>Cherry Blossom 10 miler


What a gorgeous race! Ten ka-jillion times more scenic than the National Half Marathon last weekend. This is what DC is all about, folks.
10 miles of pure bliss. Seriously, it. was. beautiful! 
Good morning!

Care for some pre-race Zumba?

To the start!
We ran from the Washington Monument -> Lincoln Monument -> (over/back) Memorial Bridge -> Jefferson Memorial -> Hains Point (which is gorgeous) -> Finish

And entirely along the river and among the beautiful cherry blossoms.
Here are a couple of pictures I captured while running. Skill, I tell ya!

Taken by the Manfriend at mile 5. Go, go go!
Perrrrdy. Jefferson Memorial in background.
I finished at 1:20 but have no idea what my real time is [yet] since I crossed the finish line ~3 mins after the official start. We shall see!
Oh, haaay!
(nice pose, haha)
Look who came to cheer me on! Michael!!!
Oh, and I have no shame.
I will change out of my freezing soaking clothes anywhere.

* * *

I’ll update when I receive my official time, don’t you worry. In the meantime, if you want to run next year, enter your email address to receive a notification of the lottery opening. The lottery goes fast, so don’t miss out!!

Special shout out & CONGRATULATIONS to my lovaaa Jill!!! Welcome to the double-digit race club babe!!!!!!!

Enjoy your Sunday! I’m debating taking a nap after a hotttttt shower 🙂

>On the menu

>Hi kiddos. Happy Friday!!!! DCers, how amazing is this weather today? This week has been N-U-T-S! Work-wise (three 13-hr shifts), workouts, hanging with friends – I’ve been quite the busy bee. Despite the chaos, I’ve still been fueling myself pretty fabulously.

In an attempt to lower our grocery bill(s) and prevent throwing away uneaten veggies (nothing makes me more sad than throwing out uneaten produce. Such a shame.), we’ve decided to choose 3-4 meals at the beginning of the week and buy specifically for the recipes, creating our own pre-set menu. I would like to do this for all 7 days per week, but unfortunately I eat a lot of meals at work.

Enter meal #1:

Sesame-crusted tilapia & sauteed green beans

(15 min prep and cook. Adapted from Clean Eating magazine)

1 lb tilapia (3-4 fillets)
fresh green beans (12 oz)
1/3 cup low-sodium veg/chic broth
2 T minced fresh ginger
1 T fresh lime juice
2 T soy sauce
2 t honey
4 tsp olive oil
1 T sesame oil
2 T sesame seeds
sea salt, to taste
pepper, 1/2 t

Directions (15 min meal):

Preheat oven to 425F. In a small bowl, whisk lime juice, soy sauce, 2 t ginger, 1/2 t sesame oil, 1 t honey. 2 tsp olive oil. Place fish on tinfoil lined baking pan and pour lime juice mixture over top, turning fillets to coat. Sprinkle sesame seeds (~1.5 T) evenly over top and bake for 8 mins or until fish flakes easily with fork.

Meanwhile, heat 2 t olive oil in a nonstick pan on medium. Add ginger and cook for ~1min or until fragrant. Add broth, beans, 1 t honey, salt, pepper, cover and cook for 5 mins or until beans are bright green and tender-crisp. Remove from heat, and 1/2 t sesame seeds.

Drizzle with pan juices and additional honey (~1/2 t) to taste (I added a teeeeny bit more honey plus sea salt to mine and it was perfect)

* * *

Other blog worthy (easy!) meals have included:

Blueberry Muffin overnight oats w/ coconut chia topping

(Night before)
1/2 c cooked oats (cooked in 1 cup H20)
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, pinch
cinnamon, nutmeg, pinch each
splash milk (I used ~1/8 cup almond milk)
Chill overnight
Then add 1/4 c Light Coconut milk (I buy Whole Foods brand canned coconut milk) + 1 tsp chia seeds

* *

Blueberry pancakes made from garbanzo bean flour!

(Topped with stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek yogurt, crushed walnuts, and teeny drizzle maple syrup)
Pancakes (makes 2 medium sized pancakes):
1/2 c garbanzo bean flour
1/4 c egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1 t vanilla extract (all natural version)
stevia, 1 serving
cinnamon, nutmeg, ~1/4 t each
sea salt, pinch

Spray non-stick a pan with cooking spray and cook over light/medium heat until bottom is browned and bubbles appear (~3-5 mins). Flip, cook an additional 2-3 mins and enjoy! Top with fruit, yogurt, nut butter or maple syrup.

^These are to.die. for. It’s crazy how the consistency is exactly like traditional (restaurant style) ones!

* *

Salad monsters w/ hummus salad dressing

Seriously people….



Beans, tofu, nutritional yeast, cilantro (optional), and balsamic vinegar

Yields the most incredible salad

And even better?

Protein-packed Garbanzo bean flatbread (socca) alongside..

(Makes 3 small flatbreads)
3/4 c garbanzo bean flour
1 c water (Can add more if desired. Should resemble pancake batter consistency)
1 T olive oil
1 garlic clove, finely diced
small hand full fresh basil, finely chopped
1/2 t sea salt
 1/4 t black pepper


Whisk ingredients, spray pan with cooking spray and cook over medium heat (~3 mins). Flip when bottom is browned and small bubbles appear. Cook an additional 2-3 mins.

* * *

I just realized I have two races coming up! The National Half Marathon and Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler – both here in DC!

Anyone else running? It’s funny because last year I ran the same half on a whim. I’m especially excited since my legs are feeling great due to more lifting and yoga and less repetitive cardio.
Speaking of yoga, I just purchased a promo package at a new studio ($35 for 5 classes!). I think heated vinyasa and power yoga are becoming my new favorites.

Running any spring/summer races?
Do you also choose meals at the beginning of the week? Has this helped budgeting?

*Recipes coming up*
Buffalo chicken salad
Quinoa stuffed peppers

>Race fail, R&R success


How was your weekend??? Mine was splendid. The weather in DC was absolutely amazing:


^Crystal clear blue skies

Saturday we made it down to the Cherry Blossom Festival. I feel pretty bad for those out-of-towners because the blossoms peaked last weekend and were pretty non-existent this weekend. Fortunately for me however, I already saw them 🙂

It was a nice day nonetheless, we did a lot of walking around some perdy places:

Then ventured to the waterfront for some drinks in the sunshine:

^Outdoor seating (8 bars and restaurants) that face Potomac River

^Nick’s Riverside Grille. Those bartenders make killer drinks.

^Obviously I went for the margarita (tequila, splash triple sec, splash OJ, juice from 4-5 lime wedges)

^LOVE the waterfront. Can you believe this place is a 5 min walk from my apartment? Cause I still can’t!

After loungin’ in the sun all day, I went for a 5 mile run, lounged some more then put on my party dress and headed out to continue Kelsey’s bday celebration!

Check out ma shoes:

^Not super new, but I love em like they are! Bosssssaaay.

^Birrrrfday celebration clearly calls for champagne and strawberries, right?

The night was so much fun!! So much that I failed to take any pics except these two:

^Cuties (Michael and Andrea)

^Andrea, Kels (sistah), and the pup

The night was a blasssst but when I got home I wasn’t feeling so hot. Had nothing to do with the drinks (I was actually a good girl!) I think the Mexican upset my stomach. Unfortunately I was up so late with a bad stomach ache that I chose not to run the Cherry Blossom 10-miler 😦

I made up the 10 miles later in the day, so it’s allll good. Although I heard it’s a gorgeous race..

Instead of waking at 6:30am for the race, I slept in and the Manfriend had had breakfast together:

^Egg whites and spinach on Ezekiel bread for me

And tuna (don’t ask, he wanted it):

^Tuna, light mayo, dill, diced kosher dill pickles, pepper, dash sea salt, Ezekiel bread

Grabbed some sbucks:

^Iced unsweetened Passion Tea. So refreshing.

And headed to lounge in the park (Dupont Circle):

We basked in the sun (well I did, heh) while Seth worked on some sketches:

The best part of the day was listening to the music of the nearby dancers:


^How cool is that???

For dinner we went to my favorite salad restaurant, Chop’t. This place is SO GOOD!

Toppings galore:

Chop chop:

^Pretty sure my Chopper Man felt like a celeb when I snapped this pic, ha!

Finished product:

^Spring mix, arugula, roasted turkey, avocado, roasted artichokes, tomatoes, black beans, cranberries, sunflower seeds, balsamic vinegar and whole wheat pita. mmm mmmm.

Well kids, I’m off to bed. Have a fantastic Monday!!!

QUESTION: What was the BEST part of your weekend? Try new food? Get some R&R?? I think I got a little too much! ha



>Childhood memories and the celebration continues

>Hey heyyy,

Happy Friiiiiday!! Whooop! I’m extra excited for this weekend because we’re continuing Kelsey’s bday celebration!!!

Aaaaaand its the final season of the Cherry Blossom festival. This year I was fortunate enough to be selected for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler lottery!! So excited!!

Sooo a little rewindThursday night I took Kels out for her bday. We chose (and I gladly approved) MEXICAN! You know I lurrrve my margaritas 😉

^Pure. Deliciousness.

Check out the swirls:

^REAL margaritas (aka fresh strawberries and lime juiceno sugary crappp)

Dinner was scarfed in 0.22 seconds, so I apologize for the lack of pictures. But I assure you it was fantastic. If you live near DC seriously check out this place…Or their sister restaurant.

I purchased Kels a gift certificate to Sephora and bought a bunch of random goodies that we used to have from our childhood. Here’s a blast from the past:

^Remember these???

And remember looking like this? haha


Here are some more normal eats from last last couple of days:

^Toasted Ezekiel, slice tofu, tomato, lettuce, and 1/2 with red pepper hummus and other 1/2 with Goddess Dressing

^Toasted Ezekiel bread with egg salad (3 eggs whites, 1 .5 yolks, light mayo, paprika, pepper, dash sea salt

^Best. Larabar. Ever. Tastes like a coconut donut.

^Chia oats: 1/4 cup oats, 1 T chia seeds, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 2 T egg whites, 1 tsp Better N’ Butter, cinnamon, stevia, dash sea salt

^Experimentland salad bar: Romaine, spring mix, egg whites, tuna, tomatoes, chic peas, broccoli, mushrooms, onion, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, balsamic vinegar

^Lots-o-Caffeination: Coffee, soy, cinnamon…It’s been that kind of week.

And behold the best picture of all….The MANFRIEND is making a SPIRALIZED dinner! Maybe my eats are rubbing off on him a little bit??? 😉


It’s been so nice out lately (mid 80’s!) that I’ve been running outside a lot 🙂 I snapped a pic of one of my favorite areas in MD to run though.

Flower tunnel:

^Pic doesn’t do much justice, but I swear it’s beauuuutiful.

Well I’m gonna head back to Experimentland. Have a great weekend and try not to end up like this! 😉

QUESTION: What foods/candies/drinks remind you of your childhood???
