
>Hey y’all! TGIAF!


So I know I’m a little late on the New Years Resolution train, but this year I couldn’t decide on just one thing. I could only think of like 10. So I decided not to choose one and instead come up with a list of things I want to do more of.

So here’s my current list:

1. Nix cow’s dairy (gives me bad stomach aches that just seem to be getting worse)

2. Run marathon #5 in the spring….Location TBD. Any suggestions???

3. Read more (for pleasure; science doesn’t count…unless it’s forensince hehe) before bed

4. Get back into yoga 2-3X/week (seriously heals the mind and bod)

5. Cut back on my gum consumption (this is super hard for me! I chew gum when running/studying/breathing…ha)

6. Cook 1 new recipe/week

Question: Do you make lists????? If so, how routinely do you “check in” with your progress.

Please share some of your goals!