>All good in ma hood


I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend! How’s the weather? It’s HAAAAWWWWTTTT here in Washington, DC!

A little reeeeewind…

I’ve had a pretty great weekend so far. Got in a few killer workouts:

Friday: BodyPump class + 4-mile run
Saturday: p90x plyometrics DVD


^Post- p90x ploymetrics. NUTS. And, I need a tan. Badly.

And the meals weren’t slackin’ either:

^Had this about 3 times this weekend, LOL. Spiralized zucchini, steamed veggies, diced tofu, small handful sea-salted peanuts, and Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. LOVE the hot/cold combo.

And enjoyed quite a bit of the lovely weather:

^Not a cloud in the sky (Walking past National Cathedral)

And I said bye-bye to this place:

^Experimentland. I’ve been done experimenting for a few weeks now but it’s taken me several days to organize my research, clean out my bench area, etc. Today I packed my final box. Twas a little emotional..

This morning I woke early because the pup (aka Michael) was sickkkk. He made quite the mess in his little pen (perhaps TMI?), but with a face like this it’s hard to get upset:

Bright-eyed earlier than normal I made it to a BodyPump class. Wow, this Saturday class is popular. All 38 spots filled up FAST with a wait list of 10+. Good thing I signed up 2 days in advance!

I planned to do a little cardio afterwards, but my stomach was growling at me to rush home and eeeeeat. I whipped up a Green Monster in no time with my new OBSESSION:

^Pina Colada Whey Protein – Oh.my.gosh.is.this.good – Have you tried this or other Jay Robb products??

I also threw in 1/2 scoop of these Super Greens:

They are the best tasting concentrated Greens I’ve tried. Check out what’s in there:

^Not messin’ around.

Alright I’m gonna get back to my current entertainment…

GO USA!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!
