>Shake what yo mama gave you

>Hi all,

Thanks to those if you that provided insight into yesterday’s article on cigarette smoking. It’s still shocking to me. Maybe it’s because I’m living in DC, a very active city – but nonetheless, I still see smokers way more than I’d like.

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I woke to a cuddly pup, made coffee and enjoyed a smoothie on the deck in the beautiful sunshine, because look what just arrived!


Raspberry-Vanilla- Almond Smoothie:

1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein, 1/3 cup frozen raspberries, 1/2 frozen banana, heaping hand full fresh spinach, 1 T almond butter (promotes absorption of fat soluble vitamins), 1 tsp SuperGreens, pinch xanthan gum (to thicken), dash sea salt (to bring out sweetness), stevia, 1/2 cup coconut kefir, ice, H20

After digesting, I headed to the the gym for a little cardio + weights. I ran 20 mins, 2.5% incline, 7.7mph (7:47 mile/min) then did 50 mins of a BodyPump-inspired total body weights session. And today, my arms and booty are sore!

Post-gym I ran errands, did some reading, then refueled with leftover herb dijon salmon over spinach, cherry tomatoes, cukes, and light balsamic vinaigrette. Hit the spot.

[Insert more reading + snacking]

Dark chocolate + Coffee w/ steamed almond milk ❤

And then a night of dancing with the girls! I haven’t danced that long in a looong time.

Only pic I managed to snap the whole night. Plus I was a sweaty beast by the end 🙂


This morning I woke craving Pancakes!

Raspberry Vanilla Pancakes: Mix: 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/3 cup egg whites, 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1 tsp flax seeds, cinnamon, apple pie spice, stevia, dash sea salt, pinch baking powder, almond milk to moisten

Mix makes 2 of these guys (or 1 ginormous one)


The rest of the day includes:
Walk with Alyson (?)
Call it an early night

Have a great Saturday! 
What are you most looking forward to this weekend???

>26.2 and Giveaway winner

>Hi everyone, I hope you had a bueno day. First thing’s first, I can hardly hold in my excitement…

I’m officially registered for the SunTrust Richmond Marathon on November 13th! This will be my 6th marathon 🙂 I haven’t run one since 2007 so I’m extra excited!

*Also, check out my new Marathon Training tab and track my training progress!

I woke this morning and inhaled some Tropical Chia Oats – again. And a BIG ole mug of coffee + steamed almond milk.

Feeling very rejuvenated from yesterday’s Bikram Yoga class, I jogged to the gym (10 mins; my warm-up) for a 60 min Spinning class. Fantastic music and heart-PUMPING drills. Love.
In between cleaning and lots of errands I threw together a quick veggie salad with hummus & nutritional yeast dressing:

Spinach, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, and Hummut dressing (2 T hummus, 1 T nutritional yeast, 1 T H20)
*To read about the many benefits of Nutritional Yeast or “noosh”, click here.

Craving some additional protein, I made a Peanut Butter and Chocolate Protein Cupcake:

Recipe here
And made dinner to take with me to work:

Trader Joe’s Herb Dijon Salmon (added some red pepper flakes) cooked on the stove top served over sauteed spinach (satay in 1 T EVOO, dash sea salt, pepper, drizzle balsamic vinegar)

Although I had to cancel a dinner date with Lauren because I was called into work (we are rescheduling), it was a very exciting shift! I can’t wait to be a physician assistant someday 🙂

Alright, I’m off to read and enjoy a new (simple) snack obsession:

Partially thawed fruit (banana, mango, raspberries)


I have a busy/exciting day that includes:

6 mile run
Volunteering at YMCA as health/wellness coach for middle schoolers
Date night with The Manfriend ❤

Oh, ya want to know the winner of the Modern Bedding Giveaway???
Using a random number generator (aka asking Seth to blindly pick a number, haha), THE WINNER of my giveaway IS….
KATIE from Making Food and Other Stuff! Katie, e-mail me at Biochemista@gmail.com and I’ll send you the promo code!
Goodnight all!