>Go green, or go home

>Hiiiii hooo,

Happy humpidy humpy day! It’s a little chilly here in the District. But it’s supposed to be near 90 degrees this weekend 😎 Wooooo!

So I’ve gotta tell ya that I’ve taken my second BodyPump class and 1) I’m obsessed! and 2) I’m soooo sore!!! I took the class Monday afternoon and my triceps are still killlllling me. It.hurts.so.good.

Post-workout breakfast:

^1/4 oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp egg white, and 3/4 cup H20 soaked overnight. Then microwaved and added 1/2 diced nanner, 1/2 scoop vanilla SunWarrior protein powder, raisins, stevia, dash sea salt, 1 tsp. Better N’ Peanut Butter. Just as GOOD EVERY TIME.

I mentioned I was taking a spinning class but since my BodyPump class was so hard I decided some lighter cardio would be better and took a Cardio Kickbox class instead….BOY WAS I WRONG!!! The class was unbelievably challenging for a kickbox class! I’m definitely going again. The teacher and music was awesome and the 60 mins flew by!

Would have been a killer even for Billy..


After that grueling sesh I came home and made an AMAZING THAI DISH! Omg, if you have a Trader Joe’s near you try their Red Thai Curry sauce…SO GOOD!

^I boliled 1 diced eggplant until soft then drained and added rest of veggies (edemame, broccoli, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, corn, peas, green beans), frozen shrimp, and Thai sauce. Cooked until veggies and shrimp thawed. So quick & easy…And DELISH!

The mashed eggplant made the sauce supa thick:

Yesterday I woke early and had the same breakfast above….AGAIN. Seriously, can’t get enough. Warms ma soul.

I had a verrrrry busy day in the Land of Science and needed to destress when the day was ova. Remedy: Kick arse 60-min spinning class. Def did the trick.

After class I hurried home and made TACO SALAD and MARGARITAS (duh) for the roomies and my friend Ally:

^Romaine, tomatoes, ground turkey (cooked in TJ’s taco seasoning), beans, corn, salsa, red-fat Mexican cheese blend, and Spicy Flax seed chips. The BEST PART of this meal is the creamy dressing. I make it with FF Greek Yogurt, chipotle salsa, red chili powder, and cumin. So.freakin.good.

And we clearly had to have

^Skinny margarita: clear tequila, splash triple sec, splash OJ, fresh lime juice, dash stevia. YEEEE—UMM!

WHY THE dinner and drinks on a TUESDAY??? Well it was the premiere of The HILLS and THE CITY, of course. Honestly, the only thing entertaining about the Hills, in my opinion, was watching Franken-Heidi..

This morning I woke, eyes glued shut, and managed to drag myself out of the apartment. Knowing I’d pick up Cosi coffee and devour the new US Weekly on my commute
made my trip a little easier:

^Breakfast blend + steamed soy. Ahhhh.

Nothing like preparing yourself for a full day of Experiments with caffeine and celebrities.

Last night I was reading the lovely Kailey‘s blog and she asked what motivators we surround ourselves with (positive words, quotes, etc.) This morning while getting my morning coffee I came across these mugs from Starbucks:

^Kailey doll, these are for you.

In other more random news, I have been eyeing this bag of Doritos in our vending machine for quite some time now. Not because they look particularly delicious or nutritious, but because I’m curious of the obvious question…


Do they REALLY taste like cheeseburgers? And the verdict….YES. Not in a fresh off the grill kinda way, but a MickyD’s kinda way. It’s weird, I know. One taste was good enough for me.

In older news, MARCH was National Nutrition Month!

Why our lab received these pamphlets today is beyond me, but flipping through they offered some
good info:

Some helpful
ways to Go “Green”:

Add frozen spinach to your scrambled eggs
Start your dinner with a green salad. When preparing it, cut up extra and pack the next day’s lunch
Serve chili, pasta, or rice in a broiled tomato, a steamed pepper or half a roasted acorn squash
Add chopped kale to thicken any soup or stew
– Try adding shredded carrots or zucchini to muffins and breads

Aiiiight, I’m getting back to ma Experiment.

Have a lovely day dolls!!

QUESTION: Who else is counting down til the SEX AND THE CITY 2 MOVIE???

