŸ˜‰

Have a great rest of your weekend!!!

QUESTIONS: What are you itching to do as soon as Springtime approaches??? Have you run a half marathon? Do you plan to?

