>Catch up

>Good Morning Blogworld, let’s get this week kicked off right! Mmmmm K? I stared my day off with Starbucks (it was sooo nice out I haaaad to go for a walk rather than make one myself) and enjoyed a filling bowl of overnight chocolate-pumpkin oats when I returned. As the warmer months approach, I crave cold/refreshing breakfasts. Think green smoothies, fruit and yogurt, and chilled oat mixes.

Today’s breakfast is an all-time favorite. I never did understand why pumpkin is a fall thing. If they sell it in March, I will buy.

Pumpkin spiced latte chilled overnight oats
Night before, combine and mix:
1/3 c oats
1/2 c pumpkin (pure canned pumpkin, not pie filling)
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
3/4 c almond milk
1 tsp instant espresso
stevia, 1-2 servings
pinch sea salt
Next morning
Add splash almond milk (if too thick)
 1 tsp chia seeds (for crunch) 

* * *
In my lack of weekend posting, I have a few recipes to share with y’alllllz. I wish I could say I was out living it up, but sadly I was workkkkkking. Hospital shifts from 7am-8pm leave little brain power and I generally choose this over my computer. 
(Saturday night post 13 hrs on feet. So good, btw.)
You understand, right?
OK, onto some weekend eats!
Greek Yogurt, fruit, & chia
3/4 c fat-free Greek yogurt (sweetened with thawed strawberries and 1 serving stevia)
partially-thawed mangoes
1 tsp chia seeds
1/3 c Go Lean Crunch cereal
Green smoothies
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen banana
frozen strawberries
frozen blueberries
hand full fresh spinach
 1 tsp spirulina (probiotic)
almond milk

Madeshift Indian food!
1/5 block firm tofu, cubed
hand full frozen spinach
1 c steamed veggies
1/2 package eggplant punjab 
Kale chips
Kale misted with olive oil
Dusted with sea salt, pepper
Roasted at 425F for ~15 mins (flipping once)
(inspired by UneVieSaine)
Steamed veggies (brussels, zucchini, butternut squash, green beans)
ground Quorn (meat-free crumbles)
1 T sunflower seeds

Homemade pizza!
Crust made from veggies, flax, egg & spices. 
Recipe coming soon! (almost perfected)
* * *
I’m off to BodyPump then work for my last shift before a few days off! 
How are you getting your week off on the right foot?