>A Christmas surprise

>To those that celebrate, Merry Christmas! If you don’t celebrate, I hope you were still put in the holiday spirit 🙂

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This year I was not able to attend my family’s annual Christmas Eve bash because I had to work. At first I was very upset by this, but the day turned out to be quite a surprise. In the days leading up to Christmas my patients would ask me whether I was traveling home to be with my family. When I replied “no” and that I was spending it with my sister and boyfriend here in DC, they felt sorry for me. Yes, the patients, many of whom have spent months in the hospital away from their families, felt bad for me. This made me really consider what they’re going through.

To spread a little extra cheer I purchased new apparel…

Christmas scrubs!

As it turned out, working on Christmas Eve was my pleasure. Spreading a little extra cheer and hope for the [very] sick patients on my floor was the best Christmas present I could have asked for.

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When I returned home from my 12 hour shift, the Manfriend greeted me with champagne

…and an elaborate dinner 

5 courses, 5 wine pairings
How am I so lucky?

I didn’t take pictures of each dish, but I did capture one and I promise the recipe for this amazing salad in the very near future…

Boston bib lettuce
caramelized pecans (homemade)
Mandarin oranges
blackberry vinaigrette (homemade)

What a guy 🙂
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After waking this morning afternoon, I made brunch (protein pancake recipe here)

We opened presents and watched holiday movies all day ❤

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How did you celebrate Christmas?

If you don’t celebrate, did you get into the holiday spirit?

>New Hampshire for damn sure


How are your holidays going??! Mine were splendid, minus the icky bug I got the last two days in NH, forcing me to miss a secret Santa swap and remained confined to the couch 😦

I decided to basically be Internet-free for my short break (I was in NH from Wed the 23rd-Sun the 28th). It felt nice. But I did manage to snap a few share-worthy pics from my trip:

If you are ever at BWI (Baltimore-Washington International) airport, you must visit this diner. They are super friendly and fast. In addition to traditional diner food, they have many many healthy options. I LOVE it.

I’ve had their egg-white omelets, veggie chili, and I recently had this delish summer mix salad. Mmmm.

Spinach, strawberries, mangoes, cranberries, carrots, pecans, and a lite citrus vinaigrette. Delish!

At home, I did a lot of veg-ing. I really needed a break. I’ve been working out the bod and mind a lot lately and greeeeatly needed some mindless relaxation. And that I got 🙂

When I did manage to remove myself from the couch, I enjoyed my parents’ new coffee maker, on the reg:

Ever try one of these? The first coffee I made was bleh because I used too much water but as soon as I adjusted the cup size, it was fantastic. You have a pipping cup of delishiousness in mere seconds with the push of a button!They even have one of my favorite coffees, Caribou! Also in the mix, hot coco, tea, and warm spiced cider. Mmmmm….

My question is (brought to my attn my the roomie), how environmentally friendly are these? I am quite the coffee/tea drinker, and would accumulate piles of these little containers in no time. Perhaps you can recycle them?? Thoughts???

I also did a little last min xmas shopping, because procrastination is my style. Found this gem in our mall. Hehehe.

Ah, only in New Hampshire will you find a Beef Jerky stand across from the acrylic nail salon.

(Not hatin‘, I luuuuuurve the granite state!)

When I returned to the District, Kels (sis) and I took our good friend Ally out for her birthday at our favorite restaurant in DC, Neyla. We are obsessed. I managed to snap a couple of pics (flash was awkwardly bright) because it was too good not to share.

I ordered the chicken kabobs and grilled veggies with a side of garlic whip (and 43859047390 pieces of warm pita, not pictured).

Here’s Ally’s plate of magic (This is usually what I get but I was strangely craving chicken):

Hummus, Baba Ghannough, Tabbouleh, Grape Leaves, Cheese Rolls, Kibbeh, Chicken Shawarma, and a slice of Heaven. Also served with copious amounts of warm pita. If you live close to DC, you must make the trip.

Whelp it’s back to scienceland for the remainder of the week. I’m working NYE and New Years Day. Buuuut I’m hoping to sneak out of the labski for some celebrations. Then it’s off to the Caribbean for a 7-night cruse!!! I can hardly wait. I may or may not have packed my bags yesterday (Tuesday) for our Sunday departure….hehehe. I feel like a kid with this excitement! Hopefully I can still muster up some experimentland motivation. Got lots-ah cloning to do! Yeeeeeeeee

Have a great day!


PS: I leave you with this new hair treatment I saw in CVS yesterday while browsing for cruise toiletries. Condition your hair with animal placenta!
