>Foodbuzz Festival recap!


I’m back in DC after a fantastic weekend in San Francisco for the annual Foodbuzz Festival! I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking for this post 🙂

Peace out Washington!

I arrived at 3pm on Friday had had only a couple of hours to settle into our fabulous hotel, The Sir Frances Drake. Of course I managed to snap a few pics for y’all along the way:

We quickly got ready then headed down to the hotel bar for a cocktail (au natural margaritas) then were shuttled to a welcome reception at the herbst pavilion.

We were greeted with lots of wine and some of the best food I’ve ever tasted..

Oh, and the klutz I am obviously spilled wine on my name card. haha.


Day 2 started with a fantastic ~5mi run with some lovely blogger friends!

It’s crazy how fast 5 miles flies with a good gab sesh!

A quick shower and Starbucks later, we attended 3 morning breakout sessions/seminars where I learned more about video blogging, cooking seafood, and whipping together quick and creative salads!

We relaxed for about 2 mins after the seminars before anxiously rushing walking to the amazing farmer’s market!

But could you blame us?????

honey tasting!


We did our best to only sample the goodies because we were off to a 4 hour tasting pavilion with a fabulous city view!

Before I show you some more foodie pics, here’s a funny one for you:

We made a flip book!!!! hahaha.

The most mouth watering, sweet and fantastic pears from Frog Hollow Farms:

Arugula and quinoa salad by Fresh Express:

Infused olive oils and balsamic vinegar by Olive:

Ghirardelli s’mores!

Cupcakes galore by Mission mini:

Salmon and halibut fish tacos by Alaskan seafood:

Shrimp cocktail in a mango gazpacho dipping sauce:

And check out the VIEW!


After glowing with food babies, we walked back to the hotel, rested then got ready for the main event: A  5 course Gala Dinner sponsored by the Cooking Channel!

We tasted lots and lots of California’s best wine..

Yes, ALL of these glasses were eventually filled. For 9 people…..
And then came the food
Crimson Beet, Feta and currants, wild arugula and basil puree
Paired with 2009 Bonny Doon Vineyard Ca’ del solo Albarino

Seared scallops, braised fennel, garnished with fried fennel fonds
served with 2007 Bonny Doon Vineyard Le Cigare Blanc

Rosemary & Garlic Lamb served with pinot noir sauce and butternut squash puree
Paired with 2006 Bonny Doon Vineyard Le Cigare Volant
Seared cod with basil puree, local mushrooms topped over butternut squash
Buttery almond cake with oranges and Spanish cherry sabayon
2008 Vinferno Bonny Doon Vineyard Vin de Paille Dessert Wine
It. was. amazing.

The next morning we enjoyed a delightful goodbye breakfast sponsored by Nature’s Pride then I set off to spend an extra night with my best friend Brandy in San Jose, CA.

In short, I WILL be attending next year. And you should too 🙂 

>Peace out marathon, Hello San Fran!

>Hey guys,

How was your week? Did you check out Bo’s Letter? It’s incredible. My week was great on the work front. I am learning so much! Running on the other hand, not so much. More on that in a sec…

This morning I woke craving chocolate but wanted something substantial. Clearly, I went for a Chocolate Protein Cupcake!

In a bowl, combine:
1.5 scoops Chocolate protein powder (I love SunWarrior)
1 egg white
1/4 t baking powder
1 T Greek Yogurt
2 T peanut flour
pinch sea salt
H20 to moisten
Spray mug with cooking spray
Spoon in mixture
Microwave ~1.5 mins
Top with almond/peanut butter
After digesting and caffeinating, I attempted a 6 mile run to assess whether I am able to run the Richmond Marathon next weekend. If your new to the blog you can read about my recent injury here. In a nut shell, my hip hurt the entire run and I have come to the heartbreaking decision that I won’t be running the marathon. I have been holding back tears all day… 😦
In happier news, the Manfriend 1) Has a new baby nephew, Tanner Patrick! He’s such a cutie. I can’t wait to meet the lil guy. He looks just like his big sis, Portia. And 2) He brought home my favorite kind of wine, Petite Syrah:

Oh, and he nicely had the bottle autographed by the maker!

It was pretty delish!
Well I’m off to bed. Tomorrow I’m off to San Francisco for the Foodbuzz Food Blogger Festival! Don’t worry, I plan to take tons of pictures 🙂
Have a great weekend,

>I’m still here!

>Sorry for  the hiatus! I’ve been super busy the last few days with work and some other fun stuff. I can’t wait to tell you what I’ve been up to! 

Soooo, a little rewind

As you know, I was home visiting the fam in New Hampshire over the weekend:

Leaves *starting* to peak

 Ah, I love New Hamp-sha.

Sunday morning I took a glorious Bikram yoga class to stretch out my legs after Saturday’s 17-miler.

Then I headed apple picking with my [soon-to-be] sister-in-law and niece 🙂

Looking over rows of apples

Remind you of a certain book
The goods
Apple Cider doughnut. Hands down best donughnut I’ve ever had.
You bet I made a Gluten-free (for the sister-in-law) Easy-Peasy dessert…

 Apple Crisp!
1/2 cup oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
stevia (2 servings)
apple sauce, unsweetened (to moisten/mix)
Apple mix:
4 chopped apples
stevia (2 servings)
1/4 cup oats
almond milk (to moisten)
Preheat over to 425F
Spray glass baking pan with cooking spray
Layer oat mixture on top of apples
Bake covered for 45 mins to 1 hr
Remove cover and broil for ~3 mins until topping is browned
Top with low-fat vanilla bean ice cream
Monday I ran the Tufts 10K for Women in Boston with my mom and cousin:
Before setting off I fueled with a breakfast cookie!
1/3 cup oats, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 banana, 1 T almond budder, cinnamon, apple pie spice, maca powder, almond milk.

Can ya spot me???
 I ran a 7:56 pace. Not too shabby. source

Post-race I re-fuled with a Powerade Zero + this monster:
1 egg, 1/2 cup egg white omelet w/ laughing cow cheese on top of Ezekiel bread
Ahhhh, I miss Boston.

Boston common

I wish I could have spent more time in Bah-ston but had to jet-set back to DC. Look at the cutest frequent flyer!

When I arrived home it was late and I was tired….
And then I remembered again why I have the most amazing Manfriend, ever.

Dinner, wine, and dessert for the three roomies (me, sis, and Manfriend)!

Crab legs
 Mashed red potatoes and spinach salad

Oh, and he painted the living room for us as a surprise!

 Green walls
And an unbelievable dark purple accent wall 
So want to hear some good news??? 
News #1: I’m going to the Foodbuzz festival in San, Francisco this November!
News (and scary) #2: My marathon is exactly ONE MONTH away!!
News #3 (And the BEST NEWS of all): I was recently contacted by a running coach about training a blind woman after my incredible experience in the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon. Yesterday was my first session and we already made great progress! I’m so excited to be a part of her journey!
Well I’m off to bed. Gotta be up at 5:30am for a 5-mile run before work!
Have a week!