>Three F’s and some sun

>Hiii loves,

Sorry it’s been so long! The weather has just been so darn nice! To those that celebrate Easter, did you have a nice one? Easter brunch is the best 🙂

My weekend can pretty much be split up into 4 genres: Friends, food, fitness, and…SUN!


^Mexican and margaritas (DCers, you MUST try this place! So healthy/fresh and outta this world fish tacos!)

^Skinny margarita (tequila, splash triple sec, juice from 5-6 lime wedges)

^Roof deck bars


^DELIVERY (yes, one of the best inventions yet) Sushi! (Salmon sashimi and salmon and avocado roll)

^Edamame and miso soup

^ Salad monster (Romaine, tomato, cucumber, avocado, organic chicken, strawberries, grapes, sunflower seeds, TJ’s Goddess Dressing.

^Another salad monster (Romaine, tomatoes, egg whites, carrots, crasins, TJ’s red pepper hummus (hummus as salad dressing is SO GOOD! Thank you, Kailey!), nutritional yeast, and Mary’s crack.

^Scrambled egg whites/spinach on top of Ezekiel bread

^I CAVED!!! I used to be obsessed with these! Is it healthy? Heck no. Was it delicious? Um…YES. Do I feel guilty? Not at all, I believe in treating myself once in a while.

^Chia oats (oats, chia, nanner, Cinnamon Raisin swirl PB, stevia, vanilla SunWarrior protein, raisins, dash sea salt = current fav combo)

^Chia pudding (chia, h20, unsweetened cacao, agave, dash sea salt. Chilled to “gel” then warmed and topped with vanilla fro-yo). SO GOOD!!!

^Diced Honeycrisp apple with Kashi puffs, Kashi Go Lean, cinnamon, and almond milk

^Quinoa, organic chicken (marinated in soy sauce, balsamic, garlic, and worcheshire), egg whites, peas, corn, green beans, spinach. This is the MANFRIEND’s recipe! 🙂

^Kale chips (Rubbed in pineapple/mango salsa, red chili powder, cumin, pepper, sea salt) Tip: Go light on the spices. A little goes a long way!)

^Baked then broiled sweet potato topped with WF’s Mahi Mahi burger, avocado, kale chips, pineapple/mango salsa. Pretty darn good!! 😉


^Running at night in SHORTS!

^View on bridge looking over Potomac River at Kennedy Center (R) and Washington Monument (center)


^Chillin in a park with the pup

^Sorry if my Casper legs are blinding you! ha

^Kels (sis) and Michael (pup)

Hope you all had a great weekend and start to your week!!!

QUESTION: What’s the first thing you want to do when it’s fiiiiinally warm out?? For me, it’s reading a good book in the sun 😎



>Washington, DC: A runner’s world


Yesterday I set out for a 7.5-miler but ended up doing 10 miles (!)….and it was awesome! I swear I had runner’s high the entire time (or I was just having a blast taking pictures). I took my CrackBerry along to some pics so you can see this gorgeous city. If you ever travel to DC, pack your running shoes. How else can you see all of this in one trip?

Leaving la casa; Downtown Georgetown (M street):

Along the canal:

View from Scott Key bridge (heading to VA) overlooking Potomac River, Kennedy Center, and Washington Monument:

1/2 mile of wooden bridge along Potomac (Rosslyn, VA):

Runners everyyywhere:

My favorite spot in the spring. Flower patches everywhere along the river’s edge (Arlington, VA):

Arlington Memorial Bridge heading back to DC:

Running some stairs in front of Lincoln Memorial:

Top of stairs, facing Potomac:


Facing Washington Monument from Lincoln:

Running along reflecting pool:

En route to Jefferson Memorial:


Headed to Washington Monument:

White House:

Getting a little tired:

Heading home:

Ahhhh, back:

AMAZING. Try bringing your camera on a run sometime, it really makes the time go by and is a lot of fun!
