
>Well we made it. Me, my mom, and dad ran our 5th half marathon together, the Dasani half in Myrtle Beach. We left when the sky looked like this…

(Pretend smiles. Leaving at 5:30am on a Saturday is no fun, my friends.)

But the skies quickly turned..

* * *
I finished in 1:45 (unsure of net time because it took a while to cross the finish line). Despite the beautiful pictures above (which were taken near our home, a la Manfriend), I was very disappointed by the race course. I ran this half three years ago and 90% of the course was along the ocean. This year, zero %. The race was close to the water, but to see it you had to peer between the tall surrounding buildings (and that was if you had good eyesight). Yes, it was flat so a good qualifier for Boston. But I would save your $$ if you’re thinking about flying here, renting a hotel, etc. Will I run it again? Probably. But only because we own a home here (free stay) and it’s a good excuse to take a mini-vacay.

One amazing thing happened however… A WOMAN won the marathon! And there were 7,000 runners!

Mama-dukes coming in for the finish

* * *
After a good race, it’s time for some good eats (a la my sister)..

2 over-easy eggs cooked in EVOO spray
whole grain bagel thin
strawberries, banana
* * *

I’m off to get some outlet shopping in!

How are you spending your Saturday?

Have you ever been very disappointed by a race course? 

>Life’s a beach

>Greetings from Myrtle Beach, SC!

We arrived yesterday evening after a loooong car ride (our 6-hour journey took about 8 – whoops. I blame it on Starbucks and my tiny bladder.) This afternoon we took the pup down to the beach and let him run free. And wow, that little man can run!

He made the cutest little friend. Have you heard of a Chug? It’s a chihuahua and pug mix. So cute!

After sprinting around for a while we parked our butts in the sun and enjoyed a beach-side cocktail..

(Pure happiness here)

Have you met my mom? We kinda look alike…

My dad..
(Not so much. Wish I inherited his tan.)
* * *

Well I‘m off to get crackin on a new running playlist then head to bed for our 6:30am (waaah) Half Marathon! Wish me luck, I definetly need it for this one (kinda slacked in the training dept, ha).

Happy Saturday!




Hi friends! Whelp, I’ve made it through work shift #7 (in a row). I was supposed to work but I just received the best phone call of my life – I’m OFF today! Wooohoooo! More time to pack for Myrtle Beach! I can hardly wait. I asked the Manfriend to pick up a few ingredients so I can bake some road trip treats for our 6-hr car ride. Sticking to my challenge might be tricky so I figured why not bake a little beforehand? I’m sure the others will thank me as well 🙂
* * *

After yesterday‘s killer spinning sesh followed by weights (triceps, shoulders, abs), I was in the mood for a protein-packed lunch and had some time to spare before heading into work. We’re trying to rid the apartment of produce before we leave so I did my best to use what we had available open. The meal actually came out aaaaah-mazing. This one will definitely be on repeat.

Mexican-style quinoa stuffed acorn squash (Vegan and gluten-free)
1 acorn squash
1/2 package medium/firm tofu, diced into small cubes
1 can black beans, rinsed
3/4 jar medium salsa
1 cup quinoa, rinsed and cooked
1 T chili powder
1 t cumin
sea salt, black pepper to taste
avocado (optional)

Boil acorn squash for 25 mins
Cut in into 4, spray w/ EVOO, dust with chili powder and cumin
Cook for ~20 mins at 425F
Combine remaining ingredients (except avocado)
Warm on stovetop over low heat
Serves 4-5 
Seriously amazing.

* * *

With a stomach full of happiness, I headed to work for shift #7. I’m so over canned soup or salad (even if it’s Amy’s and salads) for packed dinners at work. Maybe in the summer I’ll crave something lighter but for now I crave warmth and comforting foods
So why not combine two of my favorite healthy comfort foods? 
Magic soup + baked sweet potato = so, so good.
I also packed a Chocolate-Raspberry Protein Cupcake errr Muffin (?) for later snacking..
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
1 T egg whites
pinch baking powder
stevia, 1 serving
H20, to moisten
Microwave for ~1 min 30 seconds
* * *
Have a great day everyone! Keep those music play list suggestions coming. I need some new tunes for Saturday’s half marathon.
What should I do on my impromptu day off?
What are your favorite road trip snacks? 

>Will you be my Valentine?

>Happy Valentine’s Day ❤ Today marks hospital shift #6. That means two more to go before we head to Myrtle Beach! Rediously excited doesn’t even describe how pumped I am for this trip. My parents have a beach house so I generally join them for a weekend getaway 2-3 times per year. Free place on the beach? Sign me up!

This year we’re heading down to run the Dasani Half Marathon. Yep, we’re running it – me, my mom, and dad.
Now don’t assume I come from a long line of marathoners; both started running them in their 50’s! How cool, right? My dad was a runner in his twenties and thirties but stopped due to knee pain. Wanting to get back into shape, they started walking together (our neighborhood, a 3-mile loop) then gradually increased to 13 miles and now do a walk/run. Pretty amazing, huh?
Moral of the story? It’s never too late to get into shape and add years (literally) to your life! I’m not saying you need to urge loved ones to start running half marathons. [Almost] everyone has the ability to get up and get walking!
* * *
Last night after my grueling tiring 13-hr shift, I came home to a home filled with good food, and these two lovely ladies. I’ve joked before that my sister is the turkey sandwich master. No lie, if there was a continuous supply of turkey sandwich supplies the girl would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for several months before getting sick of them. She offered to “cook” us a meal which turned into an “Order-it-your-way” turkey sand party. Can’t say I was too upset!
A few varieties….
Sticking to my 30-day challenge, I had a toasted bagel thin with all-natural turkey (most deli meat contains “fillers”, artificial flavoring, and preservatives so choose an all-natural variety), tomato, lettuce, avocado, and Trader Joe’s whole grain spicy mustard. We enjoyed these along with a veggie platter, pita chips, and fresh hummus.
To contribute, I made these bad babies…
Skinny strawberry [all-natural] frozen margaritas
Clear tequila
splash triple sec (I found an all natural brand!)
frozen organic strawberries
teeny splash fresh lime juice
stevia (1 packet per serving)
splash h20

Never a dull moment with these girls ❤

* * *

This morning I woke to 66F sunshine! It was so nice I enjoyed my breakfast on the desk and basked in the sun.

Raspberry-Vanilla-Canteloupe Green Protein Smoothie
1 scoop Vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen raspberries
frozen banana
hand full fresh spinach
stevia, pinch sea salt
* * *
Please help! I desperately need a new half marathon playlist. Tell me your favorite workout song! Thanks a million 🙂