>Mr. Super-Deep-Heavy-Breathing-Snot-Blowing-Yogi

>Thank youuuuu, Sunday! Thank you for finally arriving. I’ve been waiting on you for several days now. Why so excited, you ask? Because I’m off today!

You’d think I’d be completely exhausted and sleep til 12 (y’allll know me well), but I actually went to bed shortly after getting home from work last night (around 12:30am) and woke refreshed and ready for the day. I haaaaate sleeping in when I work the evening shift (3-11:30pm). I need some “me” time before work, ya know? The alarm buzzed (who am I kidding? It blasted country) and I happily made my way (in robe, duh) to the kitchen for breakfast and caffeination.

Speaking of caffeine, I have some horrible news..

Rest in Peace, dear friend ❤

Good think I have a back-up (reg coffee pot). I seriously sound like an addict, b.t dubs). But more importantly, anyone know what I should do?? I don’t have the box and bought it from BJ’s less than a year ago…Waaah.

In happier news, I enjoyed a Vanilla Almond Protein Cupcake on the deck.

Mix and microwave ~1.5 mins in evoo-sprayed mug
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
1 T egg whites
pinch baking powder
1/2 t chopped almonds
~1/8 t almond extract
pinch baking powder
h20, to moisten
stevia, 1 serving

stevia-sweetened fat-free Greek yogurt
Thanks to this new lil friend. 
Aaaand since my frother is still living, I topped steamed soy + cinnamon over brewed Peet’s coffee (my favorite drip at-home drip coffee).

With a side of sun and pup..

Post-digestion, I made my way (aka jogged) to a 90 min Power Yoga class at The Studio DC. This was my first power yoga class and I really enjoyed. It reminded me of vinyasa flow with an athlete’s touch. Right up my alley, don’t cha think??

My only complaint: Mr. Super-deep-heavy-breather-snot-blower two mats down from me. If I was Anna, I would have freeeeeaked (she was closer than me). Now I know I’m no master yogi – I try to focus on my breathing, even if I feel a little funny/embarrassed. And I get the whole breathing philosophy. Trust me, no judgement here. Sometimes one or two fellow yogi’s breathe louder than the rest of the group (combined) and ya know what, do your thang – I can usually drown you out.

But today was on another level. Mr. Super-deep-heavy-breather-snot-blower only breathed out through his nose (kudos to you), but blew snot all over his face and mat the. entire. time. I tried not to focus on him but I couldn’t help it! He had snot dripping from his nose to the floor. BARF.

Snot blower, I really hope we don’t meet again in another class (or he clears up that cold, STAT) because I really did enjoy the class – the parts that I could actually focus on. Moral of the story? If you’re going to snot everywhere in a heated yoga class with 30+ people crammed into a small room, please do one of the following:

 1) Breathe through your mouth
2) Keep tissues nearby
3) Wear a mask
4) Don’t come to class

I prefer numbers 3 and 4. Just sayin‘.

Moving on…

Post yoga and jog home, I was ravishing! I threw together this particularly colorful protein-packed salad. Salad monsters, you never do me wrong.

cherry tomatoes
black beans
steamed sweet potato 
1:1 mixture of Goddess Dressing and balsamic vinegar

* * *

Alright my friends, I’m off to enjoy my lovely day off…and sip a hearty Green Monster Smoothie. This one is particularly delicious (according to the Manfriend)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (SunWarrior brand)
frozen banana
5-6 frozen strawberries
hand full fresh spinach
almond milk
teeeny but of fresh lime juice (it needed something tart)
stevia, 1 serving
pinch xanthan gum (optional; to thicken)
pinch sea salt

Sooooo…..what shall I do today??? Some ideas I’m throwing around:

– Long run (9ish miles)
– Farmers market
– Pick up laundry (boo)
– “Window” shop around Georgetown
– Cook dinnah (quinoa stuffed peppers?)
– Shameless <–New favorite show!!

Enjoy your Sunday!

>What’s cookin good lookin?

>For today’s post I thought I’d take you on a tour of [what’s in] my kitchen. As I was putting together pictures, I thought about what my kitchen looked like 5 years ago. In my former college kitchen you would find:

– (Preservative loaded) Lean Cuisines and other diet-y frozen dinners
– Huge bag of frozen raw antibiotic-loaded chicken
Frozen pancakes (no idea why I loved these so much)
Fat-free yogurt sweetened with splenda
Diet energy drinks (Tab Energy Drink was my vice. Any else?)
Diet soda (Diet Coke for days and Diet Sprite/Ginger Ale for mixers on weekends)
– Sugar-loaded granola bars 
Fat-free Kraft Singles (how disgusting! Why did I enjoy eating plastic??)
Fat-free/sugar-free  Jell-O and pudding
Deli meats (never opted preservative/filler free versions)
– Lots of ready-made dressings, marinades, toppings
Do you get the picture? If it was”diet” I was all over it (well, except maybe the frozen pancakes, ha). I was never full, suffered from constant headaches, and constantly obsessed about my diet. Since switching to a lifestyle of eating real, whole, and clean foods, my life has dramatically improved in the following ways:
1) Bye-bye migraines (went from 1-2 per week to maaaybe 1 every other month)
2) Feel full, for much longer
3) No longer obsessing over diet foods
4) Huge energy boost
5) Ironically, when I stopped “dieting” I got into the best shape of my life
So here’s a look in my current kitchen. Keep in mind, this is not all my food (I have roomies). Y’all know I have a cheese allergy. I might dream I could divulge in the smoked Gouda deliciousness you will see, but sadly that is not the case.

A lot of my lunches and dinners are eaten at work. I love doctoring up healthy soups and sauces

Protein bars, natural condiments (dressings, ketchup) quinoa, oyster crackers (love these!), brownie mix 

 [Some of] my spices. Definitely needs some organization.

Oatmeal and smoothie mix-ins. I keep this eye-level cabinet stocked with items I regularly use (raw honey, almond oil, apple cider vinegar, mesquite, maca powder, spirulina, oats, nutritional yeast).

Baking essentials. Newest favorites: Coconut flour and flaxseed meal.


Top shelf
Low-fat cottage cheese
white wine
PB (can you guess which are mine?)
Fruit (strawberries and golden(!) raspberries)
Off-limits cheese (dang belly)

Deli stuff
Deli turkey (think we know who that’s for)
light shredded cheese
Light Laughing Cow cheese

Whole grain bread
vegetables (tomatoes, kale, peppers, zucchini)
lean ground turkey breast
OJ varieties (Mafriend is obsessed)
Soy (or almond milk), for me
1% milk, for them 
Greek yogurt
egg whites

Fruit/Veg draws

butternut squash
brussel sprouts
more peppers


Frozen veggies
lean turkey burgers
Tip: We organize opened bags of frozen veggies in large freezer bags. Convenient for throwing into soups, egg scrambles, stirfryes when crunched for time
Bread and bananas
I don’t eat bread every day so keep mine in the freezer. I also always have a large bin of peeled bananas for easy usage in smoothies, oatmeal, etc.

Frozen shrimp
organic free-range chicken
Meatless meatballs (Quorn, soy)
Fruit shelf

Super convenient for smoothies, oats, protein pancake mix-ins, or late-night snacking
Top of fridge
We keep a big clear bowl of unrefrigerated veggies handy for easy viewing. Tip: If you can see your produce you’re more likely to use it!

And quite possibly my favorite part…

Krups + Keurig

 Coffee varieties
caramel syrup (for ma sistah, I hate the stuff)
Truvia packets 

Not pictured
Protein Powders (SunWarrior!)
Cooking oils and vinegars

* * *

How has your kitchen changed over the years?

What’s most random item you have in yours?

>Be a real [hu]man


Today is World AIDS day. Have YOU been tested?

It’s YOUR responsibility to know. source

I’ve seen this poster around downtown DC and I love it. But I think it should say men and women!
Today we remember the millions of lives that have been lost. To read about what you can do, click here.


Well it’s a monsoon here in Washington, DC. I’m off today and enjoying sipping coffee, listening to the storm, and relaxing with the pup. No need to get up and ready on a day like this right??

Coffee + almond milk compliments of Sir Keurig

Breakfast was great. I wasn’t starving so I whipped up this little beauty.
1/2 cup FF Greek yogurt + 1/4 cup organic pumpkin
(+ cinnamon, nutmeg, stevia, and some graham cracker topping)


A little rewind…

A few people have asked me what meals I like on the fly. You can read about some of my favorite breakfasts here. My genius sister came up with a brilliant idea…

Turn Gina’s Breakfast Cookie into a Breakfast Cookie Monster for the whole week!

Breakfast cookie X 6 servings!
Per breakfast cookie (1 serving):
1/3 cup oats
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 mashed banana
1T nut butter
1/8 cup milk
stevia (1 serving)
pinch sea salt
Combine, mix, and spread evenly on plate (or large baking pan for multiple servings)
Chill in fridge overnight


Other recent meals on the run have been prepared the night before as well:

Fresh salads
Spinach, diced tofu, cherry tomatoes, grapes, cukes, edemame, cilantro, topped with my favorite dressing: 1:1 mixture of Goddess Dressing and Balsamic Vinegar

Less exciting but nonetheless quick and healthy..

Spiced up organic canned soup! Here I added basil, garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne to Trader Joe’s Organic Split Pea Soup.

With a little more time here is an oldie (for me) but a goodie! My favorite healthy comfort food! If you like mac n’ cheese this one is for you..

Cheesy Oats

1/2 cup cooked oats
1/3 cup scrambled egg whites
1/3 cup frozen spinach (thawed and warmed)
3 T *nutritional yeast
1 Laughing Cow cheese wedge (Light, Swiss flavor)
1 T Greek yogurt (optional, makes mixture extra creamy)
S&P to taste
pinch cayenne
drizzle with hot sauce (optional)

Protein packed and delicious!
Did you know nutritional yeast has a natural cheesey flavor and contains a complete spectrum of all essential amino acids, is a great source of B vitamins, and is protein packed??
I top it over popcorn or add it to anything (especially sauces) that I want to taste cheeeeesy.
Other snacks I’ve enjoyed recently….

Starbucks Reduced-fat cake. A great snack to share over coffee and a good convo.

All natural graham crackers, peanut butter, diced banana

On the workout front, I really can’t run more than 3-4 miles due to my hip injury so I’ve been trying to mix things up a bit. I’ve been doing my usual spinning and Bikram yoga classes but have started doing more boot-camp classes. And I’m loving the results! Liz told me about a great outdoor bootcamp in my area so I’m planning to give it a try soon.

What are your favorite bootcamp or circuit training workouts?

How do you mix up your workouts when you’re bored with the same routine?

>Well that was a bust

>Happy Tuesday! Yesterday I had the day off and it was glorious. I woke to yet another bowl of Blueberry Muffin Oats (I can’t get enough! Side note: 1/4 cup Greek yogurt stirred into oatmeal is fantastic).

I caught up on the news with a good friend..

Sir Keurig. How I love you ❤

Oh, and I have another love around me. My sister (his primary owner, even though I like to claim he’s all mine) is in NYC for a few days so I have this little man all to myself:
Michael gazing at the TV
It’s been a while (err 2.5 weeks) since I took a BodyPump class and so I finally returned and it felt good! After class I had time to kill and some more energy so I decided to take a 45 min cardio kickbox class.
However, something happened that had never happened before: The class was terrible and I left 10 mins. The instructor had no microphone, terrible/scratchy music, and a horribly choreographed routine. I’m not one to complain about classes, but this one was just terrible. So during a water break I inconspicuously slipped out the door and spent my time in the steam room/sauna instead 🙂
*Have you ever walked out of a class???*
For lunch I made a fall favorite

Boiled then broiled sweet potato topped with 1/2 cup Trader Joe’s Turkey chili (I mixed in black beans, salsa, chili powder, and cumin) plus a dollop of Greek yogurt
And in a few hours followed up with a Chocolate Protein Cupcake inspired by Julie’s recipe:

In a bowl, whisk:
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (In my opinion, SunWarrior is by far the best)
1 T egg whites
1/4 t baking powder
stevia, 1-2 servings
1 T Greek yogurt
*Optional: nuts, dark choc chips

Spoon into a microwave-safe mug sprayed with cooking spray
Microwave ~ 1 min 20 seconds

In a separate bowl, whisk:
2 T Greek Yogurt
stevia, 1 serving
1 T peanut flour (or 1 T PB/almond butter)
Top with raw cacao nibs
*Note: SunWarrior is the BEST protein I’ve ever tried. It’s absolutely 100% worth the investment. I believe it runs for $46 for 47 servings (<$1/serving isn't bad!). Chocolate and vanilla are my favorite flavors.
And check out the nutritional stats:
I spent the evening playing with the pup at the dog park, reading, and whipping up an Indian-inspired dinner.

Using my favorite curry simmer sauce to start:

Pre-heat oven to 425F
Line baking pan with tinfoil and lightly coat with cooking spray

In a large bowl, combine and gently mix:
1/2 eggplant, chopped
1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
Broccoli spears, fresh
Brussel sprouts, steamed
Cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup curry simmer sauce
Turmeric, coriander, garlic powder, curry powder (pinch each)
dash sea salt, black pepper

~30 mins, mixing 1-2 times throughout until veggies are roasted
And viola!

I also roasted some additional veggies for tomorrow’s dinner since I’m working 3-11pm.

Steamed, sliced Brussel sprouts then broiled for ~5 mins. Seasoned with EVOO spray, sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, drizzle balsamic vinegar.

And more veggies for later!

Roasted acorn squash, brussel sprouts, cherry tomatoes, and tofu (not pictured) seasoned with organic maple syrup (squash) and EVOO, sea salt, pepper, garlic powder (brussels, tomatoes, tofu)


Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!

Fitness tip of the day: Next time you’re lifting weights, focus 100% of your mental energy solely on that muscle group. Picture that muscle, and only that muscle feeling “the burn”. This great tip can increase your productivity/results drastically considering muscle wear/tear yeilds increased muscle tone. Give it a try!

Don’t forget to enter my Whole Foods $30 Gift Certificate Giveaway! If you can’t think of a name, just link the giveaway to tomorrow’s blog post/tweet/Facebook post (let me know you did) and each will count as a separate entry! You have until Tuesday (16th) evening!

>Help me help you [eat]

>I woke craving a huge thick bowl of oats – aaagain. Guess I’m on quite the oatmeal kick. I blame it on the weather.

This morning I imagined the flavor of a blueberry muffin. Behold the thickest most creamy oats I ever did have:

Night before, combine:
1/3 cup oats
3 T egg whites
Stevia (2 servings)
1/4 t apple pie spice
dash sea salt (to bring out sweetness)
Next morning:
Microwave ~3 mins or until oats rise/boil
Add 1/4 cup fresh blueberries, 1 thawed banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt

*Tip: Peel bananas then freeze them in freezer bags or Tupperware. They’ll last for months!

The blueberry oats paired nicely with this goblet

Coffee (a la Keurig) + organic soy milk


1) Are you in the market for a Whole Foods gift card? ($30 value)
2) Great, cause I’m in the market for a new blog name!

This is where I need your creative help. I love Biochemista.com but want a name that reflects more than just my career. Please help me think of a new one! It can incorporate Biochemista into the new name but doesn’t have to. If you can’t think of a name just link the giveaway in your next blog/twitter/facebook post (leave a comment to tell me you did) and that will count as an entry.

Some words/phrases/ideas to consider:
well being
Washington, DC

Each suggestion counts for a separate entry so keep the names coming! I will close the giveaway on Tuesday, November 16th!

Good luck and thank you!!!

>They sandwich master

>Good evening! I hope you’re all enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I sure am!

Last night I met my old roomie for happy hour at Farmers and Fishers at the Georgetown Waterfront. If you are in the DC area and craving a margarita, you must stop by.

Silver tequila, cointreau, fresh lime juice, and organic agave nectar. 

Perfection? I think so.

Then I wandered to meet a friend at a housewarming rooftop party – so much fun!


This morning err afternoon, I woke and made His & Her smoothies.

HIS was extra packed with vitamins because the Manfriend isn’t feeling so great:

Vanilla whey protein, frozen banana, 1 cup frozen berries, fresh spinach, almond butter, honey, OJ, ice.

*I added honey to soothe his aching throat, and almond butter (as a source of fat) to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins


Extra thick. I like mine almost like FroYo.

1 scoop vanilla SunWarrior, frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen fruit, fresh spinach, tsp almond butter, stevia, xanthan gum (to thicken), dash sea salt, H20

HIS was accompanied with a glass of OJ
While HERS came with the perfect cup of coffee, a la Keurig:

For lunch, I was craving a childhood favorite: A turkey sandwich.
Why was I craving this, you might ask? Perhaps the fact that my sister eats one almost every single day, might have something to do with it!

Behold, a conversation with the Turkey Sandwich Master…

Me + Kelsey (sister)
ME: Kelsey, how many turkey sandwiches do you consume per week?

KELS: Umm, maybe 4-5. It’s better than college though..

ME: Lately what type of bread do you use?

KELS: Flat bread. You know, those bagel thins.

ME: Toasted?

KELS: Nope.

ME: Please describe the perfect turkey sandwich.

KELS: Funny you ask, I feel like I have developed the most ideal, perfect, and delicious turkey I’ve had in my entire life. It’s simple and to the point. On one side of the flat bread, smear one wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese. On the other side, put a layer of light mayonnaise. Next, place shredded turkey on the cheese side. Put the top side on, and smush it down with your hand to create the idea turkey sandwich consistency.

ME: Do you ever get sick of turkey and perhaps want something else, like tuna or ham?

KELS: Nope. I sometimes eat it for breakfast too.

Whelp, there ya go!

Kelsey nicely sent me a picture of her latest creation:

And here’s my version of perfection:

My players:
Whole grain bread, toasted
All natural deli turkey
Light Laughing Cow cheese
Organic low-fat mayo

The sandwich paired nicely with an organic fuji apple + peanut butter


Well I’m off to do a little yoga, make dinner, then get ready for tomorrow’s 26.2K (16.3 mile) race! I’m VERY nervous!!!!

Stay tuned for an amazing guest post from Tina! She wrote a beautiful letter for the Letters to Me campaign.

What’s your favorite sandwich?
If you’re a coffee drinker, what’s your perfect cup of Joe?

>TGIF and Bedding Giveaway!

>Happy Friday! Have anything fun planned for the weekend? I’m meeting up with some friends tonight for a little vino. I’ve been promising myself an expensive glass of Shiraz if I do well in the productivity department 🙂 Then Sunday is my Half Marathon!

Last night after work, I went for a 4-mile run around the Potomac River, stretched a lot, then Kelsey (sister) and I ordered sushi. Delivery sushi has to be one of the best discoveries I’ve made.

I went with the salmon-avocado roll

Seaweed salad

And split some steamed veggie dumplings

This morning I woke with an excruciating migraine. Sadly I had to postpone a coffee date with Alex (we’re going this weekend instead). I rested for a while, took ibuprofen, then went to a BodyPump class to shake the pain. Although all I want to do is lay in bed when a migraine hits, exercise 95% of the time makes me feel better. I attribute it to the increased oxygen to the brain!
Feeling much better, I made coffee and a protein smoothie to enjoy on the deck in the (California-like) beautiful weather:
Today’s coffee a la Keurig was Caribou + warmed almond milk:
Raspberry-Chocolate Green Smoothie:

Scoop chocolate protein powder (SunWarrior is my fav)
1/3 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 frozen banana
Fresh spinach (hand full)
stevia (to taste)
Pinch sea salt (to bring out sweetness)
1/2 tsp xanthan gum (t0 thicken; optional)
1/2 tsp maca powder (optional; source of vitamin C, also for energy)
1 tsp PB (to promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins)

I absolutely love our deck. It spans the width of our apartment and looks up to a canopy of trees providing some shade but also let’s in the perfect amount of sunshine.

The pup also enjoys it…

Watching the neighbors’ dogs

Happily chewing on a leaf

I really believe mornings that start out right set the pace for a productive and enjoyable day. For me this includes, waking up early to exercise and enjoying a healthy/substantial breakfast either on the deck or reading the news.
Do you agree?? How do you start your day?
Well I’m off to grocery shop, run some errands, and do a little bit of reading before meeting up with friends. Have a great weekend!
*To those that asked about PB Flour, read here 🙂
It’s GIVEAWAY time!!!!!!

Do you want to update your bedroom decor?? Looking for new bedding? The lovely people at allmodern.com have offered an amazing modern bedding giveaway to my readers! All you must do is:

1) Visit the site and tell me what you would do with a $35 gift certificate
2) Link this post to your next blog post and leave me comment and link to your site (if you don’t have a blog just leave me a comment saying so)
3) Add me to your Blogroll, leave me a comment letting me know you did

Enter as many ways as you like and it will increase your chances of winning!

Good luck!!!! I’ll announce the winner Tuesday evening!

>Quickie but a goodie..

>Hi folks! This is gonna be a quick one because I’ve gotta get back to Studyland! I hope you’re having a fantastic day 🙂

I woke this morning eyes wide SHUT, and walked straight to Sir Keurig. When I was home in NH we hit up a local coffee shop where they sell Keurig cups very cheap…Think we have enough????
It paired nicely with my Chocolate-Covered Strawberry and Flax Green Monstah (that’s a mouthful…no pun intended. Corny, yes?)

1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder (I use SunWarrior), ~5 frozen strawberries, hand full frozen spinach, 1 tsp flax seeds, pinch xanthan gum (to thicken), stevia, dash sea salt, ice, H20

[Insert 2.5 hours deep into Studytown]
Needing quite the break I thew on my running shoes and hit the pavement. I did a nice 5-miler around the Potomac River. Actually, I was sweltering HOT and it was mostly uphill but I did feel pretty fantastic afterwards 🙂
For lunch I threw together what I could find. We need groceries BADLY!
2 Morningstar Pizza Burgers topped with warmed marinara sauce + nutritional yeast (gives it a cheeeeesy flavor), carrots n’ PB, sliced cukes w/ TJs FF Balsamic Vinegar
Still a little hungry I had a small cup of last night’s Indian feast…
Tofu, spinach, veggies, lentils, TJ’s Curry Simmer Sauce, pinch turmeric, pinch coriander (last night I ate it with garlic naan but failed to take a pic cause it hit my stomach too fast)
Alright I’m about ready to hit the books….
I leave you with some pics from 4th of July (Manfriend is sloooow uploading) and Countryfest.
Have a great night!!!!

Ferry ride to Provincetown (P-Town), MA (look relaxed, do I???)

Playing with Seth’s niece Portia on the beach in Plymouth, MA

Countryfest. Not sure what the ‘tude is for..


Group pic. Check out the Manfriend’s sick stache. hahaha...

>Top of the mornin’ to ya!

>What gets you up in the morning? 90% of the time it’s my growling stomach , but the other 10% of the time, it’s snooze city. Lately however, with the purchase (well gift, thanks mama!) of Sir Keurig, waking up is quite a bit easier.

Frothy, quick, and just as delicious every time. You can count on it
*And (!!!) they now sell great brands like my favorite, Caribou Coffee!

Yes that’s an espresso/coffee machine on the right. I sometimes use it on weekends when I have more time, but lately I’m obsessed with the guy on the left.

And your favorite mug makes all the difference..

This one screams “Wake up and get your day started, woman!”

Breakfast this morning also helped me get going…

Mango-Coconut overnight oats: 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup coconut kefir, 1 tbsp unsweetened red. fat coconut, 1 cup frozen mango, stevia. So filling, so tropical.
The day was pretty uneventful. I did the study thing and the workout thing. As I previously mentioned I’ve been splitting my workouts in two, to give myself more mental breaks from studying throughout the day.
Workout #1: Jog to gym (1 mi) + 45 min spinning class. Spinning was great. ❤

Lunch followed shortly after, and I wanted PROTEIN. Problem was, I was lazy. So veggie burger(s) it was..

2 Morningstar Black Bean Burgers

*Tip: Microwave to defrost then toast ’em. So much better!

Burgs served with tomato, chipolte salsa, chopped onion, cilantro on toasted whole grain

Easy peesy and satisfying.
More and more and more studying…interrupted with playing with the pup, I headed back to the gym for Workout #2: Weights. I was feeling a little spastic to be lifting on my own so I took a Total Body Lifting class. It did the trick and went home to tackle some more thesis work.
For dinner, Kels (sister) and I ordered Organic Chinese Food. Yes, you heard me right – Organic Chinese! And it was delivery!

Steamed scallop, shrimp, veggies w/ a light white sauce on side

(We also spilt edamame and a salmon/avocado roll)
And to top off the night? I’m sipping some Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon and watching Extreme Movie. See it? It’s kinda funny. Think Superbad humor 😉
G’night peeps. Have a wonderful Thursday! And those of you attending the Healthy Living Summit – have a blast!!!
Question: Do you order delivery/take-out? Which do you order most often?

>Energy please!!!

>Today I woke (after 9 peaceful hours) completely exhausted. I had a ka-trillion things on my to-do list but I literally felt like I had blocks tied to my feet and everything was moving in slow motion. I swear I could have slept 5 more hours.

To get myself going I happily ate a scrumptious breakfast cookie I prepared the night before:

1/3 cup oats, 1/2 scoop Vanilla Whey (Designer Whey brand), 1/2 banana, 1/8 cup soy milk, stevia, cinnamon, dash sea salt, dried cranberries
And a couple of these from my new darling Keurig:

Coffee, steamed soy + cinnamon
After catching up on the news and thesis-ing for a while I decided a quick workout would wake me up.
I did the TurboFire 30 min workout (Fire 30) and it DEFINITELY did the trick! It’s crazy how we sometimes claim tiredness is an excuse not to exercise when it makes you SO MUCH more AWAKE!
For lunch I had a variety of things through out the day because I was feeling snacky. And studying makes me extra snacky.

Green Monster Smoothie:

Vanilla Whey protein, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, handful fresh spinach, stevia, pinch xanthan gum, ice, H20
Cinnamon Raisin PB Oats:

1/3 cup oats, cinnamon, stevia, raisins, better n’ pb, dash sea salt. Soak oats in h20 over night. Microwave. Then add remaining ingredients.
Chilled diced apple:
Organic Fuji apple topped w/ mesquite and maca powder, Better N’ PB for dippin’
After more reading/studying/thesis-ing than my eyes could take, I was itching to get out for a short run since today was the first day in a LONG time it was not ridiculously humid. I set out for a 3 miler but ended up doing 5 miles (at 7:55 pace!). Guess my breakfast and lunch of carbs did the trick!
For dinner I made a gigantic spinach salad (not pictured) and an open faced egg salad sandwich:

3 egg whites, 2 yolks, tbsp light mayo, dash sea salt, pepper, paprika over a toasted bagel thin (looks like popcorn, no?)

Still hunnnngry I whipped up this deliciousness:

PB Chocolate yogurt: 3/4 cup FF Greek yogurt, organic cacao, stevia, Better N’ Butter, fresh strawberries
OK, time to spend time with the Manfriend.

We both clearly need to get off our laptops as its almost 1:15am!

G’NIGHT!!!! Have a wonderful Tuesday!