>In a pinch

>Thank you for your thorough and honest comments on yesterday’s post on animal research. I was anticipating a lot of negative comments so either 1) only scientists reading my blog 2) PETA is crazy or 3) you got the gist of what I was trying to say.

Either way, I hope that I was able to show you another [positive] side of animal research.

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Well, I finally have a few days off. It comes at a good time because my family decided to surprise us with a visit. Made my MONTH!

But I’m starting to come down with a cold 😦

So a get-better-vitamin-packed-protein-smoothie it is!
 In the mix:
1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein
frozen strawberries
frozen blueberries
frozen mangoes
hand full fresh spinach
1 T almond butter (to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)
pinch sea salt (brings out sweetness)

And lots of tea

I will rock my holiday mug as long as I can
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Since I’ve been working quite a bit, quick and easy meals have been on demand

Maple Peanut Butter Protein Cupcake
So. good. I promise you.

 And lots of Amy’s soup. The low-fat black bean is my current favorite..

I spice it up with:
2 tbsp nutritional yeast (for added protein)
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
pinch cayenne
pinch sea salt

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What are your favorite meals when crunched for time?

>A few quickies

>In the spirit of confessions, I have another one..

I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet. Whoops. But today’s the day. Before I head out for my runI wanted to share a few favorites I’ve been enjoying recently..

Peanut Butter & Banana oats
1/3 cup oats (soaked in 1 cup almond milk overnight)
1/4 cup egg whites
1/8 cup peanut flour
pinch sea salt
peanut butter drizzle
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Trader Joe’s Lentil Vegetable soup
I add:
pinch cayenne (for heat)
1/4 t cumin (because I love it)
2 T nutritional yeast (for added protein)
*total protein for meal = 25g! 
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Tea at bedtime
A hot shower + tea puts me in the sleepy mood
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What have you been enjoying lately? 

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Completely unrelated but if you want a good laugh…

Briefly watch this (if you don’t know the song)

Then this