>Some devastating news

>Hey guys,

I have some unfortunate news to share. As you all know I’ve been working hard to train for my November 13th marathon in Richmond, VA. I’ve been doing so well and averaging a 7:54 pace during my long runs, a time that would re-qualify me for the Boston Marathon.

Recently however, I tripped while running and rolled my ankle pretty badly and now my hip flexor is KILLING me.

It’s been about a week now and it’s still too painful to run. I didn’t mention anything earlier because I hoped it would magically heal itself, but sadly it doesn’t look that’s happening. So for right now, the marathon is up in the air and I guess I’ll see how I feel within the next two weeks, but it’s not looking good 😦

So in the meantime I’ll be saying bye-bye to my favorite running routes:

And trying to stay in marathon shape by other workouts that don’t hurt my hip such as:


Spinning classes

Solo Spinning classes (via podcast):
And some other DVD favorites:
Any advice on how to quickly heal a hurt hip flexor?

What are your favorite cardio workouts that don’t involve running?