>Gadgets n gizmos

>Hi everyone. Happy humpidy-hump day. Don’t forget to enter my Giveaway from Wildtree.com. The free gift package is awesome!

 * * * 

 This morning I woke with legit (I need to stop saying that word) the puffiest eyes. Speaking of phrases that need to stop, who watches any of the 50 thousand Kardashian shows? Well I do (ha, no shame). Despite my love for the girls antics and outright redicoulousness, I haaaaate when they say “Bible”.Bible, I just saw the hottest pair of Christian Louboutins” or “Bible, I need to hit the gym like woah“. Yes, you swear on the Bible. But “Bible” does not equal ” I swear”. So let’s not make this a trend. Mmmmm, K?

 OK, back to the puffiness. I needed coffee stat. And not just any cup of joe since I have my new frother..

Seriously though, get one of these. I think I paid $20 for mine on Amazon.

* * * 

And now time to share a few new [kitchen] toys with you. I posted about my recent outlet success at Under Armour and Nike and now time for the reeeeeeeal fun stuff. Yep, big geek over here.

New knife rack. No slots, so fits all shapes/sizes.

Not sure what to call this, a ‘spoon rack’? 
Basically I make a huuuuge mess on the counter when using the same spoon over and over during cooking. Now it has a happy home.

Looks prettier than a big ole bottle of olive oil sitting on the counter, no?
 Olive oil mister! No more spending $5/bottle on PAM spray! Just fill with oil of choice and mist away.

Haaate the way (call me crazy) these Starbucks syrup bottles look. My sister is weening herself off the artificial crap so I figured this might help in the “out of sight, out of mine” category. Eh, it still looks better than before.

* * *

Well I’ve successfully procrastinated all morning day, and neeeeeed to get a workout in before work tonight.

What’s your procrastination workout of choice? Mine is running! No loss in time traveling to the gym. 

Don’t forget to enter my Giveaway! Takes 2 seconds. Bible 😉 

>Countryfest = SUCCESS!

>Hi loves!

I’m backkkk! Countryfest was a BLAST! I really hope we keep up this tradition every year. I had an amazing time..

The weekend started with a nine hour road trip back home to New Hampshire. The pup LOVES the car. Check out the wind in his (fur) face

I enjoyed spending time with the fam, laying out by the pool, and family dinners which included fresh veggies from our GARDEN:

Saturday morning I headed out for an amazing 5-mile trail run. I LOVE running in NH. So peaceful. I made myself a Green Monstah for the road, put on ma Cowgirl boots and we hit the road..

TAILGATING was SO MUCH FUN. The night before I made homemade veggie dip and garlic hummus which I sadly left at home 😦 I did however, make up for it with some other snacks. Namely, Skinny Margaritas:

1 bottle Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila, large splash triple sec (approx 1/8 tequila volume), 30 oz Orange flavored seltzer water, splash OJ, teeny splash fresh lime juice, 4 packets of stevia, Ice.
We had the grill going

Sister-in-law-to-be on da grillll
And plenty of other goodies:

My plate (turkey burg not pictured): Grilled veggies + fresh fruit
We tailgated for 4 hours and loved every second of it. Friends, family, and a Manfriend. I was a happy girl.

Awesome pic. Kels (sister) captured in the middle.

Seth with friends Chris and Nik. He grew a mustache for the event…hahaha.

L to R: Sister, cousin, cousin, ME

L to R: Cousin, ME, sister-in-law-to-be, sister, cousin’s gf

Seth (Manfriend) + Ben (cousin)
We started out in nose-bleed seats then moved waaaay up and somehow found a ground-level row completely open and made that our new home. Twas amazing!

Jason Aldean was my favorite! LOVE him!

And we DANCED. All. night. long.

This year we rented a hotel after the concert which was worth EVERY PENNY! We headed home Sunday and had a nice relaxing day in NH. I spent the day:
– Napping
– Playing with my 4-year-old niece, Morgan
– Making dinner for the family (they requested Sweet Potato & Black Bean Turkey Chili)
Turbofire-ing it up (I did Fire 45. Def my favorite one!)
– Girls’ Wine night! It was True Blood, Entourage, Keeping up with the Kardashian’s night 🙂
After a LONG nine hour drive, I’m back in DC. I woke craving Banana Protein Pancakes:

The rest of the day includes:

Studying for my Nursing Aide exam on Saturday (more specifics to come)
7 mile run in this chiiiilly weather 🙂 Update: I ran a fast (8:02 pace) 9.4 miles! Whooot!
Visiting my bestest at her NEW APARTMENT for some vino and girl time

How was your weekend????

Have a great night!



>Weekend winter wonderland

>Hey y’aaaalll,

Hope you had a fantastic weekend 🙂

Despite the redic amount of snow here in DC, I had a pretty great weekend (like the pic? like the road sharing by pedestrians/cars today?). I did a little bit-o-shopping as I mentioned earlier, but instead of spending the day in lovely Georgetown, I ventured to MD after labski. I made a little dent into the xmas shopping list….but not much, unfortunately. I am always such a procrastinator! Among my favorites (even more than the delish tart fro-yo I had) was this piece of Heaven I stumbled upon……I had no idea these stores exist! Behold one of my loves/obsessions:

Under Armour. No better workout gear. Period. In undergrad I used to run outside all winter long in BOSTON with their Cold Gear line. It’s faboosh.

After the mall, I ventured home for a relaxing TV/wine night because the impending snow storm put a damper on our plans. Although I didn’t “go” anywhere, I greatly appreciated the R&R. The next day we were completely snowed in. I’m not sure the total so far but it’s definitely over a foot! Here’s a pic on my way to Shehla’s last night for a movie night:


Today I woke up and slipped and slided my way to meet Ally for a quick gym sesh then to my new favorite obsession. Ever been to one of these?? They have online ordering, delivery, and pick-up! Love love love.

Whelp, I gotta pick up the apartment and start some experiment planning for tomorrow. Have a great night!!!


PS…Who’s watching KWTK tonight??