

How are you? Hope your week is off to a great start! I decided to make this post completely random and post pictures of food, activities, etc. from the past few days…

Made roasted onion and eggplant (boiled then broiled) and topped with curry, sea salt, pepper:

And topped with my current obsession:

^Seriously get a hold of this stuff. You’ll thank me later.

on this combo quite a bit:

^Kashi Go lean, Trader Joe’s High Fiber Cereal, raisins, sea-salted peanuts, Better N’ Peanut Butter

Did a little fitness reading by the pool. What do you think of Oxygen magazine??

^I think it has great advice/workout routines/etc. but think the overwhelming amounts of diet pill ads are pretty lame.

Snapped this pic because I think it delivers a GREAT MESSAGE:


Received a Thank You card and picture
for attending the wedding in Tremblant, Quebec:

^Seriously could they have bleached out our faces anymore??? Hello, Casper.

Did a quick grocery trip and came across this MASSIVE can of beans..

^Maybe not as funny as I found it?? HAHA

Came across some old home videos circa 1990:

^I’m at the bottom with the long hair (other two are my sister and brother)

Had the same breakfast (Chocolate Covered Strawberry Protein Smoothie) for the last 4-5 days and STILL looking forward to it tomorrow:

^Chocolate whey, frozen strawberries, ice, ice H20, pinch xanthan gum, stevia, dash sea salt.

Ventured to the Georgetown Waterfront to enjoy a cocktail with friends and the beautiful riverside scenery:

Swedish Embassy:

OK KIDS, I’m off to a BodyPump class then meeting Kels (sister) for lunch at Chop’t and a little Tarjayyy shopping then volunteering with ma kiddos!!!

Have a great week!!!

QUES: Whats the most RANDOM thing you did/saw/ate/watched this weekend???



>Will run for wine


How was your weekend??? I had the laaaaaziest yet most productive weekend everrrrr…..Lazy as in I slept til at least til 1pm each day the watched tons of TV. And productive as in I went grocery shopping, lab each day, did a good core workout, and ran a 15-miler today! Wooooop.

Here are some eats from the weekend:

^Diced honey crisp apple, diced nanner, Kashi go lean, coconut Kefir, cinnamon, stevia

LOVE this new find:
^Any other recipe suggestions for this???

Green monster:

^My recipe is featured on the Green Monster website!

Tuna salad:
^Tuna, 2 tbsp. red-fat mayo (made w/ EVOO), diced yellow onion, diced celery, diced pickles, dill, parsley, pepper, dash sea salt.

Margarita pizza:

^Could have done with 9/10 less cheese. But still dece.

Shriaz (Peter Lehmann):

^Soooooo good. And affordable!

Organic “Oreos”:

^How is that even possible???? Lol.

Fiiiiinally tried this gem:


It paired nicely with this guy:

^Cinn Raisin swirl PB + nanner

And tonight’s dinnah (best eats all weekend):

^Baked then broiled sweet potato topped with 1/2 cup Amy’s Low-fat Black bean chili, diced avocado, salsa, and dollop FF Greek Yogurt. I am making this again ASAP. Such a great post-run dish!

Speaking of run, it was soooooo nice today (even ran in ma tank top!) the entire city of DC seemed to be exercising…either running or rollerblading, cycling, walking, boating, etc! And of course I have some pics from my 15-miler 😉
Active peeps:

^Not sure what this is called but it looks neat!

^Flag football, kickball, soft ball games everywhere

^Beach volleyball. Seeeee Seth, just like LA! ha

Aaaaaand some scenic pics….


Georgetown waterfront:

View from Arlington, VA looking at Lincoln/Washington Monument:

And my shirt of choice:

^I think it sums me up pretty well, don’t ya think???

Well I’m off, considering its past 8pm and I’m still in lab…I better head home.


1. Does living in an active city make you more active??

2. What should I do with my new coconut kefir?

3. What are some food ‘gems’ you wanna share with me??? 😉

Have a great night!!!!

