>Sunday Funday, Manic Monday


How’s the start of your week going? Mine is alright, I had a great Sunday Funday after a bit of a stressful weekend (sadly, my super long exp over the weekend didn’t work, waah) in da lab.

Sunday was delightful. I woke to a delicious breakfast cookie, hit up Sbucks for a soy misto w/ cinammon (amazing, btw) and ventured to lab to finish my experiment from the night before.

Welcome to my world, ha. I was only there for 2 hours, so not a whoooole day in scienceland. Actually, I don’t mind being in lab for a bit on the weekends. I find the peace….well peaceful. Weird, eh??? Do you mind working on the weekends? Do you find it peaceful or creepy to be alone??

After lab, I ate magic soup left overs…..I swear it’s even better as leftovers. Once digested, I did p90x yoga because my soooooore legs desperately needed it. And they thanked me right after. I think p90x is great. I don’t follow the exact program, but I like to incorporate it into my weekly routuine (mostly the arms/shoulders and yoga).

Later in the day, the roomie and I ventured to one of my favorite places in VA:

Aaaaah. It’s been a while.

And we obviously spent most of our time here 😉

To top of the night, we met Kels (sis/other roomie) at our favorite Mexicana restaurante. Can’t beat ending the week with mexican food and margs.

Great Sunday….Manic Monday. Manic enough to need a solid workout to destress. I did a spinning class with Ally. We’ve decided to take 2-3 classes per week together to serve three purposes. 1) Destress from new job (Ally) and experimentland. 2) Provide more entertainment than stationary treadmills/ellipticals/etc. and 3) See eachother more often cause we have insanely busy lives.

Alright, off to grab a trash mag (scholarly I know, but I love em) and head to dreamland. Sweeeet dreams.

