
>Hi guys 🙂 How was your day? This morning I woke a little later than I hoped for (10am, eeek), inhaled a Protein Cupcake then jogged with the Manfriend to the gymnasium. I did shoulders + triceps then took an impromptu Spinning class. I wasn’t in the mood to lift anymore so I figured some Cardio + Endorphins would fix my mood…

Whelp, it did the trick aaaand a little more. I have never SWEAT SO MUCH from a workout except Bikram. Fabulous + disgusting at the same time 🙂 And I couldn’t be happier.
After a much needed shower, I whipped up a Peanut Butter Cup Green Monster:
– 1 scoop Chocolate SunWarrior protein
– 1.5 tbsp Peanut Butter Flour
– 1 frozen banana
– 2 hand fulls fresh spinach
– Ice + H20
– stevia
– pinch xanthan gum
– dash sea salt
Shortly after refueling, Kelsey (sister) and I headed to Virginia for a COUNTY FAIR!!! Brings me back to childhood in New Hampsha.
There were animals:

And preggo ones:

Side note: Our friend Andrea (super girly-girl, nurse in DC) grew up on a farm and her family shows cows a few times per year (they have 200!). We went to see her show em’!

Andera posing with fresh milk from her cows:

And ME drinking the FRESH COW MILK!

There were also lots of GAMES:


Had to TRY a FRIED OREO. When in Rome, right?

Green apple + Cheddar from a dairy farm. Oh so good.

And tasted some vanilla soft serve, also from the dairy farm
All in all, a fantastic day. Tomorrow it’s BACK to THESIS-ing! Night kids 🙂


Did you attend fairs as a kid?

What’s the strangest food you’ve tired in another state??