>Health & happiness

>“Don’t let you get in your own way”. I heard this quote the other day (sorry I can’t remember where!) and it stuck with me. So much of what we strive for in life – whether it pertains to career, relationship, or health – is in fact hindered by us!

Why do you stay in that job you hate?

Why haven’t you applied to that dream grad program?

Why aren’t you maintaining a healthy weight?

Why haven’t you been exercising regularly?

Why are you letting him/her walk all over you?

Outside factors surely influence but the only person to change these things is you. Life is busy and hectic and will probably always be. So if you’re putting off what you really want in life, what are you waiting for? I am continuously reminded of this working at a hospital. Life is precious and it can it’s not a given. Life is a privilege. Run with it .
* * *
In thinking about life, love and what makes me at peace, I couldn’t help but think about what about this little blog and leading a healthy lifestyle in general, truly makes me happy. I’m not talking the number on a scale or how I feel in a bathing suit, but what about being healthy makes me truly smile.
The first thing that came to mind was running. In all honesty, if I had one week to live I would spend my last days running. And I would run and run and run the most in pleasurable way I know how – with no watch and lots of scenery!

When you’re not crunched for time try going for a leisurely jog without your Garmin (GPS) watch and no set course or plan. Jam out to soul-sooothing music (think Jack Johnson-ish) and let your mind go free. It’s liberating.
I next thought about how eating healthy makes me happy. Besides fitting into my jeans and rarely getting sick, I thought about how I feel after eating a clean meal and how it fuels me with nutrients. When I eat clean and nutrient dense I leave the meal feeling clean, and nutrient dense but unlike many chemical-filled meals, I could get up and head out for a run if I wanted to! No post-meal nap required, just pure fuel!

And of course, a few items came to mind…
Green juice. From what I’ve read, drinking green juice on an empty stomach (especially first thing in the morning) is like a surge of vitamins throughout your body. An empty tummy and little fiber (lost in the pulp) allows for speedy digestion and quick absorption of nutrients.
Kombucha juice. Supports a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Organic and raw. I swear I can feel an energy buzz after guzzling one of these babies.
Green Monster smoothies. Add fresh spinach to your favorite smoothie. I swear you can’t taste it!
Hot/cold salad bowls. Mix of roasted veggies (here, sweet potatoes) and chilled veggies. Top with a serving of hummus and it becomes a savory meal.
Summer salads. Add diced mangoes, strawberries, or apples to your favorite traditional salads for a refreshing twist.
Sweet potato fries. 4 ingredients (potatoes, sea salt, pepper, and olive oil spray), quick and an uber comfort food. Puts MickyD’s to shame. Recipe here
Garbanzo bean pancakes. Yes, pancakes that taste like traditional restaurant quality (in my opinion, even better!) but don’t leave you feeling like you ate a brick. Recipe here.
Pancakes topped with coconut milk yogurt. I’ve gone to heaven.
Fresh produce. Something about a fridge full of fresh fruit and veggies makes me giddy.

And, coffee. What? I’m being honest. You can read about my quest to quit consume less here, here and here.

If you can define what about a healthy lifestyle makes you genuinely happy (or what will) beyond the vanity reasons, you’re much more likely to stick with one.

What are your reasons for maintaining or beginning a healthy lifestyle?

What recipes are mainstream in your diet for good reason?

>I have a problem

>A big one. I’m kind of addicted…

Confession: I started out like most. 1 small cup per day turned into a medium, which turned into large, which turned into two large…

You get the picture. I’ve been reading a lot lately about how acidic coffee negatively affects your body’s pH levels. Proper cellular pH is required for all cellular processes, especially digestion (an area I’ve had some issues with lately). The degree to which coffee actually effects you is unknown, but I do know a few things:

1) It dehydrates me
2) I have a headache when I miss (or am late on) my morning fix
3) It’s expensive
4) It’s staining my teeth (good thing for Crest WhiteStrips!)

So do I give up my beloved Cup-O-Joe? Do I go cold turkey? Scale back then quit?

I am not one to like “rules”, especially when it comes to my diet. Rules = thinking about food = obsession. Not how I roll anymore. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I do eat meat (typically organic white meat) but only occasionally. I do consume some dairy, also rarely (more stomach issues than anything else). And I do consume alcohol, but stick to 2-3 drinks (on average) and generally choose red wine (or the occasionally skinny margarita!)

In a nutshell, I don’t stick to rules. I eat clean and all-natural foods 90% of the time, but I am human and don’t believe in turning down a shared brownie sundae and martini’s on a girls night out. Likewise, my diet is about 80% vegan. To me, eating 80% animal-free does far much more for the mind, body, and soul (and environment!) than 0%. Maybe someday I’ll move closer to 100%, but this is working right now.

For the same reason, I’m not giving up coffee all together. If I want a cup here and there, that’s okay. But I do need to scale back.So the plan? This week I’ve traded my Venti (large in snobby cafe lingo)  for a medium and nixing the mid-afternoon cup. I’ll keep you updated on my progress and hopefully I don’t turn into a raging (or sleeping) lunatic!

I’ve also started drinking much more green juice, particularly first thing in the morning before a run. I’m not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me but it seems to make my morning energy surge!

Large cucumber
Broccoli stems (great way to use em up)
splash coconut water

large cucumber
broccoli stems

Actually in general, I’ve been on a veggie kick. I’ve been working a lot and meal-planning on a tired (post 13-hr shift) body is no fun. Lately I’ve been steaming random veggies and mixing them with some chilled ones and topping them with whatever comes to mind. This way, I can think of the sauce/dressing as they cook. More time = less brain power #winning

Hot (steamed butternut squash, broccoli, kale) + Cold (tomatoes, carrots)

Topped with a marinara/garlic hummus mix (unpictured), that I like to call “Mock Vok” sauce (Mock Vodka). Before you say “yuck”, let me tell you I thought the same thing when I first saw it on other blogs (sorry, I can’t remember where!) but with 3:1 marinara to hummus and you get a thick almost vodka-like sauce. I promise it will not disappoint!

Spaghetti squash topped with above “Mok Vok”. Squash cooking directions here.
More hot + cold veggies with a protein-packed Peanut Sauce
Peanut sauce
1/4 c peanut flour
1 T soy sauce (I used liquid aminos)
1 t honey
water to desired consistency

Dressed in hummus
(inspired by UneVieSaine.com)
And topped over quinoa with cashews/sunflower seeds for added healthy fat and crunch.

So simple. And quite delicious.

* * *

I leave you with a picture snapped of Michael and Me at the Cherry Blossom 10-miler finish (Very random: Lauren‘s roommate’s boyfriend snapped the pic not even knowing me because he thought it was funny some girl had a pup at the finish!)

 Kels (sister) and Michael are visiting the fam in NH right now. I miss them mucho ❤

* * *
Any suggestions/tips on conquering my coffee addiction?
After a loooooong day, what’s your go-to cuisine?

>Bring on the heat

>I was supposed to work 7am – 7:30pm tonight (what we hospital folks call the “A” shift). However, at 3:30pm something magical happened. The Sun Gods were in my favor (we were actually overstaffed) and I got to leave early!!! Hence, posting after 11pm….you bet I wasn’t anywhere near a computer!

Speaking of sun, we’ve started a lil garden!
 (Cutie starter plants)

As you can see, I was hard at work…

(What? I just had killah workout. Aaaaand my socks never match.)
How CUTE is Michael??? He also lurrrrves sunning himself on the deck.
* * *
So the other day when I said the Protein-Oats & Banana Fro-yo Parfait was so good I might have it again for lunch….
Well, I did!
(This time omitting the strawberries and blending an extra banana. Recipe here
This morning, I woke knowing it was going to be a gorgeous day. Welllll, I knew this because I was up at 5:30am and it was warm out. Can-not-wait-for-summer!
I will surely be drinking more of these babies!
Blueberry Muffin Protein Smoothie
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
hand full fresh spinach
1 t spirulina (optional; a probiotic algae)
1/4 t cinnamon
1/2 t vanilla extract (make sure it’s all-natural)
stevia, 1 serving
1/2 t xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
almond milk

And fresh juice!
Juice playaz
1 cucumber
2 ribs celery
romaine lettuce
1 kiwi
1 green apple
*A little goes a long way!
One final dish that’s made it’s way into our kitchen a few times recently…
This schmorgishborg of freshness!!
butternut squash, medium sized
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1/4 red onion, diced
yellow pepper, diced
orange pepper, diced
2 cloves garlic, finely diced
garbanzo beans; 1 can, rinsed
black beans; 1 can, rinsed
fresh cilantro 2+ finely chopped (
1/2 lime
olive oil, 2 T
1 T, balsamic vinegar
sea salt, pepper
1. Boil whole squash until soft (~40 mins), let cool and cube (or buy cubed – much quicker!)
2. Lightly spray squash with evoo, dust with sea salt, and pepper and bake at 425F until browned (~30 mins, flipping once)
(While squash roasts)
1. Combine all ingredients in large bowl
2. Add roasted squash 
3. Sea salt pepper to taste 
4. Mix well with hands

 Serve immediately to enjoy the hot/cold combo or store in fridge until cooled.

* * *
What are you MOST looking forward to eating/drinking this summer?

Do you garden? Herb gardens count!

How cute is Michael? 😉 

>What’s that in the sky?

>Despite a fun weekend spent with the Manfriend’s family, the weather was c-r-a-p-p-y. We spent their last da sightseeing and dined at Old Ebbitt, a historic restaurant (founded in 1956) next to the White House (you may remember the last time I took my fam there).

I wasn’t that hungry but wanted something more than a boring garden salad. 
Seared seafood + salad was the perfect choice.
Shrimp, scallops, muscles, calamari, roasted red peppers, portabello mushrooms tossed in olive oil, sea salt, black pepper over fresh greens and served with a side of basil vinaigrette.

Aaaaand a glass of Prosecco 😉 

Today the weather is quite an improvement

Sunny and high of 82!
Although 3-11:30pm hospital shifts are not my favorite, I’m quite content as I type up this post on our back deck listening to the birdies chirp away.
Michael is surely enjoying the warm change as well!
(Like his new haircut? Before pic here)
In the spirit of blooming spring, I started my day off with a refreshing glass of Green Juice (a la my new juicer)
The players

Which nicely accompanied a Cinnamon-Vanilla Protein Cupcake

How cute are these new lil cupcake dishes? 

Cake mix
1 serving vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior ovaa here)
1 T egg whites
1/2 t vanilla extract (I found an all natural version at Trader Joe’s)
baking powder, pinch
stevia, 1 serving
sea salt, teeeeny pinch
h20, to moisten

Microwave 1 min, 30 seconds

stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek Yogurt
crushed walnuts, nutmeg to garnish

Well in the spirit of nice weather, I’m off to enjoy this lovely day before work tonight! I feel a long run in the sun coming up 🙂

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? <–Wait, are we really talking about the weather?

Tell me about your weekend!