>The healthiest pizza in the world.

>OK, the healthiest pizza I’ve ever heard of. I’m convinced this recipe has changed my life. Made from cauliflower, flax meal (ground flax seeds), garbanzo (chickpea) flour, egg whites, fresh herbs, and spices, I’ve gone to pizza heaven.

I know, right??! 

I’ve never said this before about a recipe, but if you try only one of my recipes – please try this one! I got the idea from Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers by her cauliflower, cheese, and egg pizza crust. Trying to nix the excessive dairy from my life (stomach issues) however, I tried my hand at a crust using flax meal and the new love in my life, garbanzo bean flour.

So here we go!

Ingredients (Makes 2 pizzas. Serves 4-5)
1.5 cauliflower heads, raw and chopped in food processor (or by hand)
1/2 c egg whites
2/3 c garbanzo bean flour
1/2 c flax meal
3 T olive oil
hand full fresh basil, finely chopped
1 T oregano
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 t sea salt, 1/2 t black pepper

1. Chop cauliflower and shred in food processor

2. Combine and mix remaining ingredients (save a third of garlic and basil for later)
3. Spray baking pan with cooking spray and spoon evenly onto two pans. The thinner the crusts the better, as long as there are no holes/spaces. Cook for ~35 mins at 375F (proceed to next step).
4. If making veggie pizzas, cook veggies over medium heat in a little water until soft then add 1T evoo and cook until browned. 
Remove from heat.
5. Remove crusts and broil for ~5 mins until tops are browned and crispy.
6. Add pasta sauce
7. Add your favorite toppings (1/2 pizza was sans cheese for me). I added the remaining garlic and basil, and sauteed mushrooms and peppers. And drizzled with pesto.
8. Broil for an additional ~3 mins until cheese is melted. 

* * *

If you try this (please do!) tell me what you think! I’m in lurrrrrrve! 

*Update: Make sure crust is extremely thin and browned throughout (top and bottom of whole crust) before adding toppings.