

Happy Humppp Day. I started this morning off rightoverslept through my workout, ate a not so satisfying breakfast (due to lack of groceries at the moment), had to walk back to the apartment to grab my lunch that I forgot then ran to the bus, that I missed! Woooo, go ME! ha

Despite all of the chaos, I’m not too grumpy. The frigid weather must have numbed my emotions. Speaking of weather, I’m soooo ready for Spring. Seriously Mother Nature, WTF is going on this year????

So yesterday I posted an article about a very convincing link between soft drinks and pancreatic cancer. Scary stuff. I think it’s also important to note the article didn’t include diet drinks, however, I have come across many articles linking artifical sweetners (ex: Aspartame in Diet Coke) to cancer. This is because your body senses the sweetness and processes this information as if there was an increase in glucose and therefore releases insulin.

IMO, I have always believed that Splenda, Nutrisweet, Equal, were all ‘too good to be true’. Research studies take a looooong time to complete (participants are followed over years). So when a product is released it takes quite a while for substantial evidence to be conducted. Now I’m not saying that Diet Coke WILL give you cancer. I am just a BIG believer of clean eating and eliminating artifical crap from your diet. Did you know that 1 bag of REAL sugar only contains 10-15 calories (depending on the brand)??? That’s nothing! So if you prefer to sweeten your coffee I recommend using raw sugar (available at most coffee shops), agave nectar, stevia, cinnamon, or soy/almond milk.

Soooo in other non-cancer-related news, I have been meaning to post about a new food discovery for quite some time. Behold a new wave of ORGANIC chinese resturants! As the refridgerator situation is next to nothing, the manfriend and I ordered in last night.

I had edamame, steamed veggies (with a side of light white sauce) and miso soup (not pictured):

Setho had chicken lo mein and crab ragoon (not pictured):

Last night I had the WORST. CRAMPS. EVER last night so soup and veggies was just what the doctor ordered. Forutnately those didn’t kick in until after my kick-arse Bikram class! Oh, Bikram how I love thee.

Ahhh, well I’m off to finish getting caffinated (coffee + cinnamon + soy = heaven), purify my antibody by protein A chromatography (cause I’m sure you were totally curious about this):

Then attend a lecture, and scarf down this makeshift lunch:

^Amy’s Lowfat Split Pea soup, Fuji apple, and left over veggies (not pictured):

With this bag-o-spices for da soup:

^Red pepper, cumin, dash sea salt. Really makes canned soup much better. Although, Amy is pretty fantastic on her own.

Have a fantastic day!!!

-L Rose

QUESTION: What are your favorite on-the-run breakfasts and luches????