>Health & happiness

>“Don’t let you get in your own way”. I heard this quote the other day (sorry I can’t remember where!) and it stuck with me. So much of what we strive for in life – whether it pertains to career, relationship, or health – is in fact hindered by us!

Why do you stay in that job you hate?

Why haven’t you applied to that dream grad program?

Why aren’t you maintaining a healthy weight?

Why haven’t you been exercising regularly?

Why are you letting him/her walk all over you?

Outside factors surely influence but the only person to change these things is you. Life is busy and hectic and will probably always be. So if you’re putting off what you really want in life, what are you waiting for? I am continuously reminded of this working at a hospital. Life is precious and it can it’s not a given. Life is a privilege. Run with it .
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In thinking about life, love and what makes me at peace, I couldn’t help but think about what about this little blog and leading a healthy lifestyle in general, truly makes me happy. I’m not talking the number on a scale or how I feel in a bathing suit, but what about being healthy makes me truly smile.
The first thing that came to mind was running. In all honesty, if I had one week to live I would spend my last days running. And I would run and run and run the most in pleasurable way I know how – with no watch and lots of scenery!

When you’re not crunched for time try going for a leisurely jog without your Garmin (GPS) watch and no set course or plan. Jam out to soul-sooothing music (think Jack Johnson-ish) and let your mind go free. It’s liberating.
I next thought about how eating healthy makes me happy. Besides fitting into my jeans and rarely getting sick, I thought about how I feel after eating a clean meal and how it fuels me with nutrients. When I eat clean and nutrient dense I leave the meal feeling clean, and nutrient dense but unlike many chemical-filled meals, I could get up and head out for a run if I wanted to! No post-meal nap required, just pure fuel!

And of course, a few items came to mind…
Green juice. From what I’ve read, drinking green juice on an empty stomach (especially first thing in the morning) is like a surge of vitamins throughout your body. An empty tummy and little fiber (lost in the pulp) allows for speedy digestion and quick absorption of nutrients.
Kombucha juice. Supports a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Organic and raw. I swear I can feel an energy buzz after guzzling one of these babies.
Green Monster smoothies. Add fresh spinach to your favorite smoothie. I swear you can’t taste it!
Hot/cold salad bowls. Mix of roasted veggies (here, sweet potatoes) and chilled veggies. Top with a serving of hummus and it becomes a savory meal.
Summer salads. Add diced mangoes, strawberries, or apples to your favorite traditional salads for a refreshing twist.
Sweet potato fries. 4 ingredients (potatoes, sea salt, pepper, and olive oil spray), quick and an uber comfort food. Puts MickyD’s to shame. Recipe here
Garbanzo bean pancakes. Yes, pancakes that taste like traditional restaurant quality (in my opinion, even better!) but don’t leave you feeling like you ate a brick. Recipe here.
Pancakes topped with coconut milk yogurt. I’ve gone to heaven.
Fresh produce. Something about a fridge full of fresh fruit and veggies makes me giddy.

And, coffee. What? I’m being honest. You can read about my quest to quit consume less here, here and here.

If you can define what about a healthy lifestyle makes you genuinely happy (or what will) beyond the vanity reasons, you’re much more likely to stick with one.

What are your reasons for maintaining or beginning a healthy lifestyle?

What recipes are mainstream in your diet for good reason?

>On the menu

>Hi kiddos. Happy Friday!!!! DCers, how amazing is this weather today? This week has been N-U-T-S! Work-wise (three 13-hr shifts), workouts, hanging with friends – I’ve been quite the busy bee. Despite the chaos, I’ve still been fueling myself pretty fabulously.

In an attempt to lower our grocery bill(s) and prevent throwing away uneaten veggies (nothing makes me more sad than throwing out uneaten produce. Such a shame.), we’ve decided to choose 3-4 meals at the beginning of the week and buy specifically for the recipes, creating our own pre-set menu. I would like to do this for all 7 days per week, but unfortunately I eat a lot of meals at work.

Enter meal #1:

Sesame-crusted tilapia & sauteed green beans

(15 min prep and cook. Adapted from Clean Eating magazine)

1 lb tilapia (3-4 fillets)
fresh green beans (12 oz)
1/3 cup low-sodium veg/chic broth
2 T minced fresh ginger
1 T fresh lime juice
2 T soy sauce
2 t honey
4 tsp olive oil
1 T sesame oil
2 T sesame seeds
sea salt, to taste
pepper, 1/2 t

Directions (15 min meal):

Preheat oven to 425F. In a small bowl, whisk lime juice, soy sauce, 2 t ginger, 1/2 t sesame oil, 1 t honey. 2 tsp olive oil. Place fish on tinfoil lined baking pan and pour lime juice mixture over top, turning fillets to coat. Sprinkle sesame seeds (~1.5 T) evenly over top and bake for 8 mins or until fish flakes easily with fork.

Meanwhile, heat 2 t olive oil in a nonstick pan on medium. Add ginger and cook for ~1min or until fragrant. Add broth, beans, 1 t honey, salt, pepper, cover and cook for 5 mins or until beans are bright green and tender-crisp. Remove from heat, and 1/2 t sesame seeds.

Drizzle with pan juices and additional honey (~1/2 t) to taste (I added a teeeeny bit more honey plus sea salt to mine and it was perfect)

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Other blog worthy (easy!) meals have included:

Blueberry Muffin overnight oats w/ coconut chia topping

(Night before)
1/2 c cooked oats (cooked in 1 cup H20)
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, pinch
cinnamon, nutmeg, pinch each
splash milk (I used ~1/8 cup almond milk)
Chill overnight
Then add 1/4 c Light Coconut milk (I buy Whole Foods brand canned coconut milk) + 1 tsp chia seeds

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Blueberry pancakes made from garbanzo bean flour!

(Topped with stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek yogurt, crushed walnuts, and teeny drizzle maple syrup)
Pancakes (makes 2 medium sized pancakes):
1/2 c garbanzo bean flour
1/4 c egg whites
1/2 mashed banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1 t vanilla extract (all natural version)
stevia, 1 serving
cinnamon, nutmeg, ~1/4 t each
sea salt, pinch

Spray non-stick a pan with cooking spray and cook over light/medium heat until bottom is browned and bubbles appear (~3-5 mins). Flip, cook an additional 2-3 mins and enjoy! Top with fruit, yogurt, nut butter or maple syrup.

^These are to.die. for. It’s crazy how the consistency is exactly like traditional (restaurant style) ones!

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Salad monsters w/ hummus salad dressing

Seriously people….



Beans, tofu, nutritional yeast, cilantro (optional), and balsamic vinegar

Yields the most incredible salad

And even better?

Protein-packed Garbanzo bean flatbread (socca) alongside..

(Makes 3 small flatbreads)
3/4 c garbanzo bean flour
1 c water (Can add more if desired. Should resemble pancake batter consistency)
1 T olive oil
1 garlic clove, finely diced
small hand full fresh basil, finely chopped
1/2 t sea salt
 1/4 t black pepper


Whisk ingredients, spray pan with cooking spray and cook over medium heat (~3 mins). Flip when bottom is browned and small bubbles appear. Cook an additional 2-3 mins.

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I just realized I have two races coming up! The National Half Marathon and Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler – both here in DC!

Anyone else running? It’s funny because last year I ran the same half on a whim. I’m especially excited since my legs are feeling great due to more lifting and yoga and less repetitive cardio.
Speaking of yoga, I just purchased a promo package at a new studio ($35 for 5 classes!). I think heated vinyasa and power yoga are becoming my new favorites.

Running any spring/summer races?
Do you also choose meals at the beginning of the week? Has this helped budgeting?

*Recipes coming up*
Buffalo chicken salad
Quinoa stuffed peppers

>I died and went to [garbanzo bean] heaven.


And I have these girls to thank for it. I’ve been stalking searching their site for some time now in search of the perfect socca, or farinata recipe. Socca is similar to a crepe but a little crispier. It’s traditionally made by combining garbanzo bean flour, water, olive oil, and spices.
Although simple sounding, how does one choose only one recipe among thousands of combinations? I based my version off this skillet recipe, perfect for a first-timer. I threw together the following:
1.5 cups garbanzo bean flour
3 T flax meal (ground flax seeds)
1 T egg whites
2 cups H20
pinch baking powder
2 finely chopped garlic cloves
fresh basil, chopped (~10 leaves)
1/4 t sea salt, 1/4 t black pepper
Whisk then cook over medium heat. Makes 3 large “wraps”.

I enjoyed my 12g protein bean wrap with spiralized zucchini, baby carrots, tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar.

They were delicious! (And Manfriend approved). The next time I’ll try omitting the egg, adding a tbsp of olive oil and perhaps some veggies for crunch (carrots, cauliflower). I’m quite impressed! I enjoyed a serving with my dinner as well (toasted to warm then dipped in soup). Amazzzzzzze.
* * *
Still dreaming of the wrap, I decided to make pancakes out of the bean flour. Holy face-rocking deliciousness!!!!!! You know I love my protein pancakes, but these are another another level. They have the exact consistency of traditional (non-healthified) pancakes.

Combine and whisk away:
1.5 cups garbanzo bean flour
3 T flax meal (ground flax seeds)
1/4 cup egg whites
1 mashed banana
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t cinnamon
stevia, 4 servings
Spray pan with evoo and cook over medium heat. Flip after 3-5 mins when tiny bubbles appear (same as regular pancakes). Serves 3-4.
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Last night at work, I noticed one of my patients was very depressed. After sitting with him a while, we talked about when you’re feeling in the dumps if you say to yourself “I hate my life. I feel like poo” – you’re gonna feel like poo. But if you consciously say “You know, I am OK. I am doing well”, you will feel a little better. The same is true for when you have the common cold. If you walk around with your head down thinking about how awful you feel, we’ll that’s exactly how you’re going to feel. But if you fake feeling great and bust out a smile, you mood will improve.

Try this the next time you’re feeling crappy: This may sound cheesy (and you may want to do this when no one is looking, ha) but the next time you feel Blah, strike the biggest smile you can do and hold it for at least 10 seconds. And tell me you don’t feel a little better.

(Aaaaand I’m completely embarrassing myself by posting this.)